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1 author:

Elias Gakuru
Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalaya


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Name of owner: GAKURU Elias

The business owner title: General Manager
Business name: UTAM Fishes Company

Tel: 0788768413

Kigali, 24th June, 2018

Table of content

Table of content ............................................................................................................................... 1

Section 1: Executive summary ........................................................................................................ 2

Section 2: Company description ..................................................................................................... 3

Section 3: Vision and Mission Statement .................................................................................... 7

Section 4: Marketing plan ............................................................................................................... 8

Section 5: Organizational plan ...................................................................................................... 16

Section 6: Production plan ............................................................................................................ 20

Section 7: Financial plan ............................................................................................................... 21

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 30


Section 1: Executive summary

UTAM Fishes Company is a new company involved in rearing fishes for selling white meats. The
main aim of this business is to contribute to national development and food security. This company
will operate its activities in Western province of UGANDA, KISORO District, BUSANZA Sector,
KINANIRA Cell. This business will be located in this area because there is availability of
sufficient water to implement this business.
UTAM Fishes Company will need seventy three million four hundred and fifty thousand
(73,450,000) Ugandan shillings to implement its activities. This amount of money will come from
my own capital of seventy three million four hundred and fifty thousand (73,450,000) Ugandan

The primary promoter of UTAM Fishes Company is GAKURU Elias who will be General
Manager and consulting the business’ advisors so as to operate effectively and efficiently. The
company management structure includes the General Manager, an accountant, the veterinary, the
procurement officer, the motor van driver, the pond builders and keepers, and the guardians.

As the company will sell the white meats, it will face the competitors at the market. The potential
competitors of UTAM Fishes Company are ABADACOGORA Association which currently does
the same business, the women from RUBAVU District who brings fishes from KIVU Lake and
the substitute products. The market of white meats is available and the company intends to start by
selling to the families, pubs and restaurants located in BUSANZA Sector and its neighbors sectors.

The legal structure of UTAM Fishes Company is a Company; business owner level of education
is A0 in Education. The business owner had the following trainings: trainings on Entrepreneurship
taken place at KIST, Industrial attachment taken place at Kivu Fishing groups on fish rearing, the
business owner today is a Secondary school teacher.


Section 2: Company description

As it has been stated in the title, this is the business idea of rearing fishes for selling white meats. This is
proposed to be done by a company named UTAM Fishes Company. This UTAM Fishes Company is
going to operate its activities of rearing fishes for selling white meats in Western province of
UGANDA, KISORO District, BUSANZA Sector, KINANIRA Cell; where people are suffering
from diseases due to the lack of nutrient food especially the one from white meats.

UTAM Fishes Company will encourage people to consume white means meats from fishes as a
part of balanced food which contains the proteins and rich Vitamin D. UTAM Fishes Company
will promote the welfare of local people in BUSANZA Sector and its neighboring sectors and
districts by providing accessible high quality white meat from fishes rich in Vitamin D. this will
enable the people of KISORO District and its neighboring districts to get the welfare by buying
the quality white meat at affordable price.

From the innovative white meat delivery, the people of KISORO District and its neighboring
districts will benefit from better accessibility to the balanced food which will bring to them higher
growth of children. The facilities of UTAM Fishes Company will be land, refrigerators, fishing
pools, motor van, fishing rods; premises, workers, guardians, suppliers, electricity, etc. The
business includes GAKURU Elias as its primary promoter; in addition there will be other partners
such as advisors and technicians. The amount required for the startup of the business is seventy
three million four hundred and fifty thousand (73,450,000) Ugandan shillings.

2.1 Promoters

The primary promoter of UTAM Fishes Company will be GAKURU Elias holding a strong
background in Entrepreneurship, development and Management. Before starting this business, the
business owner has firstly conducted a market research about various things to check the feasibility
of this business. It is in this case that various researches have been carried out before starting
UTAM Fishes Company at the first place in order to predict the successfulness of the business.


