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The instrument is a tool that is always used, easily exposed to corrosion
and often gets the wrong handling. If not used properly, the instrument can cause
serious analysis results. If possible, regular instrument maintenance by a special
team for instrument maintenance should be carried out. Some instruments require
protection against extreme temperatures or humidity in specially designed areas. If
not, the analysis instruments can be grouped together among various units. All
instruments used to measure the physical properties of compounds must be
calibrated regularly. The pH meter must be calibrated at least once a day, the
reliability of the wavelength scale on the melting point testing instruments and
spectrophotometers that work in the ultraviolet region must be checked once a
week, the refractometer and the spectrofluorometer must be serviced every six
months (Syahputri, 2006: 199).
Qualitative analysis deals with the identification of chemicals, recognizing
which elements or compounds are present in a sample. Quantitative analysis deals
with the determination of many of a particular substance contained in. These
specified substances, which are often expressed as constituents or analytes.
Arrange either a small part or a large part of the sample analyzed. If the substance
analyzed (analyte) can make up more than about 1% of a sample, then this analyte
is considered as the main constituent. These substances are considered minor
constituents if the amount ranges from 0.01% to 1% of the total sample. Finally a
substance that is present up to less than 0.01% is considered a trace constituent.
While quantitative analysis can be based on the size of the sample available for
analysis (Underwood, 2001: 2).
Electronic energy levels are widely spaced, and spectral transitions
between them are therefore observed towards the high energy end of the
electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. in the visible, ultraviolet and X-ray regions. The
spectra are characterized by narrow lines and may be simple or complex
depending on the number of excited states involved in the excitation process. The
wavelengths of the observed absorption and emission lines are characteristic of a
particular element, and the intensity of a given spectral line is proportional to the
number of atoms undergoing the corresponding transition. Atomic spectrometric
techniques thus provide means both for the qualitative identification of elements
and for their quantitative determination. Because of the large dipole changes
associated with electronic transitions, the sensitivity of the techniques is high and
they are used primarily in the field of trace and minor component elemental
analysis (Kealey, 2000: 284).
Refractometer is a device used to measure levels/concentrations of
dissolved substances. For example sugar, salt, protein, etc. The working principle
of the refractometer as the name implies is utilizing light refraction. The refractive
index can be read directly with accuracy up to 0.001 and can be estimated up to
0,0002 from a glass scale. The measurement is based on the principle that light
entering through the prisms can only pass through the boundary plane between the
liquid and the working prism with an the angle located within certain the limits of
determined by the boundary angle between of the liquid solution and the base
(Winarno, 2014: 77-78) . In modern refractometers, the wavelength is tuned to
bandwidth of +/- 0.2 nm to insure correct results for samples in different
dispersion; the refractive indices values are decreased monotonically with
increasing temperature and wavelengths. No absorption is observing but the value
refractive index is increased with increasing concentrations (Khodier, 2017: 40).
A refractometer consists of a light source, filtered to a single wavelength,
which is directed towards the prism-sample interface by a converging lens. This
creates a range of incidence angles, some of which (those less than the critical
angle) will be completely reflected. A Charge-coupled Device (CCD) sensor
precisely measures the intensity of the reflected light and determines the exact
angle (αcritical) at which light begins to be completely reflected. Since this angle
is dependent on the ratio of the refractive index of the prism to that of the sample,
the refractive index of the sample can be determined using the known refractive
index of the prism (Ugwu, 2018: 539-540). The interface between a mass
spectrometer and a computer usually has provisions for digitizing the amplified
ion-c:urrent signal plus several other signals that are used for control of
instrumental variables. Examples of ·the latter are source temperature,
accelerating voltage, sam rate, and magnetic field the strength (Skoog, 1980: 486).
Before use, the refractometer is tested on water by filling it with water.
The testing step is the same as testing the refractive index of glass. For testing the
refractive index of water, the laser beam will certainly go through the air-glass
and glass-water medium. In this event the rays undergo air-glass refraction and
glass-water refraction (Prasetyo, 2014: 5). Refractometer calibration is performed
to determine the accuracy of the refractometer in reading the refractive index. The
reading of the refractive index of water using a refractometer (naP) shows a value
that the corresponds to the theoretical refractive index of water (naT) which is
1.333 (Swari, 2019: 5).
Refractive index is a physical property that is useful in fluid analysis.
Often a liquid can be identified by determining its refractive index value. The
index can also measure the level of purity of the analyzed liquid sample by
comparing the refractive index value of the sample with the pure liquid index
value in the literature. The closer to the literature value, the higher the level of
purity. The refractive index is based on the fact that light has a different
transmission speed when it passes through a condensed phase (liquid, solid)
compared to when it passes through the air phase(Julianto, 2016: 43).
The standards and sample solutions are introduction to the instrument in a
vearity of ways. In the case of a pH meter and other electroanalytical in a vearity
instrument the tips of one or two probes are immersal in the solution. In the case
of an automatic digital abbe refractometer a small sample well inside the
instruments. In an ordinary spectrophotometer the solution is held in a round like
a test tube or square container called a cuvette, which fits in a holder inside the
instrument. In an atomic absorption spectrophotometer or in instruments ultilizing
an autosampler the solution in sucked or the aspirated into the instrumental from
an the external in the tool of container (Kenkel, 2003: 153). Judging from the
measurement result of eye pieces so that there is a border line between blue and
white that shows the measurement (Maghfirah, 2019: 4).
1. To know the basic principle and work principle of refractometer
2. To measure the refractive index of a sample solution.
1. Apparatus
a. Manual refractometer (1 Piece)
b. Drop pipette (6 Pieces)
c. Spray bottle (1 Piece)
d. Test tube (10 Pieces)
e. Smooth cloth (1 Piece)
f. Rough cloth (1 Piece)
2. Chemicals
a. Aquadest (H2O)
b. Teh kotak
c. Teh pucuk harum
d. Teh javana
e. Teh botol sosro
f. Fresh tea
g. Fruit tea blackcurrent
h. Fruit tea strawberry
i. Adem sejuk
j. NU greentea
k. Lesit kental
l. Tissue
m. Label
1. Manual Refractometer

