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archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574

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Ascorbic acid and its pro-oxidant activity as a therapy for

tumours of oral cavity – A systematic review

Manisha Chandini Putchala *, Pratibha Ramani, Herald J. Sherlin, Priya Premkumar,

Anuja Natesan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, India

article info abstract

Article history: Background: Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C is a potent dietary antioxidant with a double faced
Accepted 30 January 2013 character, in that it exhibits a pro-oxidant activity arising from its routine antioxidant
property that generates reactive free radicals, which induce cytotoxic effects at pharmaco-
Keywords: logic concentrations. A systematic review of this effect of ascorbic acid in the oral tumours
Ascorbic acid and normal oral tissues would clearly elucidate the merits or demerits of employing vitamin
Pro-oxidant activity C in treating the same.
Treatment Objective: The aim of our systematic review is to critically review the studies reported in
Oral neoplasms literature that have studied the pro-oxidant activity of ascorbic acid as a therapeutic option
for treatment of oral neoplasms and its effects on normal oral cells.
Methods: Articles were searched in PUBMED, MEDLINE using appropriate key words like
‘‘ascorbic acid’’, ‘‘pro-oxidant activity’’, ‘‘treatment’’, ‘‘oral neoplasms’’. Hand search of
Journals was also performed. Articles were reviewed and analysed.
Results: The search strategy included 17 potentially relevant articles for review of which, 12
were in vitro studies; 3 were in vivo animal studies; 1 was in vivo human study and 1 was ex
vivo human study. The optimum concentration of ascorbic acid used to produce potential
pro-oxidant associated cytotoxic effects was found to be 3–5 mM in vitro, 0.88–5 mM in vivo
animals, 0.5–2 mM ex vivo in humans, and the corresponding effects are induction of
apoptosis (caspase activation), necrosis, free radical formation, H2O2 generation, and
DNA fragmentation. In contrast, the same pro-oxidant concentrations had no effect on
the normal cells.
Conclusion: The results of our systematic review show that the pro-oxidant activity of
pharmacologic ascorbic acid is a part of its dose-dependent bimodal activity and is a result
of the proposed Fenton mechanism. In vitro, animal and ex vivo studies of pharmacologic
ascorbic acid (AA) have yielded meritorious results proving vitamin C as an effective
cytotoxic agent against oral neoplastic cells with potentially no harming effects on normal
cells. However, a shortage of clinical trials and in vivo human studies pertaining to
evaluation of anti-tumour activity of vitamin C in tumours of oral cavity remains a lacuna
in concluding ascorbic acid as a beneficial therapeutic option in treatment of oral neo-
# 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9790957986.

E-mail addresses:, (M.C. Putchala).
0003–9969/$ – see front matter # 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
564 archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574


1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
1.1. Antioxidant ascorbic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
1.2. Pro-oxidant ascorbic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
1.3. Review of literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
2. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
2.1. Search strategy for identification of studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
2.2. Search methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
2.3. Selection criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
2.4. Data extraction and analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
2.5. Outcomes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
3.1. Included studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
4.1. Outcomes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
5.1. Implications for practice and research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
5.2. Limitations of the review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572

1.2. Pro-oxidant ascorbic acid

1. Background
Ascorbic acid presents a double faced character in that it
Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that has exhibits a pro-oxidant activity arising from its routine antioxi-
gained importance over years by distinguishing itself from the dant property. Apart from reducing oxidising sources like H2O2,
rest by exhibiting a spectrum of biological functional proper- ascorbate also reduces metal ions like Fe3+ and Cu3+, the process
ties. Vitamin C is a dietary antioxidant, classified under the during which free radicals are generated. This reaction in which
group of primary or natural antioxidants.1 While lower ascorbate generates highly reactive free radicals in presence of
vertebrates having the ability to self-synthesize the vitamin, transition metal ions is called Fenton reaction.2,5
apes and humans cannot synthesize Ascorbic acid due to the 2Fe3þ þ Ascorbate ! 2Fe2þ þ DHA
lack of an enzyme gulonolactone oxidase that catalyzes the
terminal step in the synthesis of L-ascorbic acid from the 2Fe2þ þ 2H2 O2 ! 2Fe3þ þ 2OH þ 2OH
substrates, D-glucose or D-galactose.2
The chemical name of ascorbic acid is 2-oxo-L-threo- These hydroxyl radicals are reported to interact with DNA
hexono-1,4-lactone-2,3-enediol and it exists in two major inducing its damage by causing breaks in phosphodiester
dietary forms: L-ascorbic acid, a reduced form and dehy- backbone and modification of DNA bases.3 This property of
droascorbic acid (DHA), an oxidised form. Ascorbic acid is pro-oxidant activity inducing cytotoxicity has been employed
readily absorbed by active transport in the intestine. A body in many studies in the prevention and treatment of cancers
pool of 1.2–2.0 g of ascorbic acid is maintained by intake of and is proposed to be dose-dependent. On the other hand,
75 mg/day. Its average half life in adult human is about 10–20 there are existing controversies questioning the activity of
days. The main route of elimination is through urine and the ascorbic acid whether, it is beneficial in the treatment of
major metabolites are DHA, 2,3-ketogulonic acid and oxalic tumours or antagonizes the oxidative stress induced by
acid.2 traditional therapeutics by providing antioxidant protection
to tumour cells.
1.1. Antioxidant ascorbic acid
1.3. Review of literature
Ascorbic acid is a potent antioxidant or reducing agent that
is capable of scavenging free radicals of reactive oxygen and Mamede et al.4 and Naidu2 stated that the ROS generated in
nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) that have potential to response to high concentration of vitamin C can catalyze lipid
damage nucleic acids and promote carcinogenesis.3,4 The peroxidation and are cytotoxic to cancer cells; the concept that
physiological functions are largely dependent on its oxido- was also advocated by Verrax and Calderon.6 Koch and
reductive properties. The ascorbate reacts with ROS, Baiglow7 also reported this activity results in damage to cell
quenches them and gets converted into poorly reactive membranes and DNA, unless neutralized by catalase. Benade
semi-hydroascorbate radical. Therefore ascorbate efficiently et al.8 suggested that tumour cells are often catalase deficient,
decreases in vivo damage to proto-oncogenes and tumour thereby being more sensitive to H2O2 than normal cells. Augus
suppressor genes, thereby reducing the risk of cancer by et al.9 and Langemann et al.10 reported accumulation of
suppressing the oxidative stress induced by reactive free vitamin C at high concentrations in solid tumours than in
radicals.3 normal surrounding cells.
archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574 565

