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10 Healthy Ways To Spice Up Your Coffee



Tired of bland coffee or coffee additives that are full of artificial colors and flavorings? Try these healthy
ways to spice up your coffee instead.

Overhead view of several cups of coffee flavored in different ways.

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As the weather gets cooler, what better way to get warm and cozy than with a warm, comforting cup of
coffee. Don’t ya think?

With its unique aroma and alluring taste, coffee can be addictive.

Healthier coffee

Coffee in itself, though, isn’t unhealthy. In fact, it has numerous health benefits. It may help your
physical performance and even lower your risk for Type 2 diabetes. (Yes, I was surprised by that too!)


The problem, though, is that most coffee served at your local coffee shop has lots of added sugar,
artificial flavorings, and other additives that aren’t so healthy for you! Luckily, there are healthy ways to
spice up your coffee.
I usually froth up some homemade coconut milk for my coffee and tea lattes. I used to add a tiny bit of
sugar, but I slowly weaned myself off it and now I like my coffee better without. My husband went from
using two packages of sugar to none these days!

For a truly healthier coffee, I’d suggest trying to wean yourself off sugar. You may be surprised to find
yourself actually savoring the coffee flavor. In fact, too much sugar may eventually bother you.

If you find it difficult to reduce your sugar intake, why not try spicing up your morning brew? Trick your
tastebuds with new flavors, trading some of the sugar for healthier additions.

1. Coconut or almond milk

If you’re looking to reduce your dairy intake, almond milk is a delicious non-dairy milk that you can pour
into your coffee instead. If you have a nut allergy (or don’t like the flavor of almonds), coconut milk is
another alternative. Either adds a mild flavor and a delicious creaminess. While it’s convenient to buy
them, you can also easily make your own coconut milk or almond milk. (Almond milk can be made in the
same way as coconut milk.)

Another way to add a mild coconut flavor is to mix coconut cream with vanilla extract to make a dairy-
free vanilla creamer for your coffee.

A cup of coffee with milk in front of a bottle of vanilla extract and some vanilla beans

2. Vanilla

With a flavor profile that pairs so well with coffee, it’s probably not surprising that vanilla is one of the
most popular coffee flavorings.
While you could easily add a commercially made vanilla syrup, a healthier alternative is to add several
drops of vanilla extract. You can even make your own homemade pure vanilla extract from fresh vanilla
beans. (If you’re avoiding alcohol, why not try making an alcohol-free vanilla extract instead.)

If you’re missing the sweetness of vanilla syrup, add a dash of honey or maple syrup to your coffee.
These non-refined sweeteners add just enough sweetness while imparting their own delicious flavor.

Note: If you choose syrups rather than extracts, even if they are organic and GMO-free, they are
generally packed with sugar. So, try to use the minimum amount “needed.”

3. Cocoa powder

For chocolate lovers, cocoa powder adds rich flavor and antioxidants to your coffee without added
sugars. You can easily make a healthier mocha coffee by simply stirring some cocoa powder directly into
your coffee. If making a latte, try blending it into your milk before adding it to your drink.

While not completely sugar-free (unless you’re using 100%), melting in some dark chocolate is another
delicious way to boost flavor.

coffee surrounded by cinnamon sticks, star anise, chocolate pieces, and coffee beans.

4. Cinnamon

If you are trying to give up using cream and sugar, why not give cinnamon a try?

This spice has been around since ancient times, and it still remains one of our favorites today. It’s made
up of a variety of resinous compounds that make it extremely healthy. Rich with antioxidants, it can
lower your blood sugar and boost your immune system! Plus, its spicy flavor adds a sensation of
sweetness that can help you wean yourself off sugar.
To use cinnamon in coffee, sprinkle ground cinnamon right into your cup of joe or on top of the frothed
milk of your lattes. Alternatively, you can infuse the flavor of whole cinnamon sticks by placing them
directly into your freshly brewed (hot) coffee.

5. Citrus fruits

The acidity of citrus fruits is known to help cut the bitterness of coffee. (A pinch of salt may also work.)