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of teh kotak Read the refractive index
Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of teh pucuk Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of teh botol Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of teh javana Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of fresh tea Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of NU green tea Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of fruit tea Read the refractive index
Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of lesit kental Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of adem sejuk Read the refractive index

Calibrate with H2O 3 drops of fruit tea Read the refractive index


1. Teh botol sosro 11 gr 6.8
2. Teh pucuk harum 12 gr 6.0
3. Teh javana 14 gr 6.8
4. Adem sejuk 15 gr 7.4
5. Lesit kental 16 gr 8.6
6. Teh kotak 17 gr 8.4
7. NU greentea 18 gr 8.8
8. Fruit tea strawberry 24 gr 10.8
9. Fresh tea 26 gr 10.0
10. Fruit tea blackcurrent 31 gr 11.8

Comparison between refraction index and level of glucose


Refraction Index (% Brix)


10 15 20 25 30 35

Level Of Glucose (g)

Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks bias dari suatu senyawa
cair dengan melihat sifat fisisnya dengan menggunakan refraktometer.
Refraktometer merupakan alat untuk mengukur indeks bias suatu senyawa cair
dalam satuan % Brix. % Brix didefinisikan sebagai presentase massa sukrosa yang
terkandung di dalam massa larutan sukrosa yaitu massa sukrosa yang ditambah
dengan massa pelarutnya. Indeks bias adalah perbandingan laju cahaya dalam
ruang hampa c terhadap laju cahaya tersebut dalam medium v, maka besarnya
indeks bias dalam medium apapun selain udara, besarnya selalu lebih besar dari
satu (Novestiana, 2015). Prinsip dasar pada percobaan ini adalah pembiasan
cahaya pada larutan sampel. Pembiasan cahaya merupakan penyimpanan atau
pembelokan cahaya karena melalui dua medium yang memiliki kerapatan optik
yang berbeda.
Jenis refraktometer yang digunakan pada percobaan ini adalah
refraktometer manual (refraktometer Shibuya). Hal ini bertujuan untuk
mengukuran indeks bias pada sampel minuman yang akan diuji. Sampel minuman
yang digunakan adalah teh pucuk harum, teh kotak, teh botol sosro, teh javana,
frui t tea blackcurrent, NU greentea, fresh tea, fruit tea strawberry, lesit kental,
dan adem sejuk.
Gambar 1 : Minuman Sampel Gamabar 2 : Refraktometer Manual
Prinsip kerja pada refraktometer yaitu pemanfaatan refraktif cahaya
polikromatis dari sumber cahaya yang menyinari day light plate, sample
diteruskan pada day light plate kemudian direfraksi cahaya polikromatis, diubah
menjadi menjadi cahaya monokromatis pada prisma cahaya, ketika cahaya
polikromatis diteruskan ke prisma. Kemudian terjadi pemfokusan pada lensa,
cahaya monokromatis yang telah melewati lensa akan ke biomaterial skip
sehingga tertera skala pada layar. Indeks bias cahaya dapat dibaca langsung
dengan tingkat ketelitiaan 0.001. Penggunaan refraktometer manual diawali
dengan meneteskan aquades (sebagai blanko) ke prisma secara penuh. Hal ini
dilakukan agar pembacaan indeks bias dapat terlihat jelas. Kemudian alat
