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Language and language practices

In the chapter they talk about the relation between linguistics and applied linguistics, and
the different views from this phenomenon even though they write similar, so one of the
reasons that makes them different is the purpose and the stance of the person who is
Linguist and the applied linguistics concern themselves with language situations, this is
meant as an evaluation of the role of language in a social setting, so commonly we can see
that people have a particular accent and phonetic, but these features would change by the
time because of the social distinction among groups in the same area. These studies just
take the theorical linguistic model and place it over a social setting with the intentions of
describe how it would look like in the future. Another example is the people of India, they
used to have over 1653 mother tongues but by the time the Census of India´s reduced first
to 200 and then to 18, these statistics show us that in India there are not majority languages,
and all languages enjoy minority, also show us that linguistic classification is based on the
language family tradition and assumes that languages change over time by contact with
other languages.
In the other hand the applied linguist it is not based in describe in order to say what it looks
like, the applied linguist focused on ask how far the new data relates to test out some
overarching theory, so the applied linguist starts with a necessary question supported by a
problematic that probably needs an action from the language situation, for example for the
applied linguist working in India the question focused on the social facts like the English as
a symbolic rather than an instrumental policy, and the questions based on this problematic
1. Why is English so widely in India when its results are so unsatisfactory?
Although English is one of the two national languages of India it has been taught
ineffectively because there, they want to spread more the Hindi and let the English
aside. However, it is supposed that every child should study English and Hindi and the
local language soy they must teach it no matter what people said.
2. How can the teaching of English be improved?
To improve the English in India it is important to take some factors like the teachers
and the resources because without them it would be impossible improve it so the
applied linguistic come in to play the role of searching good teachers and resources for
children, in order to improve this language in India.

Language and gender

The linguist has been interest in the diachronic characteristic of language and gender in
language, so they deal with grammatical rules that are open to question and focus on the
impact of society of language and on the ways which social forces cause language to
chance, and example is that linguist become involved in the use of inclusive language. On
the other hand, applied linguist deal with synchronic characteristic language and language
in gender, so they focus on the influence of language on society and on the extend to which
that influence can be controlled to facilitate human interaction through language.
There are some areas where the linguist and applied linguist are interest:
Many studies found that women used the high-rise intonation twice as much as men
because of their subservience to men, also studies have reported that women used more
standard than men, so they change the ¨ing¨ for ¨in¨ because of women´s social status is
more dependent on appearance, so these studies show us that sex or gender operate as a
major trigger of a social dialect choice.
At school for example females are ahead because they are better in verbal areas that boys,
so here the applied linguist interest in how boys and girls use language so they can act and
improve the teaching and learning.
Furthermore, language has a big impact on gender because it promotes unequal relations,
including spread negativity stereotypes of women, so language usually contain more terms
to describe women than men and most of them are derogatorily and acquire negative
So, based on these studies we realized that linguist would analyze, survey and interview,
and applied linguist would test, observe and evaluate.

Clinical Linguistics
The goal of clinical linguistic is to formulate hypotheses for remediation of abnormal
linguistic behavior. Applied linguist are interest in achieving stables states and improve
communication, so they will have two roles in clinic linguist, the first is the speech
therapist and the other one is trainer of speech and if you are a trainer speech you become
an applied linguist. On the clinical linguist there are some language impairments that are
absence of some part of the language faculty, this impairment can occur at any age, and it is
cause by accident, illness or traumas, this impairment can be physical disabilities and
emotional states, so the applied linguist play an important role on the clinical linguist
because they determinate who needs the treatment on the grounds of need, ability and
In conclusion, the chapter show us how linguist and applied linguist have areas of common
interest: language in situation language in gender and clinical linguistics and both work
looking for an improvement on the language.

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