Rozanova et al.11 advocated the use of vitamin C in articles of our interest. Due to scarcity of studies in oral tissues
conjugation with medical herbs in treatment of carcinoma we wished to exhaust all the possible articles; accordingly no
cell lines in which stimulation of apoptosis and disruption of timeline was included in the search (search results beginning
cell cycle has shown to occur. Heaney et al.12 employed pre- from the year 1977). The article search included only those
treatment with DHA in treating few malignant cell lines. published in the English literature. The title of the articles and
Casciari et al.13 not only reported the cytotoxic effect of abstracts were reviewed.
ascorbate in in vitro hollow fibre colon tumour but also studied
the effects of ascorbic acid on doxorubicin therapy. The study 2.2. Search methodology
concluded that low doses of ascorbic acid offered antioxidant
protection to tumour cells while high doses increased cell The search methodology through PUBMED was done using the
killing. Similarly, a study done by Raloff14 suggested that following keywords:
vitamin C may provide antioxidant protection to tumour cells
from routine chemotherapeutics. Search (ascorbic acid) OR (vitamin C) OR (sodium ascorbate)
Chen et al.15 published an in vivo study in rats where pro- OR (dehydroascorbate) AND (pro-oxidant) OR (prooxidant
oxidant activity of vitamin C was achieved at human activity) OR (vitamin C prooxidant) OR (ascorbic acid
pharmacologic concentrations of the vitamin. Yeom et al.16 prooxidant) OR (prooxidant effects) OR (prooxidant prop-
tested the carcinostatic effects of ascorbic acid in mice with erty) AND (chemotherapy) OR (treatment) AND (oral
sarcoma cells in which he reported a 20% increase in the diseases) OR (oral pathologies) OR (oral lesions) OR (oral
survival rate in high dose group. Riordan et al.17 reported that neoplasms) OR (oral proliferations) OR (oral enlargements)
oral supplementation of vitamin C is unlikely to produce OR (oral hyperplasias) OR (oral hypertrophies).
cytotoxic concentration levels while higher intravenous doses
had been proven effective. Varga and Airoldi18 and Tsao et al.19 In addition, an internet search was also done through
also reported increased host survival time and inhibition of Google Scholar using the key words ‘‘vitamin C’’ and ‘‘pro-
tumour growth following ascorbate administration in rats. oxidant activity’’ and ‘‘oral lesions’’.25,26,29,33,35,42,47,49 Journals
Hoffer et al.20 reported the anti-tumour activity of vitamin C evaluating the pro-oxidant activity of vitamin C in cancers
in advanced cases of hematologic malignancy with intravenous were also used from cross references.36,41 The process is
infusions thrice a week. Cameron and Campbell21 and Murata summarised in Fig. 1.
et al.22 reported in a clinical trial that the terminal cancer
patients when given IV vitamin C at dose of 10 g/day showed 2.3. Selection criteria
longer survival times than the controls. However, a clinical trial
carried out at Mayo clinic showed no significant benefits Inclusion criteria:
between vitamin C administered and placebo groups.23
Pertaining to the neoplasms of oral cavity, majority of the  Studies that evaluated pharmacologic dose associated pro-
studies that have evaluated the proxidant activity of vitamin C oxidant activity of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in oral
are in vitro studies. A study done by Chu et al.24 demonstrated neoplasms.
increased cytotoxic activity in human oral squamous cell  Studies that analysed pharmacologic dose effects of vitamin
carcinoma cell lines when treated with vitamin C. Kishino C in healthy oral cells and tissues.
et al.25 reported profound anti-tumour potential of an ascorbic  Studies that evaluated pro-oxidant effects of vitamin C in
acid derivative, sodium 5,6-benzylidene-L-ascorbate in human cell lines that have implications in oral neoplasms.
oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Not only the oral  Studies that measured pro-oxidant concentrations of
cancers, but vitamin C was also reported to significantly ascorbic acid blood, serum, extracellular fluid (plasma).
suppress the incidence of potentially malignant lesions like  Studies that included vitamin C as positive control in
oral leukoplakia in induced animal models as demonstrated measuring the cytotoxic effects of other antioxidants in oral
by Harada et al.26 cell lines.
With various clinical and scientific evidences of the  Studies that included ascorbic acid as cytotoxicity enhancing
cytotoxic effect of ascorbic acid through its pro-oxidant agent in combination with other materials in oral cell lines.
activity, we strongly opine a systematic review of this effect
of ascorbic acid in the oral neoplasms and normal oral tissues Exclusion criteria:
would clearly elucidate the merits or demerits of employing
vitamin C in treating the same.  Studies that have studied traditional antioxidant property of
vitamin C or ascorbic acid in treatment of oral diseases.
 Studies that evaluated antitumour potential of vitamin C in
2. Methods general neoplasms other than oral pathologies.
 Review articles.
2.1. Search strategy for identification of studies
2.4. Data extraction and analysis
The search strategy was in accordance with the Cochrane
guidelines for systematic reviews. Articles were searched and Once the potentially relevant articles for systematic review
selected using PUBMED, MEDLINE till the year 2012. Addition- were obtained, data extracted from each article was tabulated
ally Google Scholar was also used to obtain the relevant and was later cross checked.
566 archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574