diarahkan ke sumber sinar untuk memperjelas proses pembacaan skala. Kalibrasi
dengan aquades ini dilakukan hingga tiga kali agar diperoleh hasil yang akurat.
Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan indeks bias aquades adalah 0. Selanjutnya
dilakukan pengujian sampel dengan setiap pengujian dilakukan pembilasan
dengan aquades terlebih dahulu. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari kontaminasi
dari sampel sebelumnya yang akan mempengaruhi hasil pembacaan untuk sampel
berikutnya. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan indeks bias pada teh botol sosro, teh
pucuk harum, teh javana, adem sejuk, lesit kental, teh kotak, NU greentea, fruit
tea stroberi, fresh tea dan fruit tea blackcurrent berturut-turut adalah 6.8; 6.0; 6.8;
7.4; 8.6; 8.4; 8.8; 10.8; 10.0 dan 11.8 dalam satuan % Brix. Perbedaan indeks bias
dari setiap sampel disebabkan karena kecepatan cahaya pada masing-masing
medium atau sampel berbeda.
Gambar 3 : Teh Botol 11 gram Gambar 4 : Teh Pucuk 12 gram
6.8 % Brix 6.0 % Brix

Gambar 5 : Teh Javana 14 gram Gambar 6 : Adem Sejuk 15 gram

6.8 % Brix 7.4 % Brix

Gambar 7 : Lesit Kental 16 gram Gambar 8 : Teh Kotak 17 gram

8.6 % Brix 8.4 % Brix
Gambar 9 : NU Greentea 18 gram Gambar 10 : Fruit Tea Stroberi 24 gram
8.8 % Brix 10.8 % Brix

Gambar 11 : Fresh Tea 26 gram Gambar 12 : Fruit Tea Blackcurrent 31 gram

10.0 % Brix 11.8 % Brix
Refraktometer manual memiliki tingkat ketelitian yang rendah. Hal ini
dikarenakan pada pembacaan index biasnya memerlukan ketelitian yang sangat
tinggi. Selain itu, karena permukaan prisma yang masih terkontaminasi dengan
sampel lain sehingga mempengaruhi indeks bias sampel. Berdasarkan grafik yang
diperoleh, banyaknya kadar glukosa yang terkandung pada larutan sampel
menghasilkan indeks bias yang semakin besar pula. Namun pada sampel teh
pucuk harum, teh kotak dan fresh tea mengalami penurunan indeks bias. Hal ini
disebabkan oleh factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi indeks bias. Menurut Zamroni
(2013) beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi penyimpangan hasil
pengukuran indeks bias, diantaranya temperatur, kekentalan zat cair dan kerapatan
dari medium yang dilalui, yang merupakan fungsi dari konsentrasi zat cairan.
Based on the experiments that have been conducted it can be conclude :
1. The basic principle of refractometer is a light refraction based on the sample
solution. While the work principle of a manual refractometer is the light
coming from the source of the light passing through the sample and then
forwarded to the prism and turning the regulation knob, until it intersects the
intersection point of two intersecting diagonal lines that are seen on the
screen board.
2. The result of observations with a manual refractometet showed a refractive
index on the botol sosro, the oucuk harum, the javana, adem sejuk, lesit
kental, the kotak, nu green tea, fruit tea stroberi, frestea, dan fruit tea
blackcurrant, respectively: 6.8; 6.0; 6.8; 7.4; 8.6; 8.4; 8.8; 10.8; 10.0; and
11.8 in units of % Brix.
For the next practitioner, is more thoroughly in refractive index readings
for the obtained in accordance with the theory.

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