2.2 Management structure and areas of responsibilities

NO Post Responsibilities
1 General Manager To plan, organize, control and coordinate all activities
2 Accountant Keeping accounting records
3 Veterinary Follow up of fishes health
4 Procurement officer Selling, purchasing and marketing
5 Drivers Motor van driving
6 Pond builders and keepers To build ponds and ensure their everyday working
7 Guardians Security of the whole business

2.3 Financial advisors and technical advisors

During the implementation of this business of rearing of fishes for selling white meats, the advisors
will be categorized under financial advisors and technical advisors. Financial advisors will provide
by different business consultants we will invite in order to teach us how we can manage well our
resources. The technical advisors will be BUSANZA Sector veterinary and the two day to day
veterinaries of the business.
2.4 Company location and facilities

UTAM Fishes Company will be located in Western province of UGANDA, KISORO District,
BUSANZA Sector, KINANIRA Cell. The facilities of UTAM Fishes Company include land,
refrigerators, and hutches, fishing pools, motor van, fishing rods, premises, workers, guardians,
and suppliers, electrical and associated facilities.

2.5 Startup capital

The proposed capital to start this business of rearing fishes is seventy three million four hundred
and fifty thousand (73,450,000) Ugandan shillings. This capital will be from one part and he is the
owner of the business.


2.6 Products

UTAM Fishes Company’s products will be the white meats from fishes.

2.7 SWOT analysis

The SWOT analysis provides us with an excellent opportunity to examine and evaluate the internal
strengths and weaknesses of take-out service; it also allows us to focus on the external opportunities
presented by the business environment as well as potential threats. Next sections explain major
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that take-out service should be aware of.
Take-out service has a valuable inventory of strengths that would help it to be successful. These
strengths include:
- Location
- Excellent quality which is not available in the local area.
- Management experience in successfully running of similar business
- Efficient product preparation equipment and technology
- Clear vision of the market needs: we know the customers' needs, we are familiar with the latest
technology, and we can offer fish services that would bring the two together
- Availability of land
- Committed, qualified and well trained owner
Strengths are valuable, but it is useful to realize the weaknesses. We have identified some of our
- Cost factor associated with keeping up to date equipment and technology
- We are new
- Start-up challenges
- Limited operating capacity during sales periods
- Expensiveness of fishes food
- Lack of skills in veterinary option
- Insufficient capital



Take-out service strengths and the awareness of its weaknesses will help it capitalize on
emerging opportunities. These opportunities include, but are not limited to:
- Fast growing population in local area
- No other specialized in delivery of fishing products from our chosen location.
- A large segment of low and middle and high class population, and more businesses in the
- No competitors offer in the surrounding area
- Consumer behavior changes due to the economic downturn, respectively an increased
preference to buy affordable fishes instead of expensive meat
- Positive government incentives in agriculture sector
- Qualified advisors and workers
- Availability of the market
- Availability of good races of fishes to rear


Threats of our product should be aware of including:

-Slow recovery process of the economy from the current crisis
-Changes in the business environment that might reduce our sales
-Higher taxes in the future
-The commercial property is leased, not owned by our company
-Fixed credit times, higher interest rate, and higher inflation rate than predicted
- Climate changes
- Diseases of fishes
- New entrance in the same business
- Presence of substitute goods
Our competitive edge will be our product design on the market, product supply and wide variety
within our product and competitor’s product.


Section 3: Vision and Mission Statement
3.1 Vision of the business

The vision of UTAM Fishes Company is to be the leading company that provides white meats
from fishes in UGANDA.

3.2 Mission of the business

The mission of UTAM Fishes Company is to promote the welfare of people by reducing the
problems of malnutrition faced by people of BUSANZA Sector, KISORO district in general and
its neighboring districts.

3.3 objectives of the business

Within the first three years of activities; UTAM Fishes Company objectives are set as follow:
- To increase the welfare of the owner
- To increase the standards of living of its employees by paying them salaries.
- To provide high quality meat to the people of KISORO district and surrounding districts.
- To increase the owner’s capital by retaining at least 50% of net profit
- To reduce the problems of malnutrition faced by people in the above mentioned districts.

Our values are critical to our success. They are the strong foundation of takeout the services define
who we are, and set us apart from our competitors. They underlie our vision of the future. These
values include:
- Performance excellence: We act like responsible owners, always seeking to meet or exceed
- Teamwork: We act as a team, committed to each other, and bound by trust and loyalty.
- Integrity: We treat one another and all our stakeholders with dignity and respect Honesty, ethical
behavior, and integrity are fundamental characteristics of our business conduct.
Our keys to success factors are:

Excellent product and service that will build and maintain customer loyalty
A business location that will assure high company visibility and a high flow of customers


Proven management ability to successfully run a similar business
Our commitment to continuous improvement and total quality services

Section 4: Marketing plan

3.1 Introduction

UTAM Fishes Company is a company that is going to deal with the business of rearing fishes.
General the white meats are the products that are important and needed in the human life.
Nowadays; the white meats from fishes have the wide markets in Uganda, Rwanda and Republic
Democratic of Congo, where there are many individuals, families, pubs, restaurants and hotels that
are willing to buy these white meats from fishes.

