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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology - Bhopal-462003

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

End Term Examination, Nov 2021
Course: BTech Semester: VII Branch: CSE
Subject: TCP-IP and Web Technology Subject Code: CSE-411
Date: 16-11-2021 Max Marks: 50
Time: 09:30AM to 12:30PM
Answer-Sheet Submission Time: 12:30PM to 01.00PM (30 Minutes)

i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Take suitable assumptions wherever necessary and clearly state the same.
iii. Submit your answer-sheet to:
iv. Don’t wait till the deadline to upload, do it as soon as you finish your paper.
v. Reply and upload the answer sheet in single pdf file with filename as your scholar number, for example
Q. No. Question M
1 a) Justify the need of minimum and maximum length restrictions for an Ethernet frame. What is the 5
minimum and maximum length of the payload that can be transmitted along with a frame? What will *
happen if we transmit 40 bytes of payload received from the upper layer? 2
b) Wireless LANs uses CSMA/CA rather than CSMA/CD, why? Justify with a suitable example.
c) What is the role of network allocation vector in CSMA/CA? What would happen if RTS or CTS
control frames collided in CSMA/CA?
d) Why is there a restriction on the generation of an ICMP message in response to a failed ICMP error
e) Discuss the problem occurred when a remote host wants to communicate with a mobile host that is
not the part of the same network as the mobile host. What is the possible solution to solve the
2 a) Illustrate the efficiency of slotted ALOHA and pure ALOHA using graph as a function of p for the 5
following values of N: *
(i) N=15 2
(ii) N=25
b) The message 1001101000 is to be transmitted using the CRC polynomial 𝑥 3 + 𝑥 2 + 1 to protect it
from errors. The message that should be transmitted is?
c) Consider a network with the data transmit rate of 10 Mbps for over 2 kms cable without any repeater.
Calculate the speed of signal (km/sec) in the cable when the minimum size of the frame for the
network is 2500 bytes.
d) An ICMP message has arrived with the header (in hexadecimal): 12 00 12 11 13 0A 01 03.
What is the type of the message? What is the code and its purpose?
e) For reliable frame transmission, a sender uses Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol. Frames are 500 bytes
in size, and the sender's transmission rate is 40 Kbps (1Kbps = 1000 bits per second). The size of an
acknowledgement is 50 bytes, and transmission rate of the receiver is 2 Kbps. The propagation delay
of the channel is 100 milliseconds. Calculate the throughput assuming no frames are lost.
3 a) Given the CIDR representation / 26. Find the range of IP Addresses in the CIDR block. 2
Write the first and last IP address. If we need to divide into 3 subnets namely S1, S2 and S3. The *
number of host in S1 is 16, S2 having 8 and rest is for S3. Calculate the block diagram and IP range 5
for all three subnet.
b) Consider an IPv4 packet with option field(s) of 20 bytes. Calculate the checksum field for the IPv4
header when service type field is 0, total length field is 60, identification field is 1, do not fragment

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(D) bits is set to 1, TTL is 4, the higher layer protocol is TCP, initial value of the checksum is set to
0 at the sender, the source address is and the destination address is
4 a) Consider there are two hosts located 4000 meters apart connected via a network. The capacity of the 2
network is 500 × 103 bits per second and the propagation speed is 2 × 103 meters per second. The *
average size of the packets exchanged between two hosts is 10000 bits. Assume that the network can 5
be utilized to its full capacity and the processing delays at intermediate routers are negligible.
Calculate the minimum size in bits of the sequence number field when Go-Back-N sliding window
protocol is used for this network.
b) Frames of 1000 bits are sent over a 106 bps duplex link between two hosts. The propagation time is
25ms. Frames are to be transmitted into this link to maximally pack them in transit (within the link).
What is the minimum number of bits (l) that will be required to represent the sequence numbers
distinctly? Assume that no time gap needs to be given between transmissions of two frames.
Suppose that the sliding window protocol is used with the sender window size of 2l, where l is the
number of bits identified in the earlier part and acknowledgements are always piggy backed. After
sending 2l frames, Calculate the minimum time the sender will have to wait before starting
transmission of the next frame?
5 a) Refer the following network diagram having 6 routers R1 to R6 connected with links having weights 2
as shown in the figure. *

All the routers use the distance vector based routing algorithm to update their routing tables. Each
router starts with its routing table initialized to contain an entry for each neighbour with the weight
of the respective connecting link. After all the routing tables stabilize, show the routing table of each
note iteration by iteration and which links in the network will never be used for carrying any data?
Demonstrate the entire routing table calculation process.
b) Suppose the weights of all unused links in the previous question are changed to 2 and the distance
vector algorithm is used again until all routing tables stabilize. Which links will now remain unused?
Show the calculation.


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