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FTSO price provider

Providing prices to the Flare time series oracle for fun and for profit

On chain FTSO prices will be updated every few minutes. Any user (address) can provide
prices (data) by reading prices from any chosen source and submitting them to a dedicated
API on the ftso contract. Any FLR holder can participate by delegating their vote power (1:1
based on flare balance) to another address (price provider) that submits prices. Good price
feeds will be rewarded with part of the FLR inflation, in the form of FLR tokens on the Flare
network. An address must have some minimum vote power in order to submit prices.

FTSO overview
The FTSO or ‘Flare Time Series Oracle’ is a service to gather price (and data) signals of
off-chain assets for consumption by other smart contracts on the Flare blockchain. The
system is designed to encourage FLR holders to submit accurate prices to the FTSO
contracts. Prices will be submitted in price epochs of a few minutes. For every price epoch, a
weighted median algorithm will aggregate all price submissions to find the median price,
which will become the current FTSO price. Good price submissions will be rewarded with
newly minted FLR tokens (FLR inflation).
Price submissions are considered good if they are within the interquartile range (within 25%
of either side) of the submissions around the weighted median price. The rewards will be
distributed between good submissions according to the relative weight (balance / vote
power) of each address.
An FTSO contract will be deployed for any new data signal supported by the Flare network,
as determined by governance. The Flare Foundation currently plans to deploy contracts that
will provide USD prices of FLR, XRP, LTC, XLM, DOGE, ADA, Algo, BCH, Digi and more to
More detail about the FTSO can be found here:

Introducing WFLR - a vote power token

The WFLR token represents wrapped FLR. Any user can wrap their FLR by sending FLR to
the WFLR contract via the deposit API. WFLR can then be converted back to FLR by calling
a withdrawal transaction on the WFLR contract. FLR and WFLR will always have a 1:1 ratio.

WFLR must be used in the price submission process. It is an ERC20 token that also
supports vote power delegation from one address to another. Meaning, any WFLR holder
can delegate their vote power to any other addresses. FLR depositors always maintain
custody of their WFLR. When delegating vote power, WFLR holders retain full custody
over their WFLR.
Note that although WFLR and FLR always have the same value, they differ in usage. Only
FLR can be used to pay for flare network transactions (gas), while only WFLR can be used
to represent and delegate vote power in price submissions.

Who can submit prices

Any account (Flare address) submitting prices will require a minimum amount of WFLR
voting power, vote power must be some minimal percentage of the total WFLR supply. In
essence, WFLR vote power reflects any given account’s balance, plus the vote power
delegated by any other account. Use getpriceepochdata() (below), to query minimal required
vote power.
Price providers must have WFLR voting power and/or FAsset (flare XRP, flare LTC, etc.)
voting power. However, only WFLR holders will receive FLR rewards for good price

How does this work?

A WFLR holder can delegate vote power by percentage to a limited number of addresses,
currently 3. The actual delegated vote power will be updated upon each token transfer.

Alice has 10 FLR, she has no vote power delegated to her.
Alice wraps her 10 FLR by calling WFLR.deposit(), thus she now has vote power of 10.
Bob has 30 WFLR so he has vote power of 30.
Bob decides to delegate 50% of his vote power to Alice. Now Alice has vote power of 25 and
Bob has vote power of 15.
Bob receives 20 more WFLRtokens, so now Alice has vote power of 35 and Bob has vote
power of 25.
Notice how when a delegator receives additional WFLR, the contract automatically updates
vote power for all relevant delegatees according to their delegation percentage. It is
important to note that although Bob has delegated 50% of his vote power to Alice, he still
retains his 30 WFLR.

Note that for the Beta run of FTSOs, any address holding WFLR can submit prices However,
there will be minimum thresholds of vote power required to submit prices at mainnet launch.

How to submit prices

Price epochs follow the commit and reveal scheme. The commit period is the price epoch
period (few minutes long) immediately followed by x minutes of the reveal period. More on
this scheme can be found here. This scheme is designed to stop individuals from submitting
prices based on others’ price proposals. Within the commit period, all submissions are
secret. After the commit period passes, individuals will no longer be able to change their
submissions. During the reveal period, individuals must mandatorily reveal their prices to be
considered by the FTSO. At this point, changes can not be made, and prices become public
Together with price data, any price provider must add a random number to their price
submissions. This helps seed the source of randomness on the Flare chain for FTSO
operations that require randomization.

Submit price hash

function submitPriceHash(bytes32 _hash) external;

The _hash should be keccak256(price, random)

Reveal price
function revealPrice(uint256 _epochId, uint256 _price, uint256
_random) external;

Epoch ID should match the epoch in which the hash was submitted. For keeping track of
epoch IDs, see the next section.
Price and random should be the same ones that were used to create the hash in the relevant
price epoch period. If they don’t match, the transaction will be reverted and the committed
price will not be included in the price determination algorithm.
As soon as the reveal period ends, the weighted median algorithm will process all revealed
prices, and publish the median as the current price of the asset.