3.2 Target market

3.2.1 Size of each market segment

UTAM Fishes Company will serve various individuals families that are willing and able to buy
and consume white meat from fishes. As the research results have shown, there are 480 families in
KISORO district, 580 families in KABALE district, 720 families in MUSANZE and 658 families
in RUBAVU district and 720 families in GOMA (DRC), 732 families in BUNAGANA district,
BUSANZA market boarder. Beyond these families UTAM Fishes Company will also serve various
pubs, restaurants and hotels in the above mentioned districts. At the starting point UTAM Fishes
Company intends to serve the families, pubs, restaurants and hotels found in KISORO district and
MUSANZE district and other market segments will be joined as soon as the business will expand.
Hotels and bars to be served: SERENA hotel, MUHABURA hotel, FATIMA hotel, VIRUNGA
hotel, LA PALME hotel, faradja Hotel , HOME IN HOTEL , SNOW HOTEL , Saint Anne


Size of each market segment

No Target customers by Size of the market Province

Families Pubs, restaurants and
1 KISORO 480 23 Western
2 KABALE 580 18 Western
3 GOMA 720 25 Eastern
4 RUBAVU 658 30 Western
5 MUSANZE 720 42 Northern
6 BUNAGANA 732 16 Southern
Total 3,890 154

The Enterprise will be having the following types of customers

Loyal customers: they are normally fewer but bring more money into the business. Such
customers need extra care and attention to develop a personnel relationship with them as a means
of retaining them.

Need based customers: These are not attached to the business but to the product. They have
attachment to specific products that satisfy their needs. They may stop buying from you if their
preferred brands are out of stock. (These customers are Hotels and bars)

Wandering customers: they may move from shop to shop investigating the qualities of products
because they are themselves not sure about their preferences.

Impulsive customers: these customers don’t have any specific item in mind. They normally buy
what they find attractive at that specific time.


Discount customers: these are customers that buy low cost products that have been discounted.
Our business will provide discounts in order to attract customers

Potential & actual customers: there is a difference between potential and actual customers.
Potential customers are those people or organizations that are likely to buy products from a
business at a future date. Actual customers are those who have already had transactions with the
business. It includes local fish retailers and individuals

3.2.2 Potential customers in each segment

The potential customers are restaurants, pubs and hotels that are located in our targeted
markets. The following table summarizes the potential customers and the quantity expected
to buy per week.

Total market valuation

No Name of potential customers Size of deal per week Location (districts)

1 SERENA hotel (RUBAVU) 75 Kgs/week Western province,


2 FATIMA hotel 80 Kgs/week Northern province,


3 LA PALME hotel 75 Kgs/week Northern province,


4 VIRUNGA hotel 80Kgs/week Northern province,


Total 300Kgs/week


3.2.3 Total market valuation

As the customers will be families, pubs, restaurants and hotels; the families themselves will
come to the UTAM Fishes Company’s butcher to look for white (meat from fishes) depending on
the number of kilograms needed and when they are needed. On the other side, pubs and restaurants
will obtain these meats by means of distributors (sales persons). It means that UTAM Fishes
Company expects to sell its products to 480 families of KISORO district, 96 pubs, restaurants and
hotels located in around districts in the first year, but in the following years as the production will
increase; UTAM Fishes Company will propose to reach other targeted customers from different

3.2.4 Market trends

Rearing fishes is a form of business that requires high commitment and more works. Fishes are
more prolific than other animals and their meats contain more proteins and vitamins and they are
enjoyable by men, women and children. Simply speaking that these meats are very needed at the

3.2.5 Previous situations of the market

In past five years, in Western province of Uganda and in Rwanda there was a high demand
of fishes’ meats. There were few entrepreneurs involved in the business of providing these
meats and mainly the fishes consumed were from the major lakes of Rwanda (Kivu Lake,
Burera lake, Ruhondo Lake, Muhazi Lake, etc.) (Rutaganira, 2014). In UGANDA the
fishes consumed were from Cyahafi Lake, Victoria Lake, George Lake, Munyonyo Lake,
etc. And a part of that there are also other people who are rearing fishes ponds.