2.5. Outcomes effects of vitamin C. Most of the studies measured the

percentages of apoptotic cells, viable cells, positive cells of
The outcomes assessed in this review were the optimum caspase activation, positive cells of free radical and H2O2
concentration or level of ascorbic acid to exert a pro-oxidant generation, DNA fragmentation; levels of DNA adducts, and
effect in vivo and in vitro, effects of pharmacologic dose tumour growth. EC50 or CC50 of ascorbic acid in different
supplementation of vitamin C on normal oral and tumour cell neoplastic and normal oral cell lines was also evaluated.
lines; duration of ascorbic acid (AA) administration and
potential benefits of vitamin C employment in treatment of
various oral neoplasms. 4. Discussion

Exertion of pro-oxidant effect by high doses of VC was

3. Results reported to occur against various cancer cell lines through
Fenton reaction in presence of transition metal ions.3,27 The
The selection and exclusion criteria of the reviewed studies normal cells on the other hand, having redundant mecha-
are summarised in Fig. 1. The search strategy identified nisms for H2O2 disposal and/or repair of H2O2 damage remain
seventeen studies that evaluated pro-oxidant activity of resistant to the pro-oxidant concentrations of AA unlike the
vitamin C in various oral cell lines. The description of the susceptible cancer cells which lack these mechanisms (e.g.,
included studies is shown in Table 1. catalase deficiency, mutated DNA repair and tumour suppres-
sor genes) and may have series of mutations that signal cell
3.1. Included studies death in context of H2O2 formed by pharmacologic ascor-
The search strategy included 17 potentially relevant articles The present systematic review discusses the various
for review of which, 12 were in vitro studies; 3 were in vivo studies that have tested, assessed the mechanism of action
animal studies; 1 was in vivo human study and 1 was ex vivo of pharmacologic ascorbate against different abnormal oral
human study. The parameters measured were many and cells and tissues, of which majority are studies done in vitro.
differed from study to study in evaluating the pro-oxidant Bonilla-Porras et al.29 have reported induction of apoptosis in

Fig. 1 – Search flowchart.

archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574 567

Table 1 – Description of included studies in the chronological order of publication.

S. Author & Type of Agent Coadmin Cell type/ Conc. of Evaluated Parameters Results
No Year of Study tested -istered Tissue type Asa/Vit
. Publication agents C
1. Bonilla- In-vitro Vitamin C Vitamin Case: 1mM % positive apoptotic nuclei At 5mM VC,
Porras et al Case- (VC). K3 Leukemia 5mM Lymphocytes = 2±1%
[29]. Control (VK3) cells- 10mM K562 = 100%
2011 study VC in 1) Jurkat clone 20mM Jurkat = 5±2%
combination E6-1 At 20mM VC
. 2) K562 Lymphocytes = 3±1%
Control: K562 = 100%
Lymphocytes Jurkat = 77±2%
% positive Jurkat cells
[TD$INLE] with: At 10mM VC:
• O2- generation 13%
• H2O2 generation 28±2%
• Mitochondrial 73%
membrane damage
2. Deubzer et In-vitro Ascorbate ------ Neuroblastoma 0.6mM Percentage of viable cells: At 1.3mM Asc,
al [33]. observa- (Asc) cell lines- 1.3mM • Kelly – 3.5x104 ≈ 70±3%
2010 tional 1) Kelly cells in 2.5mM 10x104 ≈ 62±2%
study concentrations 5.0mM 25x104 ≈ 90±2%
of 3.5x104, At 5mM Asc,
10x104, 3.5x104 ≈ 3±1%
25x104. 10x104 ≈ 4±1%
2) SK-N-SH 25x104 ≈ 70±5%
cells in • SK-N-SH – At 1.3mM Asc,
concentrations 2.5x104 ≈ 21±2%
of 2.5x104, 9x104 ≈ 61±5%
9x104, 14x104. 14x104 ≈ 75±2%
At 5mM Asc,
2.5x104≈ 10±1%
9x104 ≈ 12±1%
14x104≈ 50±3%
3. Chu et al In-vitro Three herbal Sodium Human Oral 0-4mM • DNA HL-60: intranucleosomal
[24]. observa- extracts of ascorbate squamous cell fragmentation(qualit DNA fragmentation positive.
2009 tional Drynaria (Sod.asc) carcinoma cell ative) HSC-2: Positive smear pattern
study baronii lines: HSC-2, of DNA fragmentation.
(DB), Sod.asc NA.
[TD$INLE] Angelica in Human • Caspase 3,8,9 HL-60:caspase activation
sinensis combinati promyelocytic activation evident
(AS), on. leukemia cell (qualitative) HSC-2: Feeble activation of
Cornus line: HL-60 caspases.
(CO) • Combination effect Combination of DB or CO but
of cytotoxicity. not AS, with 1mM sod.asc
enhanced cytotoxicity.
4. Belin et al In-vitro Ascorbic ------ Raji cells 0-3mM Cell density estimation 0mM AA 70
[36]. observat acid (AA) (units- not mentioned), at 0.6mM AA 28
2009 ional 70 hrs 2mM AA 9
study 3mM AA 1