Price submitter contract

A Price submitter contract will enable each provider to send the above Txs batched together.
One Tx can be used to sbumitPrice to all FTSO contracts and later to revealPrice in all
FTSO contracts
function submitPriceHashes(
IIFtso[] memory _ftsos,
bytes32[] memory _hashes
) external;

function revealPrices(
uint256 _epochId,
IIFtso[] memory _ftsos,
uint256[] memory _prices,
uint256[] memory _randoms
) external;
With batched transactions the price provider sends a list of FTSO addresses and the
relevant data according to the operation type (submit or reveal). One can use this contract to
interact with all FTSOs or a parietal list.

Price submission timing

The price provider should maintain accurate timing synchronization with the on-chain
timestamp value. Note, both high and low on-chain activity as well as high API node activity
will affect the accuracy of the queried timestamp. It is advisable to run a flare node (more
instructions to be made public) that is dedicated for price provider activity and event polling.
When using a public API node to interact with the Flare network, one should expect lower
The time frame for an epoch can be taken from:
function getPriceEpochData() external view returns (

uint256 _epochId,
uint256 _epochSubmitEndTime,
uint256 _epochRevealEndTime,
uint256 _votePowerBlock,
uint256 _minVotePowerFlr,
uint256 _minVotePowerAsset,
bool _fallbackMode

● All time values are using timestamp from the unix epoch.
● When in fallback mode, the FTSO takes price values from a trusted list of addresses
(chain link style).

Price submission vote power

Each price epoch has a specific vote power block which is used as a snapshot to find vote
power of each address. The above function - getPriceEpochData() - can be used to
determine the vote power block of each price epoch. Each provider should check their own
vote power at the block and make sure they have enough vote power to submit prices. The
same vote power block will be used in a series of price epochs. More on this will be
described in a separate blog post. WFLR vote power can be determined using API
WFLR.votePowerOfAt(address, block). Later when the fAsset system goes live, the same
API will be used for the fAsset tokens to query the vote power of an address.

Price submission event
event PriceHashSubmitted(
address indexed submitter, uint256 indexed epochId, bytes32
hash, uint256 timestamp
A submitter can listen for this event to know which epoch ID the price was submitted for.

Price reveal event

event PriceRevealed(
address indexed voter, uint256 indexed epochId, uint256
price, uint256 random, uint256 timestamp,
uint256 votePowerFlr, uint256 votePowerAsset
The event will be emitted only if the price reveal was accepted, meaning the submitting
address holds enough vote power (in either WFLR or FAsset) and that the hash of the
submitted data matches the committed hash.

Events pxrice Epoch init + finalize

event PriceFinalized(
uint256 indexed epochId, uint256 price, bool rewardedFtso,
uint256 lowRewardPrice, uint256 highRewardPrice,
PriceFinalizationType finalizationType,
uint256 timestamp

event PriceEpochInitializedOnFtso(
uint256 indexed epochId, uint256 endTime, uint256 timestamp

General recommendations for system design

Congested API nodes can cause delays in events, revert messages, or lead to any other
web3 exception. The same holds for any data query. That being said, it is not advisable to
rely on the timing of events: PriceSubmitted, PriceRevealed etc.
Due to the above, it is advised that price providers:
- Maintain internal timing mechanisms for sending TXs at correct times
- Maintain internal nonce count.
- Do not send PriceReveal and PriceSubmit calls near the end of the allowed time
frame. Congested networks can cause price reveals to confirm after the reveal period
ends even if the transaction was initiated within the reveal period.
Price provider pseudocode
const BobAddress;
const providerAddress; // price provider address
// below values should be obtained from deployment json file
const wFlr;
const xrpFtso;
const priceEpochDurationSec;
// FTSO address list should be loaded from a json that will be published
const FTSOAddressList {XRP_FTSO_Address, LTC_FTSO_Address,
// preliminary steps of wrapping flare and delegating vote power.
// these steps will usually be done in a different scope
// Bob wrapps 100 FLR
wFlr.deposit(){from: BobAddress, amount: 100};
// Bob delegates 100% of his vote power to a price provider
wFlr.delegate(providerAddress, percentToBips(100)){from: BobAddress};
// price provider steps
main() {
while (true) {

let providerVotePower;
let validFtsoAddressList[];
let ftsoPriceHashes[];
let ftsoPrices[];
let ftsoRandoms[];

for (uint i = 0; i < FTSOAddressList.length; i++) {

address ftso = FTSOAddressList[i];

} = ftso.getPriceEpochData();

// note price epochs have fixed time frames

// note vote power block for each price epoch is shared between
all FTSOs
if(providerVotePower == 0) providerVotePower =
wFlr.votePowerOfAt(providerAddress, votePowerBlock))

if (isFallBackMode || providerVotePower <

lowFlrVotePowerThreshold) {
// not enough VP to post to this FTSO. go to next


// create a new random


// read token symbol

let symbol = symbolftso.symbol();

// read price from any chosen price source provider wishes to


uint currentFtso = ftsoPrices.length - 1;

// create hash of above values and submit
ftsoPriceHashes[currentFtso] = solidityKeccak256(
["uint256", "uint256"],
[ftsoPrices[currentFtso], ftsoRandoms[currentFtso]]

// submit hashes in batch

if (validFtsoAddressList > 0) {

// wait for this commit period to end


// send reveal batch

if (validFtsoAddressList > 0) {

function percentToBips(percent) {
return percent * 100;
function wait(waitUntil) {
while(now() < waitUntil) {
// sleep 1 second

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