3.2.6 Recent situation of the market

Nowadays, there is high demand of fishes’ meats in Uganda and Rwanda and they some
entrepreneurs who have invested in business of rearing fishes so as to benefit from that high market
demand. But on the other side; they are facing the challenges of diseases that kill their reared fishes,
(Rutaganira, 2014). That is why UTAM Fishes Company proposes to have 2 day to day
veterinaries of the business so as to overcome these challenges.

3.2.7 Future predictions of the market

On the market UTAM Fishes Company predicts the following situations:

- The level of demand of meats from fishes will continue to increase
- The number of competitors will also be increased and
- It expects the decrease of prices because of competition

3.3 Advantages of competitors’ offering

- The competitors will enable UTAM Fishes Company to provide better services to customers.
- They will push UTAM Fishes Company to apply good management of production costs and
- They will push UTAM Fishes Company to make innovation, etc

3.4 Disadvantages of the competitors’ offerings

- Competitors cause price fluctuations

- It creates conflicts between the competing firms.

3.5 Competitive advantages

Already fishes’ sellers are not professionals and qualified. So, for this reason UTAM Fishes
Company will use to supply high quality white meats from fishes on a regular basis with sufficient
hygiene, well packaged, well stored, excellent services to customers and these meats will be firstly
checked by veterinary before selling them to our customers so as to outperform our competitors.


3.6 Benefits to clients

UTAM Fishes Company’s white meats from fishes supplied to its clients mentioned in the target
market point will increase their welfare by offering the white meats at affordable price and the high
quality. It will also reduce the cost that the customers usually used to go forward to look for such
kind of white meats elsewhere. Our products (white meats from fishes) as additional component
to a balanced food will help the families to prevent and fight against deficiency diseases caused by
the lack of proteins and vitamins.

3.7 Marketing and sales strategies

UTAM Fishes Company’s promoter knows that every company outperforms its competitors
through selling or providing high quality products or services. UTAM Fishes Company will try to
find out the market of its products (White meats from fishes) wherever possible. UTAM Fishes
Company has also to set the sales strategies.

3.7.1 Marketing strategies

For UTAM Fishes Company, the marketing strategies will differ from one market segment to
another. i.e the people who are in the surroundings areas of operating site of the business will be
attracted by observing the quality of our white meats from fishes. These customers will be served
coming to UTAM Fishes Company’s butcher shop to look for these white meats. On the other side,
the distant customers will be supplied the meats by the means of distributors.
The market segment to be targeted with high consideration within UTAM Fishes Company are
pubs, restaurants and hotels because are the ones to buy greater quantity of our white meat from
fishes as they sell to many people who are their customers. To reach this target market, there will
be needed to build the telecommunication network. There is also need to make the advertisements
which will be done through fliers, announcements in churches, radios, meetings and we will
provide the UTAM Fishes Company website on which all company’s information will be available.
The key benefit to be highlighted to our customers within the company’s white meats is their
quality and availability however and whenever they are needed. Another thing that will attract
UTAM Fishes Company’s customers is that the prices will be discounted and the bonuses will be
allowed to them depending on their purchasing power and their behaviors.
3.7.2 Sales strategies

The supply chain / distribution chain

- UTAM Fishes Company to consumers: here, we take fishes from ponds and we sell them
directly to final consumers.
- UTAM Fishes Company to retailer to consumers: here, we sell fishes to retailers (those
ones who sell in small quantities) and then, they sell to final consumers
- UTAM Fishes Company to whole seller to retailer to customers: here, we sell products
to wholesalers (those ones who sell in large quantities), they sell to retailers and retailers
sell them to consumers.
- UTAM Fishes Company to agent to retailers to consumers: here, the Enterprise will be
having an agent (who sells goods on behalf of a given company), the agent sells products
to retailers and retailers sell products to consumers
- UTAM Fishes Company to agent to wholesaler to retailers to consumers: here,
products are given to the agent, he gives them to wholesalers, they give them to retailers,
and retailers give them to final consumers.
- E-commerce: It stands for Electronic commerce: we shall also sell products using internet
i.e customers will send orders on internet and we respond them on internet.

Our business will use all these distribution chains in order to increase sales so that the business
may achieve its growth.

3.7.3 Pricing strategies

UTAM Fishes Company will be priced at the upper edge of what the market will stand, competing
with the name brand consultants. The price of 1Kg of meats from fishes will be 2000Rwf. This
price was set with respect to the cost of production and the different overheads involved in the
production process.
UTAM Fishes Company largest market segment will be the hotels, motels, bars and restaurants
that live in Rwanda. Other potential customers include fish retailers (fish shops) and other
individual customers.


