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7 Myths About ADHD

Attention deficit disorder first appeared in
medical literature (under another name)
in 1902. But despite its longevity, iron-
clad research, and prevalence, ADHD is
still largely misunderstood and misrepre-
sented. Read on to learn the truth behind
7 common ADHD myths.
By the Editors of ADDitude

Myth #1: ADHD isn’t real. Myth #4: ADHD only affects boys.
ADHD is recognized by the National Institutes Girls are just as likely to have ADHD as are boys,
of Health, the CDC, and the U.S. Department of and may show either hyperactive or inattentive
Education. The American Psychiatric Association symptoms. But because this myth persists, boys
lists ADHD in the DSM-V — the official mental are still more likely to be diagnosed than are girls.
health “bible” used by psychologists and psy-
chiatrists. ADHD is biologically based; research Myth #5: ADHD is the result of bad parenting.
clearly links it to a neurotransmitter imbalance in ADHD symptoms — like blurting out or fidgeting —
the brain. are rooted in brain chemistry, not discipline. In fact,
research shows that overly strict parenting practices
Myth #2: Accommodations give kids with can actually exacerbate ADHD symptoms!
ADHD an unfair advantage.
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Educa- Myth #6: Children who take ADHD
tion Act requires that public schools address medication are more likely to abuse drugs.
the special needs of all children with disabilities, Studies show that having untreated ADHD in-
including those with ADHD. Special accommo- creases an individual’s risk of abusing drugs or al-
dations, such as extra time on tests, simply level cohol. Appropriate treatment reduces this risk, and
the playing field so that students with ADHD can the medications used to treat ADHD have been
learn as successfully as their classmates do. proven safe and effective over more than 50 years.

Myth #3: Children with ADHD eventually Myth #7: People who have ADHD never
outgrow their condition. amount to anything.
Research shows that as many as two-thirds The list of high-achieving people with ADHD
of children with ADHD will continue to struggle today includes David Neeleman, founder of
with symptoms in adulthood. Though roughly JetBlue, and entertainers Justin Timberlake and
4 percent of the adult population has ADHD, Adam Levine, among others. Historical icons
the majority remains undiagnosed — thought to have had ADHD include Mozart,
and untreated. Abraham Lincoln, and Salvador Dali.

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