Cell density estimation 0.6mM/R 65

with Reversal effects of 2mM/R 20
Asa withdrawal, at 70 hrs. 3mm/R 5

% cells blocked at: With 0mM & 3mM AA

• G0/G1 phase 41% ; 50%
• S phase 42% ; 50%
• G2/M phase 15% ; 0%
• Cell death 0% ; 15%

% dead cells at 48hrs & 0.6mM 1% & 40%

96hrs respectively. 2mM 20% & 100%
[TD$INLE] 3mM 100%

% cells after 24 hours: 0.6mM 2mM 3mM

• Viable 64% 30% 15%
• Apoptotic 17% 20% 15%
16% 41% 65%
• Necrotic
5. Kishino et al In-vitro Sodium 5,6- ------ Human oral 0-8mM CC50 of SBA. CC50 SBA (mean):
[25]. observat Benylidene- squamous cell Normal oral cells = 4.8mM
2008 ional L-ascorbate carcinoma cell HSC-2,3,4 = 2.33mM
study (SBA) lines: HSC-2, Leukemia cell lines =
HSC-3, HSC- 1.37mM
Tumor specificity index TS = 2.
Human (TS).
568 archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574

myelogenous Caspase activation Little or no activation of

leukemia cell (qualitative) caspases 3,8,9.
lines: HL-60,
ML-1, KG-1. DNA fragmentation Smear pattern of DNA
(qualitative) fragmentation in HSC-2 and
Human normal HSC-4 on prolnged treatment
oral cells: (24h).
HPLF. Ultra-structural changes in HSC-2 cells: Mitochondrial
cells swelling, enlargement of ER
at 4mM SBA. Rupture of cell
membrane, discharge of
damaged cell organelles at
HSC-4 cells: Slight and
aggrevated mitochondrial
damage at 2mM and
4mM,8mM SBA respectively.
6. Chen et al In-vitro Ascorbate ------ Normal cell 0-20mM EC50 of Asc (mM) Normal cell lines: >20mM.
[37]. observat (Asc). lines: B16: 8mM.
2008 ional Monocyte JLP119: 1mM.
study Lymphocyte
Fibroblast: Cytotoxicity in normal cell Not evident.
WI38, lines.
% viable cells in fibroblast At 1mM Asc- 77%
Tumour cell cell lines At 10mM Asc- 75%
7. Carosio et al In-vitro Sod.asc ------ Neuroblastoma 0.5mM- EC50 (mM) after 24 hrs. <2mM for all cell lines.
[35]. observat cell lines: 3mM.
2007 ional HTLA-230 % Apoptotic cells after HTLA-230 = 87±6%
study. IMR-32 1day incubation with 3mm IMR-32 = 60±4%
LAN-5 sod.asc LAN-5 = 60±4%
GI-LI-N GI-LI-N = 93±5%
SH-SY5Y SH-SY5Y = 90±5%
% positive caspase
[TD$INLE] activated cells of: (mM) 0 1 1.6 2 3
HTLA-230 (%) 17 25 60 75 95
SH-SY5Y 13 30 65 75 85
after 1day incubation with
sod.asc (mM)
8. Chen et al In-vivo Ascorbate ------ Blood. 0.7mM - Asa(acid) conc. in IV= >8mM peak in 4 min
[15]. animal Extracellular 1.4mM plasma(mM for IV, IP; μM IP≈ 3mM peak in 15 min
2007 observat fluid. by three for gavage). Gavage = 50μM - <100μM
ional routes: steady over 10 - 120 min.
study. IV(n=7)
Animal IP (n=5) Asa conc. in ECF (mM). IV≈ 8mM peak in 30 min
model: Gavage IP≈ 3mM peak in 60 min
rat (n=5) gavage≈ 125-130μM peak
in 60 min.
Correlation between Asa High positive correlation.
conc. of plasma & ECF.