We estimate that by the year 2017 there will be approximately three million not obtained the
sufficient fish products that live in Uganda and Rwanda. This is a very conservative estimate, we
estimate that these people located in different region in Uganda and Rwanda, we will search all
possibilities to distribute best products to our customers. And the potential customers they are used
fish products from the outside country caused by a lack of the best fish products that those potential
customers will actually buy fishes.

The majority of sales take place out of the ponds and thus distribution is not a serious issue. The
fish is aged in the fishery and when it is ready to be sold it is brought into the tasting room as
need. Fishes are then sold from a cash register in the tasting room.

3.7.4 Advertising and promotion

To promote our product, various methods will be used. Mass media such as radios, TV adverts,
Newspapers, open days, contact with consumers as well as retailers, providing sales promotions,
billboards, panel, leaflets, and other available communication tools. Good relationships with local
authorities will be beneficial to our company. Our main target is a make a strong collaboration
between targeted customers. Incentives to the producers will be highly considered in our company.
Another way of advertising that UTAM Fishes Company will use is the advertising through
different exhibitions which will held everywhere in the country. The following table describes the
promotional budget in Ugandan shillings.

Items (actions) Quantity Price per unity Total price

Booklets 500 1,200 60,000
Slogan through radios 10 times 80,000 800,000
Brochures 100 2,000 200,000
Advertising on TVs 10 times 120,000 12,000,000
Total - - 13,060,000

Note: The Company will use only radio within the first and second year but other media will be
increased after, for this reason the company will spend 1,600,000 each year within the first two


years. The advertising will be done using radios 20 times within the second semester of the first

Section 5: Organizational plan

5.1 Labor and competence requirements

The Enterprise accountant will be having the following responsibilities:

- Recording, classifying, summarizing and analyzing commercial and financial

- Allow supplying information to external parties and ascertaining the transactions profit
or loss.
- She facilitate rational decision making
- Allows the enterprise to establish planning
- measuring the effectiveness of the enterprises
- Ascertaining the financial position of business, etc

The enterprise procurement officer will be having the following responsibilities:

- Marketing managers deal with marketing the products produced by the production management.
- To conduct market surveys
- She will be in charge of publicity and advertisement
- She will be in charge of promotions and discounts.
- She looks for business products market
- Selling products and purchasing, etc

The enterprise veterinary will be having the following responsibilities:

- To oversee everyday life of fishes

- To protect and checking the standards of meats before selling

The Driver will be having the following responsibilities:

- Driving the motor van during the transport of in and out


The Guardians will be having the following responsibilities:

- Protect the company office

- Protect the reared fishes

Pond builders and keepers will be having the following responsibilities:

- Digging fishing pools and

- 1Feeding fishes

5.2 The projected organizational chart

General Manager / owner of

the business

Accountant Veterinary Procurement officer

Ponds builders and keepers,

drivers and guardians


UTAM Fishes Company will be managed by owners. He has more experience in business
management and Entrepreneurship.

In the middle management of the Business there is an accountant, a veterinary and procurement
In lower level management there are ponds builders and keepers, drivers and guardians.

The sorts of resources that managers will be responsible for will include:


People: directing the activities and looking a f t e r people
Financial: using financial resources in the best possible ways for the organization in line with
profit and sales targets.
Materials: making sure that materials are used in most productive ways with the minimum
Machinery and equipments: using the most appropriate machinery and equipment, and making
sure that they are maintained, replaced and updated where necessary
Time: ensuring efficient use of time
Buildings: making sure that premises are safe and re being aused in the best possible way
Information: making sure that the organization uses the most effective information
processing technologies.


UTAM Fishes Company will be owned by only one person. The business will be located in
Kisoro district, Busanza sector.

