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Name: _______________________________________________________

Determine whether the following sentences have proper structure or not.

1. The waitress served me a plate of gray chicken sauced with lumpy gravy.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

2. She was delighted when Mr. Timothy returned her test with an ear-to-ear grin.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

3. Scrubbing the tile with bleach and an old toothbrush, the janitor noticed that the stains

began to fade.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

4. Gabriel watched Desmond stuff his mouth with a cupcake frosted with vanilla icing.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

5. Perched on the curtain rod, the parrot watched the cat slink behind the sofa.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

6. At some schools, fighting can result in suspension or even expulsion.

a. Correct

b. Wrong
7. Tapping the pencil on the desk, the causes of the Civil War would not come to mind.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

8. Slathering the popcorn with melted butter, the calorie count skyrocketed.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

9. Sinking under the waves, John’s legs finally kicked him to the surface where he gulped a

much needed breath of air.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

10. Hungry for dinner, the surface is where the goldfish waited in anticipation of food flakes.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

11. After the rainstorm, James walked his dog on a sidewalk covered in wet leaves.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

12. Lying under the dining room table, the dog waited for bites of roast beef that Rosie

sneaked off her plate.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

13. Nadine made the mistake of walking her dog in high heels.

a. Correct

b. Wrong
14. Drooling in anticipation of the treat, Rex waited for Sylvia to reward him with a dog


a. Correct

b. Wrong

15. Digging fingernails into his palms, Jerry's speech caused sweatiness and nervousness.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

16. Sipping slowly at the diner counter, the hot soup was enjoyed by Timothy.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

17. The repairman fixed the kitchen faucet, which leaked in a wasteful manner.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

18. Starving but broke, Rhonda called Aunt Martha, whose generous nature and well-stocked

cupboards would provide Rhonda with enough food until payday.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

19. Eric's foot indicated his nervousness during the interview, which jiggled wildly.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

20. Sneezing from the high pollen count, a clean handkerchief would come in handy.

a. Correct

b. Wrong

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