Asc*- conc. in ECF (nM). IV= 250nM peak in 30 min

IP≈150nM peak in 60 min
Gavage = <50nM

Asc*- conc. in blood (nM). IV & IP≈ 30-40nM

Gavage – undetectable.

H2O2 conc. in ECF (μM). IV≈ 20μM peak at 30 min

IP≈ not >5μM.
[TD$INLE] Gavage = no change.
Correlation between H2O2
conc. in ECF and Asc conc.
in blood or in ECF. Positive linear correlation
9. S. H. Bhat et Ex-vivo AA Cupric Human 0.05- DNA breakage through 0.05mM AA 15μ metres
al [42]. human chloride lymphocytes 0.5mM comet tail length (μ 0.1mM AA 50μ metres
2006 observat AA in (Cu(II))- metres). 0.4mM AA 95μ metres
ional combination 20μM. 0.5mM AA 120μ metres
study . Neocupro
ine (NC)- Effect of neurocuproine 0.1mM NC 57μ metres
100- on Asa induced DNA 0.2mM NC 30μ metres
400μM. breakage, through comet 0.4mM NC 17μ metres
tail length.
archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574 569

10 Chen et al In-vitro AA. H2 O 2 Human 0.1-5mM EC50 of AA (mM) JLP-119: 1mM

. [41]. and ex- Burkitt’s Normal cell lines: >20mM
2005 vivo Dehydroasc lymphoma
observat orbic acid (JLP-119). % cell death in: (mM) 0.5 1 1.5 2
ional (DHA). • JLP-119 (%) 60 80 90 91
study Normal cell • Lymphocyte 19 19 20 22
lines: • Monocyte 7 7 11 10
(CCD34SK) % cell death in JLP-119
Lymphocyte with: (mM) 0.5 1 1.5 2
Monocyte • AA (%) 60 80 90 95
• DHA 5 5 7 10
Human RBC
[TD$INLE] H2O2 conc. (μM)after 1hr 0.2mM 30μM
incubation with AA (mM). 0.5mM 50μM
1mM 100μM
2mM 12μM
% cell death with added
H2O2 (μM) in: (μM) 50 100 250
• JLP-119 (%) 50 65 70
10 15 20
• Lymphocyte
10 10 19
• Monocyte

Asc*- formation (nM) by:

(mM) 2 5 10
• AA(mM)
(nM) 55 75 100
• Medium 0 7 10
• Blood
H2O2 formation (μM) on Medium: 160μM at peak
addition of AA to medium Blood: 0-1μM
and blood.

11 Kinoshita et In-vitro Dental Sodium Human oral 0.25mM Cytotoxicity of Sod.asc 0.25mM sod.asc
. al [43]. observa- metals: Cu, ascorbate squamous cell combination with metals in combination significant
2002 tional Pd-alloy, carcinoma cell 0.5-2mM HSC-2 cells. reduction in growth inhibitory
study Ag, Au. lines: HSC-2, effect of Pd-alloy.
HSC-3. 15mM in 0.5-2mM Sod.asc
Human 0.1mM combination enhanced
submandibular Tris-HCL growth inhibitory action of Cu
gland and Pd-alloy.
(HSG). Relative viable HSC-2 45%-50% of the control, from
Human cells expressed as % of the combinations with Cu or Pd
promyelocytic control (cell line without alloy
leukemia cell addition of combination)
line (HL-60)
Human normal Radical intensity of Cu- enhanced radical intensity
oral cell lines: ascorbate analysed by ESR of Asc followed by rapid its
HGF, HPC, spectroscopy. decline.
HPLF. Pd-alloy- enhanced ascorbate
radical intensity for longer
period (30 min).
Ag, Au- did not affect radical
intensity of sod.asc.
12 Sakagami et In-vitro Sodium L- ------ Human oral 1-5mM CC50 of sodium HSC-2: 2.3mM
. al [44]. observat ascorbate tumour cell ascorbate. HSG: 5.63mM
2001 ional lines: HSC-2, HL-60 cells: 0.23mM
study HSG.
Human H2O2 production 1mM of Asc at pH 10: Rapid
myeloblastic reflected through production, but significantly
leukemia cell chemiluminiscence assay at lower amount of H2O2 (105)
line: Ml-1 different pH variations. within 30 min. At pH 6: 103
promyelocytic Radical generation At pH 7.4 = 0.31, pH 9= 2.77
leukemia cell through ESR spectra(spike
line: HL-60 units).

[TD$INLE] DNA fragmentation and Weakly potent.

caspase activation.
13 Vojdani et al In-vivo Ascorbic ------ Human Gr I: Intracellular levels of Gr I = 7.0±2.26
. [45]. human acid. peripheral baseline ascorbic acid (μg/5x106 Gr II= 10.1±1.2
2000 observat blood Gr II: cells) at 15th day. Gr III= 10.7±2.8
-ional leukocytes. 2.83mM Gr IV= 9.5±1.9
study. Gr III:
4 groups 5.67mM Level of 8- Gr I = 7.6±5.9
(Gr) Gr IV: hydroxyguanosine bases- Gr II = 4.6±1.5
with 28.38mM DNA adducts (/106 guanine Gr III = 7.0±4.6
varying Per day bases) at 15th day. Gr IV = 7.4±6.7
doses. for
2weeks NK cell cytotoxic Gr I = 34.4±26.3
with 1 activity (lysis units LU) at Gr II = 52.4±24.4
570 archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574

