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Being able to make your own choice is what we all long for. The freedom of making one’s
own choice is what keeps us contented, cheerful, and differentiates us from others. But
when we are toddlers we are often told to become like others, and suppress what we want
or what choices we want to make. Over that we suffer from parental pressure which
basically affects our whole system and some might also get drove into the wrong direction
under lofty parental pressure. In this report we will be gaining a lucid outlook of how
parental pressure can overwhelm a student, whose already going through “Teen Drama”.

Thesis statement
This report crisps on the facts which affect students and parents. Finding an equilibrium
where parental pressure doesn’t dose off students should be a start, for parents and getting
an understandable view of what their offspring have a soft spot for might help in keeping
them prompt and absorbed.

This study drives us through all the facts which influence student’s life and conquers the
type of troubles it causes on them. Overcoming parental pressure is something which takes
time and slowly giving yourself to the things you like more and more eg. Self care,
meditating which will eventually help in remaining calm in situations like these, reading
something valuable and more importantly controlling your anger, which is customary for

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