Board of Directors

The board of directors will be made by president, vice president, secretary, two advisors and
three auditors

Support services

Our business will be working hand in hand with the following people and institutions:

- Insurance companies

- Advertising agencies (like NTV, UBC , Bukedde Tv; advertising websites: ,, Kigezi radio station, radio West, RC Musanze, RC
Rubavu, new times, new vision, dairy monitor, etc)

- Consultants from Kivu fishing groups

- Advisors from Netherlands fishing industries


5.3 Personnel budget in Ugandan shillings

Employees Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Drivers (2) - 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000
guardians (4) 5,760,000 5,760,000 5,760,000 5,760,000
Pond builders 5,760,000 5,760,000 5,760,000 5,760,000
and keepers (6)
Subtotal 11,520,000 16,320,000 16,320,000 16,320,000
Sales and marketing personnel
Procurement - 7,200,000 7,200,000 7,200,000
officer (1)
Subtotal - 7,200,000 7,200,000 7,200,000
General and administrative personnel
Manager (1) 24,000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000
Accountant (1) 9,600,000 9,600,000 9,600,000 9,600,000
Veterinary (2) 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000
Sub total 38,400,000 38,400,000 38,400,000 38,400,000

Total 51,926,900 61,920,000 61,920,000 61,920,000

5.4 Operations and corporate social responsibilities

In order to maintain the good operations within UTAM Fishes Company, different things will be
needed, among them are: House office; house for butcher’s shop and a small house for guardians.
UTAM Fishes Company will need various equipments including hoes; tables; chairs; fishing rods;
refrigerators; basket to transport fishes. Packages will also be needed to maintain customer care
and telephones will be used during the communication of UTAM Fishes Company and its
In UTAM Fishes Company’s activities, the social corporation will be taken into considerations.


All UTAM Fishes Company’s employees will be monthly paid and have insurances in Uganda
Social Security Board (USSB) and they will be also mobilized to pay the health insurance fees as
is one of the government policies.
Being monthly paid, it is very clear that the employees’ families’ welfare will be improved. On the
other side, the environment will be protected by providing the big pit reserved for died fished.
There will be pits reserved for remaining food to be processed into organic manures. Around the
UTAM Fishes Company, the enterprise will plant the agro forestry plants.

The socio-economic consideration is another important point to be focused on; as the business will
operate in the rural areas. This will be taken into consideration by providing jobs to various people
as soon as the business will grow. The social environment will also be done by providing the white
meats from fishes to the people who will be the company’s customers. UTAM Fishes Company
will also help the vulnerable people found in the nearest areas of the company’s location by paying
the health insurance for them

Section 6: Production plan

6.1 Current status

Market oriented in farming transformation is the main policy in modern farming in Uganda. Some
areas are specialized in a given farming production according to farming and environmental status
conducive to such a farm. In this case Western province is not intensively involved in fishing
Even though this area is not producing many tons of fishes and there is shortage of safe techniques
to store and distribute the yield is still a challenge. All those challenges incited us to initiate a
business of transformation of fishing farming sector, we will be handling with improved techniques
of transformation.

6.2 Production process

The proposed fisheries will produce fishes in different regions. The fishes will be transported from
fishery to potential customers and market pay for harvesting and transportation charges.


6.3 Fisheries making process

This is Flow through system trout and other sport fish are often raised from eggs to fry or
fingerlings and then trucked to streams and released. Normally, the fry are raised in long, shallow
concrete tanks, fed with fresh stream water. The fry receive commercial fish food in pellets. While
not as efficient as the New Alchemists' method, it is also far simpler, and has been used for many
years to stock streams with sport fish.
Fish farming will be and the grape bins will be dumped onto the sort table with a conveyor. The
grapes will then move along the conveyor and workers will remove any rotten or unripe grapes.
The grapes will then go into the crusher or distemper that rests on top of the stainless steel
fermentation vat. The red grapes will ferment for about 14 days in the open top stainless steel
fermentation vats. Once fermentation is complete, the free run fishes will be pumped out of the
stainless steel tanks and placed into oak barrels for aging.

The must will be pumped into the press, and the pressed fishes will then be pumped into French
oak barrels for aging. The fishes will age in barrel for about 12 months and will most likely be
racked twice. Wines will then be pumped out of barrel, filtered, and run through the bottling line.

There the wine will be bottled, corked, labeled, and capsule. Workers will take the finished wine
off at the end of the bottling line and place the wine in cases where it will age another six months
prior to release. Thus; the products are sold 18 months after harvest. UTAM Fishes Company will
grow the following types of fishes; tilapia, carp, channallabes, characiformes, cheek spot blenny,
cheilochromis, euchilus, chetia, etc

Section 7: Financial plan

7.1 Sources of finance

For UTAM Fishes Company, the source of finance equals to 73,450,000 shillings. This entire
amount will be from the owner of the company.


7.2 Start-up expenses and capitalization

The start-up capital to start this business of rearing fishes is seventy three million four hundred and
fifty thousand (73,450,000) Ugandan shillings. This capital will be made of one parts; the owner
of the business.