week of 15th day Gr III = 77.6±36.4

washout. Gr IV = 35.0±24.9

% leukocyte apoptosis at Gr I = 8.2±4.6

15th day Gr II = 5.1±2.5
Gr III = 3.9±2.3
Gr IV = 5.5±2.8
14 E. E Kelley In-vitro L-ascorbic Photofrin Human oral 0.1mM Lipid free radical intensity. Lipid radical intensity: 8±2
. et al [46]. observa- acid in (porfimer squamous cell arbitrary units as compared to
1997 tional combination sodium) - carcinoma cell 1.6±0.2 units without pro-
study . 15μg/ml. line: SCC-25 oxidant mixture.
[TD$INLE] sulphate - Percentage of surviving 3±2% as compared to 24±4%
20μM cell proportion without pro-oxidant mixture,
Visible at given time.
15 Noto et al In-vitro Sodium Vitamin Human 0.001- Percentage of growth At 5mM of vit C alone =
. [47]. observat ascorbate K3 Oral 10mM inhibition of cells. 50%.
1989 ional (vitamin C) epidermoid Vit C
study alone. (KB) cell lines 100:1 In combination,
Vitamin C concentra 0.5mM Vit C + 0.005mM
in tion of Vit K3 = 50%.
combination vitC:vitk3
. (combinat 1mM Vit C + 0.01mM Vit
ion). K3 = 100%
16 Harada et al In-vivo Case Diethyl- Tongue 5.67mM Percentage incidence of Case & Control
. [26]. case (n=30): nitrosami Hard palate leukoplakia. Tongue = 75% & 93%
1987 control Vitamin C. ne (DEN) Soft palate Hardpalate = 50% & 90%
animal Control Cigarette Buccal mucosa Softpalate = 32% & 72%.
study. (n=30): no smoke. Pharynx Buccal mucosa=7% & 17%
model - vitamin C Pharynx = 43% & 67%
17 J. A. In-vivo Ascorbic 20- Mesenchymal Groups: Tumour growth (cm2) Mean Tumor size from 4th-
. Migliozzi observa- acid. methylco tumors: C- 20th weeks in group –
[49]. tional Group1 anthrene, Fibrosarcomata 0.0088mM C: 18cm2 - 27cm2 (12th
1977 animal (control, C, 40mg, SC , liposarcomata week) - 22cm2.
study. n=20) – for mM L: 10cm2 – complete
[TD$INLE] Animal Group2 (low tumor H- regression(one half of original
model – dose, L induction 0.88mM tumor size).
guinea n=20) in all H: 18cm2 – 50cm2.
pig Group3 high animals. Dose
dose H, reversal Tumour histology H: compactly arranged
n=20). after sarcoma cells surrounded by a
delicate stroma.
C- C: haemorrhagic connective
0.88mM, tissue.
L- L: wide spaces lined by
0.88mM, PAS positive material,
H- containing RB

leukemic cell lines by 10 mM vitamin C (VC) when used solo or be explained by presence of efficient H2O2 scavenging
in combination with 10 mM vitamin K3 (VK3) (100:1) for a mechanisms.8,28
period of 24 h and attributed the causative mechanism to O2*/ Another study done by Deubzer et al.33 in neuroblastoma
H2O2 formation and mitochondrial membrane depolarization. cell lines with a 48 h incubation period with ascorbate showed
The formed H2O2 induced the activation of transcription factor that the preferential cytotoxicity of ascorbate in these cells
NF-kB,30 which is responsible for transcription of tumour was facilitated by high ferritin content, typical of these cells,
suppressor genes like p53 that in turn transcribed pro- which is an iron source for generation of ROS (O2*) by
apoptotic genes such as PUMA, Noxa, Bim, Bad, Bax and pharmacologic ascorbate. The O2* generated was shown to
evoked apoptosis in the cell lines via caspase-3 protease release iron from ferritin in turn that kept the process ongoing
activation.31 Furthermore the Jurkat cell line was found to be and also generated H2O2 by reacting with H+. This H2O2 was
more resistant to VC or VC and VK3 (100:1) than K562 cells that responsible for oxidative damage by inducing DNA strand
were highly susceptible to the pro-oxidant agents at much breaks in the cells and mediated cell death.34 In addition, high
lower concentrations. But a 1000:1 ratio has shown to induce rate of aerobic glycolysis occurring in the cell lines was found
late apoptotic events and mitochondrial depolarization in to contribute to acidic microenvironment (lactate production)
cells. In addition, the pro-oxidant mixture has shown to that facilitates further iron release from ferritin. The results of
activate c-jun transcription, possibly resulting from the this study showed a reverse correlation between ascorbate
crosstalk between the signalling pathways.32 On the other cytotoxicity and concentration of cells in the culture,
side normal lymphocytes strikingly did not show changes to suggesting increased cellular capacities to detoxify H2O2 with
any concentration of the VC or pro-oxidant mixture that can increasing cell concentrations. One more study included in
archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574 571

