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CSCS - Exercise Science

1. Excess post-training oxygen consumption is also known as;

A. Oxygen surplus

B. Oxygen dept

C. Oxygen conservation


2. Which muscle is the primary plantar flexor?

A. Gastrocnemius

B. Quadriceps

C. Biceps brachii

D. Biceps femoris

3. Which heart champer experiences the highest increase in the wall thickness and volume during
aerobic training?

A. Left ventricle

B. Left atrium

C. Right ventricle

D. Right atrium

4. Which is the name given to the relative intensity of exercise at which blood lactate first begins to rise?


B. Lactate accumulation

C. Lactate threshold

D. VO2 Max
5. Which of the following levers by Definition operates at a mechanical disadvantage?

A. First class

B. Second class

C. Third class

D. Fourth class

6. Which of the following statements is false regarding training seniors?

A. Begin with low volume and intensity for untrained seniors.

B. Avoid Valsalva manoeuvre.

C. Avoid free-weight training due to increased risk.

D. Fundamental resistance principles are similar for youth and seniors.

7. The response to hormones that signal the creation of new tissue is which type of process?

A. Catabolic

B. Muscle-building

C. Anabolic

D. Permissive

8. An athlete with normal IGF levels will see which of the following?

A. Increased IGF level

B. IGF level unchanged

C. IGF level decreased

D. IGF sensitivity increased

9. What is the approximate amount of oxygen carrying capacity per 100ml of blood in men?

A. 15-16ML

B. 20ML

C. 25ML

D. 50ML

10. Most Muscles operate at a mechanical advantage of which of the following?

A. Greater than 1.0

B. Less than 1.0

C. Equal to 1.0

D. Zero

11. An athlete follows a HITT protocol with a work-rest ratio of 1:1 to 1:3 which system is the athlete
primarily training?

A. Phosphagen

B. Fast glycolysis

C. Oxidative

D. Slow glycolysis

12. Which principle is initiated once an adequate amount of acetylcholine is released by the nerve

A. Fast-twitch

B. All-for-one principle

C. Tetanus

D. all-or-none principle
13. Which of the following is true of hormonal adaptation?

A. Increased testosterone levels affect all muscle fibers

B. Increased cortisol improves force production

C. Only activated fibers are subject to adaptations

D. Long rest intervals increase hormonal response to exercise

14. A weight belt should only be used during which of the following?

A. During the heaviest sets of structural exercises.

B. Anytime the spine is loaded

C. Deep squatting

D. Warm-up sets

15. An athlete contracts the gluteus maximus to enhance the stretch in the hip flexors. Which aspects of
the neuromuscular system is being stimulated?

A. Reciprocal inhibition

B. Agonist extension

C. Development of action potential

D. Autogenic inhibition

16. The vertical jump is primarily performed in which anatomical plane?

A. Coronal

B. Sagittal

C. Transverse

D. Frontal
17. Which of the following activities results in the greatest EPOC?

A. 10 total sets @ 80-90% 1RM

B. High rep sets @ 50% 1RM

C. Long-duration cardio

D. CP resynthesis

18. Improving power in seniors can be accomplished via which of the following?

A. Maximal muscle strength training

B. High-velocity resistance training

C. Aerobics

D. Seniors cannot improve power

19. In which percentage of the VO2 max should work intervals be executed for optimized high-intensity
interval training outcomes?

A. 60&

B. 90%

C. 85%

D. 75%

20. What is the location of the primary muscle responsible for elbow flexion?

A. The front side of the arm

B. The upper arm

C. The forearm

D. The shoulder
21. Amenorrhea is biologically is caused by which of the following?

A. Insufficient luteinzing hormone

B. Heightened risk of osteoporosis

C. The female athlete triad

D. Consistent resistance training

22. The majority of skeletal joints responsible for movement are known as which type of joint?

A. Cartilaginous

B. Hinge

C. Synovial

D. Ball-and-socket

23. Which of the following is most likely to result in overtraining?

A. Achieving lactate threshold

B. High volume, low frequency, adequate rest

C. High volume, high frequency, high intensity

D. Combination training

24. What would you use to define an impulse during a sprint?

A. Velocity × Total force

B. Total force/ Ground contact period

C. Velocity/Total force

D. Total force × Ground contact period

25. Golgi tendon organs relay sensory information concerning which of the following?

A. Muscle length

B. Muscle tension

C. Muscle location

D. Rate-coding

26. Which of these know actions relies on the biceps femoris contracting concentrically?

A. Flexion

B. Adduction

C. Abduction

D. Extension

27. Which of the following principles should be followed to increase bone remodelling?

A. Specificity of loading

B. High-impact activities

C. Progressive overload

D. Non-structural Weight training

28. Which of the following stimulates muscle spindles?

A. Muscle tension change

B. Muscle size change

C. Force output change

D. Muscle length change

29. Which of the following occurs in glycolysis when sufficient O2 is available?

A. Pyruvate shuttled to mitochondria

B. Cori cycle

C. Allosteric inhibition

D. Substrate-level phosphorylation

30. An athlete displaying decreased performance, increases resting heart rate, and altered immune
function is likely suffering from which of the following?

A. Functional overheating

B. Non-functional overreaching

C. Sympathetic overtraining syndrome

D. Parasympathetic overtraining syndrome

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