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NAME : Estevan Melo, Davi K. …………………………………………………………………………..


Score:3,0 3rd TERM DATE: 14 / 09 /2021 PARENTS’

SIGNATURE.: ..................................

Use blue or black ink; Write legibly; The use of ‘wite-out’ is not allowed; Erasures will not be accepted.

Read the text from the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and answer.

At half-past nine, that night, Tom and Sid were sent to bed, as usual. They said theirs prayers, and Sid
was soon asleep. But Tom was waiting for his friend Huckleberry Finn. They were going to the graveyard.
When it seemed to him that it should be nearly daylight, he heard the clock, it struck ten! At last he heard a
sound under the window. Huck was there, with his dead cat. Tom climbed out of the window and jumped down
to the ground. After half an hour, they were walking through the graveyard.
The night was very dark and still. The boys talked quietly, once they did not want to frighten the spirits.
A faint wind blew through the trees. Tom feared it might be the spirits of the dead people, complaining about
the disturbance. “Huck, are you afraid of dead people” asked Tom. “Sure, I am, this graveyard is awfully quiet”
Huck whispered. There was a considerable pause. Then Tom whispered: “Do you think Hoss Williams hears
us talking?” “Of course the does or at least his spirit does” said Huck. Tom, after a pause: “It should be better
to say Mr. Williams. He might come back and hurt us.” “Yes, a boy might be very careful about these dead
people, Tom”. Presently Tom seized his friend´s arm and said: “Sh!”
“What is it, Tom?” and the two clung together with beating hearts. “Sh! I heard it again. You heard it, didn´t
you?” (Tom)
“Lord, Tom, they´re coming! They´re coming! What´ll we do?” (Huck)
“ I don´t know. Will they see us?” (Tom)
“Oh, Tom, they can see in the dark, same as cats”. “Oh, don´t be afraid. I don´t believe they´ll bother us. We
aren´t doing any harm. If we keep perfectly still, maybe they won´t notice us” (Tom)
“I´ll try to, Tom, but, I´m all of a shiver” (Huck)
“Listen!” (Tom)
The boys bent their heads together and heard a muffled sound of voices floated up from the far end of
the graveyard. Some vague figures approached through the dark. One of them was carrying an old lantern.
Little spots of light were shining on the ground.
“They`re spirits, Tom! They´re spirits!” “No, Huck, they´re humans. One of them is…I can recognize old Muff
Potter´s voice”.
“He won´t notice us, he is drunk, the same as usual” (Huck)
The boys stopped talking, once the three men had reached the grave and stood within a few feet of the
boys hiding-place.
“Here it is” said the man who was holding the lantern up and the boys recognized the face of young Doctor
“Say, Huck, I know the other man; it´s Indian Joe”
Potter and Indian Joe were carrying a stretcher with a rope, a blanket and a couple of shovels on it.
“Hurry up, men. Dig up the body” said the doctor. The other two men took the shovels and began to dig up the
new grave. The boys watched with wide eyes from behind the tree.
For some time, there was no noise, except the sound of shovels. The men were digging up the body of old Mr.
Williams. Then a shovel hit something, and soon the men lifted the coffin out of the grave, with a rope. They
opened the coffin, took out the body, and wrapped it in a blanket. Potter took out a large knife and cut the
“Now, Doc, it´s ready. And you can pay us the other five dollars”.
“Look here, what does this mean?” said the doctor.
“You required you pay in advance, and I paid you”.
“Yes, and you did more than that” answered Indian Joe. “Five years ago you sent me away from your father´s
kitchen on night, when I came to ask for something to eat, and you said I wasn´t there for any good and then
your father put me in jail. Did you think I´d forget?” He was threatening the doctor, with his fists in his face. The
doctor hit him suddenly and Indian fell on the ground. Potter dropped his knife and exclaimed: “don´t hit my
friend”. He seized the doctor and they began to fight. Indian Joe jumped up, picked up Potter´s knife, and ran
around the two men. Suddenly the doctor seized a shovel and hit Potter´s head with it. Potter fell on the
ground, but as the same time Indian drove his knife into the young´s doctor´s chest.

1. The words are closest in meaning to: (1,0 each 0,2)

a) Graveyard ( C ) is used to carry someone who is sick or injured
b) Shovel ( D ) very thick string made from twisted thread
c) Stretcher ( B ) a tool with a long handle, used for digging or moving things such as soil or snow
d) Rope ( A ) an area of land where dead bodies are buried
e) Blanket ( E ) a thick, warm cover that you sleep under

2. Are there spirits in the story? (0,5)

a) Yes b) No

3. Read the text and write T if the sentences are true or F if they are false. (1.5 each 0.3)

( T ) The night was very quiet.

( T ) Tom waited for his friend till ten o`clock.
( F ) The boys can see spirits.
( F ) Tom and the doctor fought.
( F ) There´s a tribe in the story.

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