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Nosedive (Black Mirror)

Reaction paper

Submitted by:
Francisco, Shena Mae U.

Submitted to:
Mr. James Euric A. Llamado, LPT

October 2021
Reaction Paper: Nosedive (Black Mirror)

Technology influence on society

A series directed by Joe Wright and Story by Charlie Brooker, Nosedive - Black
Mirror (2016) is the first episode in the third series of the British science fiction
anthology series Black Mirror. It premiered on Netflix on October 21, 2016, alongside
the rest of the third series. The episode is about a global where human beings can rate
every other from one to 5 stars for each interaction that can affect their socioeconomic
status. Those with ratings four and higher are considered to be in a great spot, at the
same time as those below four are seemed down spot (Bacle, 2016). The main
character Lacie Pound is visible in the course of the episode, challenging to elevate her
numbers to sooner or later be amongst people with excessive four rankings. She
doesn’t communicate her thoughts and follows what everybody else says and acts.
Even with all her efforts, she breaks down and breaks away from the chain’s society
stored her in in the long run. This segment of the series shows how much technology
has influenced people's lives.

This episode, “Nosedive,” shows what happens when you abuse technology and
how technology or social media controls us, this episode exposes the society of
internet. For me, I believe that technology can ruin our lives, especially if we no longer
control it and we abuse it too much, just like what happened to Lacie, who wanted to
increase her ratings because she wanted to buy the expensive apartment. She’s like
fooling herself trying to show that she is happy just to get five stars when the fact that
she isn’t happy and most of the characters they put on a mask to attempt their
satisfaction to have other human beings like them. However, even amongst them, there
had been a few who weren’t sucked into this trade fact in which different human beings’
judgment changed into the simplest thing that mattered. What is happening in this
series is also happening to us now that we are too controlled by technology and that we
are abusing it too much it comes to the point that technology or social media is the one
that controls us, just like the spread of fake news on social media because many people
believe immediately and get into trouble because of that fake news. It's just like in this
episode, the ones they post on social media pretending they are happy or the life they
post is perfect, but in reality, all of them are fake.

The first thing I noticed was that most of the people were just focused on their
cellphones. That's where the future of their lives was based. The technology dictates
what will be the future of their lives if they can buy a house or will they have a friend and
etc. The second thing I noticed was they are so obsessed with the ratings that they
based the personality of a person on it and I also noticed that everyone who became
obsessed with ratings is not happy, and they don't really like what they are doing, and
they are just forced because this is the culture of the people in the series that almost all
depend on ratings.

Moving directly to the introductory course, we're already living in a world wherein
our social media popularity performs a significant role in humans judging what type of
man or woman we are. For me, this series helps us realize how much technology or
social media influence people. Yes, we can make our daily lives more accessible with
the help of technology. Still, we do not notice that we are becoming too obsessed. We
can no longer be stopped, and we depend too much on social media or technology. I
liked this series because it was the same as when I watched the movie about social
media or technology abuse. I realized that people are focus too much on social media
or technology. All people have learned on social media. Still, people will not explore
reality too much because everyone is focused on social media. Technology is most
effective going to get extra included into our lives as companies maintain to increase
new gadgets and application. Being conscious of its psychological and physical results
is a primary step in taking returned a few possessions of our information and selves.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

- Arthur C. Clarke

Bacle, A. (2016). Explore Entertainment. Black Mirror Premiere Recap: Season 3, Episode 1,

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