this review is that of Carosio et al.,35 which also evaluated the be high in ECF and comparatively very low in blood, suggesting
pro-oxidant concentrations of sodium ascorbate with a that these products would be immediately destroyed by
treatment period of 24 h in five neuroblastoma cell lines, plasma and red blood cell proteins, thus satisfying the concept
showed them to be highly susceptible to 3 mM doses of of pharmacologic ascorbate in vivo serving as a prodrug for
ascorbate. selective delivery of H2O2 to the extracellular space. Further-
The study carried out by Chu et al.24 analysed the more, the achieved concentrations of these oxidative sources
cytotoxicity of sodium ascorbate (Sod.asc) (sodium salt of were high with intravenous route, suggesting that parenteral
ascorbic acid) propagated through DNA fragmentation and administration bypasses the tight control mechanisms of
caspase activation in human oral squamous cell carcinoma ascorbate in humans.38–40 Therefore parenteral route of
and promyelocytic leukaemia cell lines after an incubation administration of ascorbate would obtain millimolar concen-
period of 48 h with Sod.asc and attributed it to the pro-oxidant trations in ECF and blood with preferential generation of Asc*
property of pharmacologic VC (2–4 mM). The study tested and H2O2 in ECF but not blood. A similar result was obtained in
three herbal extracts: Drynaria baronii (DB), Angelica sinensis another study by Chen et al.41 where the fraction of lymphoma
(AS) and Cornus officinalis (CO) of which two (DB and CO) have cells undergoing death was decreased in presence of added
shown to synergistically enhance the cytotoxicity of 1 mM VC, human RBC in vitro, suggesting that blood would protect
but the exact mechanism for this synergistic enhancement of tumour cells from ascorbate mediated cell death.
VC’s cytotoxicity was not explained. Bhat et al.42 did a study on human lymphocytes testing the
Belin et al.36 studied the effects of pharmacologic AA on Raji mechanism of pro-oxidant activity of AA ex vivo with
cells in vitro with an experimental treatment period of 96 h incubation period of 90 min, in which endogenous copper in
and reported decrease in cell density or cell proliferation, the lymphocytes was utilised for oxidative DNA breakage,
percentage of viable cell with increase in pro-oxidant dose and which is in support of the concept of free radical generation
exposure time of AA. The author proposed that AA inhibits cell induced cytotoxicity in presence of transitional metal ions (in
division and further promotes necrosis by down-regulating this case – copper ions), a putative mechanism for anticancer
the expression of genes necessary for S-phase progression in properties of AA. This was proved by the administration of
actively proliferating cells that are susceptible to AA treatment neocuproine (NC), a Cu(I) sequestering agent, where increased
rather than the quiescent cells. concentrations of NC decreased DNA breakage, suggesting the
Kishino et al.25 tested the effects of pharmacologic levels of necessary presence of copper ions for generating free radical
sodium 5,6-benzylidene-L-ascorbate (SBA) in human oral induced oxidative stress.
squamous cell carcinoma and human myelogenous leukae- A study by Kinoshita et al.43 showed that higher concen-
mia and normal oral cell lines incubated for 48 h in vitro and trations (0.5–2 mM) of sodium ascorbate when treated for 24 h
observed a profound anti-tumour potential activity of SBA enhanced growth inhibitory effects of dental metals like Cu
against carcinoma cell lines. SBA, a derivative of AA, induced and Pd alloy on human squamous cell carcinoma, subman-
cytotoxicity was presented in the form of autophagic cell dibular carcinoma cell lines in vitro, while low doses of
death during the early exposure periods followed by necrotic ascorbate (0.25 mM) significantly reduced this effect. In
and apoptotic changes in squamous cell carcinoma and addition, these metals have shown to increase the radical
leukaemia cells respectively as analysed by evident DNA intensity of ascorbate in the early period of 30 min, suggesting
fragmentation or intranucleosomal DNA fragmentation the modulation of biological behaviour of dental metals by
and ultrastructural changes in the cells. Therefore, the ascorbate in a dose dependent fashion.
pro-oxidant activity is shown to be a dose-dependent Sakagami et al.44 also evaluated the pro-oxidant effects of
phenomenon, not only of AA but also its derivative com- sodium-L-ascorbate in human oral tumour cell lines with
pounds like SBA. incubation period of 24 h in vitro in which H2O2 and radical
A study done by Chen et al.37 evaluated the cytotoxic effects production depended on the pH of the medium showing
of high doses of ascorbate on normal cells and tumour cell higher intensities at higher alkaline pH (9–10) compared to
lines like melanoma and lymphoma with exposure time of 2 h that of physiological pH (7.2–7.4). The mechanism behind
followed by cell culturing for 24–48 h in absence of ascorbate. radical intensity and pH was not explained.
The study reported that EC50 (concentration of ascorbate that Vojdani et al.45 examined effects of different doses of AA
reduced survival by 50%) for normal cells was >20 mM in vivo human blood leukocytes in which doses as high as
suggesting their strong resistance to high doses of ascorbate, 5000 mg/day for about 2 weeks neither affected the viability of
as high as 20 mM; while lymphoma cells were the most cells, natural killer cell cytotoxic activity nor levels of DNA
sensitive to comparatively lower pharmacologic doses (1 mM) adducts. This ensures that pharmacologic doses of AA can be
followed by melanoma cells (8 mM). This variation in safely administered in vivo without any debilitating effects on
sensitivity may be attributed to the complex networks on normal blood cells.
which H2O2 acts, in combination with the spectrum of The study of Kelley et al.46 on human oral squamous cell
functional mutations intrinsic to each cancer cell line that carcinoma cell lines in vitro showed that a pro-oxidant
are not present in normal cells. combination of iron and ascorbate when administered for
A separate study done by Chen et al.15 measured the 15 min increased the efficacy of a photodynamic therapy of
ascorbate radical and H2O2 concentrations in blood and cancer (Photofrin) by greatly increasing the production of
extracellular fluid (plasma) at 30 min interval following its membrane-derived lipid free radicals, which led to in-
high dose administration via three routes (IV, IP, Oral) in rats. creased photosensitization of cancer cells. This further led
The ascorbate radical and H2O2 concentrations were found to to lipid hydroperoxidase formation, which increased the
572 archives of oral biology 58 (2013) 563–574