Our start-up costs include expenses for the pond building and for expensed equipment. The startup
costs will be financed by owners’ equity. The start-up capital will be used for legal expenses, raw
material inventory and equipment, packing and other materials (stationary), insurance, and cash in
hand at start-up, as shown in the table below, most of start-up expenses are those expenses of first


7.3 UTAM Fishes Company’s forecasted profit and loss account (2018-2020)
2018 2019 2020
Targeted sales 112,980,000 205,350,000 276,520,000
Less operating expenses:
- Salaries and wages 51,926,900 61,980,500 61,920,000
- Office rent 1,440,000 1,440,000 1,440,000
- Packages 800,000 2,400,000 2,400,000
- Fishing rods 200,000 120,000 80,000
- Hoes 80,000 - -
- Machetes 18,000 - -
- Knives 8,000 - -
- Fishes food 2,000,000 8,000,000 -
- Hutches building 1,200,000 2,400,000 3,200,000
- Digging fishing pools 1,000,000 - -
- Electricity 480,000 360,000 480,000
- Advertising fees 1,600,000 1,600,000 4,000,000
- Freezer vehicle fuel 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,200,000
- Drugs for fishes 200,000 600,000 1,000,000
- Other transports 800,000 1,000,000 150,000
- Depreciation for refrigerators 200,000
- Depreciation for Freezer vehicle 1,200,000 200,000
- Insurance 400,000 1,200,000 200,000
- Pipes 400,000 400,000 400,000
- Hyper nets 2,000,000 -
- pipes joints 60,000 - 1,200,000
- fishes to rear 8,000,000 -
- Transport 400,000 -
- Other expenses 26,600,000 100,000 300,000

Total operating expenses 102,432,900 82,900,500 79,770,000

Gross Profit 10,547,100 122,449,500 196,750,000

Less tax (18%) (1,898,478) (22,040910) (35,415,000)

Net profit 8,648,622 100,408,590 161,335,000


7.4 UTAM Fishes Company’s forecasted Balance sheet (2018-2020)

2018 2019 2020

Fixed assets
- Small house for workers and 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
stock 16,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000
- Freezer vehicle 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000
- Refrigerator 400,000 400,000 400,000
- Fixture and furniture 600,000 600,000 600,000
- Copyright 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
- 4 Fishing ponds

Total fixed assets 25,400,000 25,400,000 25,000,000

Current assets
Inventory of WIP(work in progress) 16,698,622 22,560,000 32,785,000
cash at bank 26,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000
cash in hand 24,000,000 25,898,590 57,000,000

Total current assets 56,698,622 148,458,590 209,785,000

Less Current liabilities: 0 0 0

Working capital 56,698,622 148,458,590 209,785,000

Capital employed = FA + WC 82,098,622 173,858,590 234,785,000

Financed by:
owner’s equity: 73,450,000 73,450,000 73,450,000
Add Net profit 8,648,622 100,408,590 161,335,000
+ Long Term liabilities: 0 0 0
Capital employed 82,098,622 173,858,590 234,785,000


7.5 UTAM Fishes Company’s forecasted Cash flow statement (2018-2020)

Details 2018 2019 2020


Owner’s funds 73,450,000 Cash b/d 51,877100 Cash b/d 174,326,600

Sales 98,980,000 Sales 205,350,000 Sales 276,520,000

Total cash inflows 172,430,000 257,227,100 450,846,600


61,980,500 61,920,000
Salaries and wages 51,926,900
1,440,000 1,440,000
Office rent 1,440,000
2,400,000 2,400,000
Packages 800,000
120,000 80,000
Fishing rods 200,000
- -
Hoes 80,000
- -
Machetes 18,000
- -
Knives 8,000
8,000,000 3,200,000
Fishes food 2,000,000
2,400,000 -
Hutches building 1,200,000
Digging fishing pools 1,000,000
360,000 480,000
Electricity 480,000
1,600,000 4,000,000
Advertising fees 1,600,000
1,500,000 2,200,000
Freezer vehicle fuel 1,000,000
600,000 1,000,000
Drugs for fishes 200,000
Other transports 800,000
Depreciation for
refrigerators 200,000
Depreciation for 1,200,000
200,000 1,200,000
Freezer vehicle
Insurance 1,200,000
1,200,000 1,200,000
Pipes 1,200,000
Hyper nets 2,000,000
Other expenses 26,600,000


pipes joints 60,000 100,000 300,000
fishes to rear 8,000,000
Transport 400,000

Small house for workers 1,200,000

and stock
Freezer vehicle 16,000,000
Refrigerator 3,200,000
Fixture and furniture 400,000
Copyright 600,000
Fishing ponds 4,000,000
Total cash outflows 120,552,900 82,900,500 79,770,000

cash balance c/d 51,877,100 174,326,600 371,076600

7.6 UTAM Fishes Company’s forecasted Payback period

Cash flows Year 1 Year 2 Year3

Cash inflows 8,648,622 100,408,590 161,335,000
Cash outflows (73,450,000) 0 0
Net cash flows -64,801,378 100,408,509 161,335,000
Accumulative -64,801,378 35,607,131 196,942,131
cash flow

absolute value of that negative accumulative

Last year of negative accumulative +
the total net cash flow of the following year
1+ = 1.3 = 1 years and 4 months

The business will recover the invested capital after 1 year and 4 months


7.7 UTAM Fishes Company’s breakeven analysis

To break even, UTAM Fishes Company will need to have a return of seventy three million four
hundred and fifty thousand Uganda shillings. Which is the total investment needed to start the
business, the following figures show the break-even analysis for UTAM Fishes Company.


- 1 kg of fishes’ meats = 10,000 shillings

𝑇𝐶 73,450,000
BEP = = = 7345 𝐾𝑔
𝐴𝑃 10,000

The UTAM Fishes Company will be producing different types of fishes but the average price (AP)
of one kilogram of fishes’ meats will be 10,000 shillings. If UTAM Fishes Company sells 7345kg
there is no profit and there is no loss. It is from this point UTAM Fishes Company will begin to
get profit. If UTAM Fishes Company sells 7345kg the expenses are equal to revenues. For this
reason UTAM Fishes Company before producing this quantity the business will be in losses zone.

7345 kgs (The point of production where the business

will not get profit or loss, but the business will start to get profit, i.e the sales curve I greater than
total costs curve). In the loss zone there is no profit because, total costs curve is greater than sales



Risks are inevitable in any human activities. In as far as our company is concerned, in expected
risks includes: Competition, market change, quality control, resource constraints, productivity,
investment, information technology, interest rates, exchange rate and natural disasters.
As we work in an open market with many competitors, it is inevitable to focus on the quality of
our products and customer care. The way we receive people, the quality of our products are the
determinant factors of our success or failure. For that, our company has strong measures to have
products with high quality and skilled people to maintain customers and extend public relations.
The market is not always stable. In a market, a situation of high/lower demand is a rule. Our
company will encourage market research to know real and current or predictable future market
situation to be able to produce much to meet the need of customers or to produce less if the demand
is lower.

A human resource constraint is a big handicap to the booming of any company. Our company will
use well skilled employees in any of its departments and will keep updating their knowledge
through different trainings and visits.
Any company benefits will be used in sustainable investment. By sustainable investment, money
earned will be used to buy sustainable materials like, buildings, forests, lands which are not likely
to perish to make sure that they support the company in a sustainable way.
As technology is a trusted tool to development, our company will invest enough money in
information technology, to be able to produce much and quickly not only to feed internal or
regional markets but also international ones.
As said above, market is not always stable. In a market, interest rates and exchange rates may
change either by augmenting or diminishing, our company will try to conform to those changes
and function accordingly.

Natural disasters do not exempt anyone. Precocious measures may be taken in advance to make
sure that the company will be able to overcome them in case they occur. Among those measures
one may state, providing money to use in that horrible situation or insuring the business in
insurances companies to intervene in case for example of fire, earthquakes, flood etc.


Section 8: Implementation plan
The following table summarizes how the different activities will be carried out, who will be
responsible for each activity, expected date for each activity and the expected outcome for each
activity. The following table describes the implementation plan.

Activities Duration Assumptions Responsibility Expected

Market research 2 months To check the Business being informed
feasibility of the promoter about the real
business market situations
Business 4 months To have a written Business to have concise
planning information promoter and written
about the information
business about the
Terracing of the 5 days To have the well Pond builders to have the well
land prepared land and keepers prepared land
Digging fishing 3days To have the Pond builders to have the
pools digging pools and keepers fishing pools
Fishing water 3 days To have water in Pond builders to have water in
the fishing pools and keepers the fishing pools
Obtaining fishes 5 days To have the good Business obtaining the
to rear race of fishes to promoter and good graces of
rear procurement fishes to rear
Launching of the 1 day Launching the all company’s launched
business business employees business





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