cell’s susceptibility to iron-induced Fenton chemistry that

resulted in a net significant reduction in the surviving cell 5. Conclusion
An in vitro study done by Noto et al.47 in human oral The results of our systematic review show that the
epidermoid cell lines reported VC in combination with VK3, pro-oxidant activity of pharmacologic ascorbic acid is a
after 1 h of incubation significantly inhibited the growth of part of its dose-dependent bimodal activity and is a result of
tumour cells well fitting in the concept of hydrogen peroxide the proposed Fenton mechanism. In vitro, animal and
formation by both these vitamins.48 ex vivo studies of pharmacologic AA have yielded meritori-
Harada et al.26 published an in vivo animal study on ous results proving vitamin C as an effective cytotoxic
hamsters, where diethylnitrosamine (DEN) was used to induce agent against oral neoplastic cells with potentially no
oral leukplakia and tested the simultaneous supplementation harming effects on normal cells. However, a shortage of
of 1% AA for an experimental period of about 58 weeks; in clinical trials and in vivo human studies pertaining to
which the supplemented group of hamsters had a significantly evaluation of anti-tumour activity of vitamin C in tumours
lower percentage of incidence of leukoplakic lesions in of oral cavity remains a lacuna in concluding ascorbic acid
comparison to the control group, suggesting that AA supple- as a beneficial therapeutic option in treatment of oral
mentation has potential antiproliferative effect due to its neoplasms.
potent pro-oxidant activity.
Migliozzi49 reported an in vivo animal study in guinea 5.1. Implications for practice and research
pigs, in which tumours of fibrosarcomata and liposarcomata
were artificially induced and supplementation of various A next step assessment and evaluation of the pro-oxidant
doses of AA for about 20 weeks was evaluated for their effects and pro-oxidant concentrations of vitamin C in
effects on the tumours. Supplementation of a high dose of tumours of oral cavity, in vivo humans would fill in the space
AA (1 g/kg/day or 0.88 mM) in a previously low dose of the research done so far and would bring in its ultimate
maintained group (0.3 mg/kg or 0.00026 mM) showed a practical application of Oral health. Like the two-faced Janus,
complete regression of tumours by 20th week of experi- vitamin C exhibiting its selective cytotoxicity towards tumour
ment, suggesting a potential antitumour and antiprolifera- cells, could serve a worthy, natural therapeutic option in
tive activity of pharmacologic AA as a pro-oxidant, whereas treating the tumours of oral cavity.
the tumour size increased in a previously high dose
maintained group (1 g/kg) when the dosage was reversed 5.2. Limitations of the review
to 0.3 mg/kg.
We acknowledge the presence of publication bias in this
4.1. Outcomes review. The employed parameters for evaluation in all the
studies are not homogenous; therefore the review proceeded
All the included studies of this review have evaluated the as a heterogenous study. If methods and modes of evaluating
pro-oxidant effects and pro-oxidant concentrations of the pro-oxidant activity could be more standardized with
pharmacologic ascorbic acid that resulted in potent anti- minimal data set it would help by providing homogenous data
tumour and anti-proliferative actions on tumour cells. The for systematic reviews in the future.
important outcomes of this systematic review are as
follows: The optimum concentration of ascorbic acid used
to produce potential pro-oxidant associated cytotoxicity Conflict of interest
was found to be 3–5 mM in vitro, 0.88–5 mM in vivo animals,
0.5–2 mM ex vivo in humans. These pharmacologic con- No conflict of interest.
centrations were found to be cytotoxic to tumour cells,
mediated by various mechanisms like induction of apopto-
sis (caspase activation), necrosis, free radical formation, Funding
H2O2 generation, DNA fragmentation. In contrast, the same
pro-oxidant concentrations had no effect the normal cells. No external sources of funding.
The average AA incubation time employed in most of the
in vitro studies was about 24–48 h while a human in vivo
study used an experimental period of 2 weeks45 and another Ethical approval
human ex vivo study used a treatment period of 90 min.42 A
couple of animal studies demonstrated a treatment period The manuscript submitted is that of a review type. Scientific
58 weeks26 and 20 weeks.49 The EC50 of Ascorbic acid was 1 Review Board approval accomplished.
to <2 mM for most of the tumour cell lines, while EC50 in
normal cell lines was found to be >20 mM. The potential
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