While it’s easy to find orange or lemon syrup that can be added directly to your coffee, there are
healthier ways to add citrus flavor to your beverage. The healthiest way is to add some orange or lemon
zest directly to your java. Even easier, add a drop or two of food-grade citrus essential oils instead.
(When using essential oils, ideally dilute them in another oil such as MCT oil first.)

If you prefer, you can make your own citrus syrup or extract for pouring into your coffee. To make a
citrus syrup, simmer the zest of oranges, lemons, or limes with equal parts of water and sugar in a small
pot. Once the sugar has dissolved, strain out the zest and allow the syrup to cool.

To make a citrus extract, soak the zest in vodka or another high-proof alcohol for several days to weeks.
then strain out the zest and add the extract to your coffee!

A cup of coffee with milk, garnished with orange zest

6. Ginger

While it’s common to add ginger to tea, not many have tried this amazing root in their java. Ginger adds
an exotic flavor to your coffee, especially when paired with other spices. (Imagine gingerbread coffee!)

Either sprinkle in dried ginger powder or add slices of fresh ginger root directly to your hot coffee. It
combines amazingly well with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, allspice, and even turmeric. (Check
out my chai tea recipe for some ideas of spices that work well together.) Experiment with different
combinations to find which you prefer.

A cup of coffee in front of a ginger root.

Another idea is to add the homemade ginger syrup made as the first step to making homemade ginger

7. Cardamom

Popular in the Middle East, cardamom pairs beautifully with black pepper and other spices like
cinnamon and ginger. That’s why it’s one of the ingredients in my homemade chai tea. It also pairs well
with coffee. Not only does it add flavor, but it’s rich in essential minerals that that help keep you
energized throughout the day. It may also lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Add crushed pods to your coffee grounds before brewing. Or, if you’d like something more convenient,
buy preground cardamom at most grocery stores and sprinkle it directly over your coffee.

8. Butter or oil

While it may sound a bit strange, adding butter to coffee is actually delicious. In fact, buttered coffee has
gained popularity in recent years because of the Bulletproof coffee trend.

If you haven’t heard of Bulletproof coffee, it’s made by blending grass-fed butter or ghee with MCT oil
into coffee giving the coffee a creamy, frothy consistency. Bulletproof coffee is especially popular with
those following a ketogenic diet or those doing intermittent fasting.

bulletproof coffee next to bowls of butter, solid oil, and coffee beans

9. Mint

Mint pairs beautifully with cocoa and coffee. The menthol in mint gives it a cooling effect that is an
interesting addition to warm beverages. You can either place a few mint leaves directly into your coffee
or add a drop or two of mint extract or peppermint oil. Adding a dash of homemade peppermint liqueur
and topping with whipped cream makes for a perfect dessert coffee.

10. Cayenne powder

What could be spicier than hot peppers? Cayenne powder adds an extra flavor kick to your coffee. It also
helps curb hunger and boost your metabolism, making it a great addition to your first meal of the day. If
you are prone to acid reflux or have other digestive issues, though, start slow with it. The combination of
cayenne with the caffeine in the coffee could increase the sensation of heartburn.

A closeup of a woman's hands holding a hot glass of coffee covered in a bright striped blue and purple
cozy made out of a sock.

Make an easy coffee cup cozy from a cute sock!

I hope you’ve found an idea you like for spicing up your morning coffee! If you’re looking for a great new
way to brew your coffee first, why not try making a cold brew (without special equipment)?

This post was originally published on October 11, 2016. It was rewritten, adding new ideas, in 2021.


About Tracy Ariza, DDS

Tracy Ariza, B.A., D.D.S., left dentistry and the United States to found Oh, The Things We'll Make!,
writing to you from the Spanish Riviera. She loves making things herself in order to keep control of what
goes in them. While far from perfect, she strives each day to live a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

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Reader Interactions



July 31, 2019 at 1:32 AM

Such a great ideas. All the ways that you shared is very informative and helpful. I love reading your
article. Thanks for sharing.


Mark Paolo Mission

January 15, 2019 at 10:40 AM

Such good ideas!!! been thinking of opening my own coffee biz and this can be helpful!


Tracy Ariza

January 17, 2019 at 9:16 PM

Hi Mark,

Wow! Sounds wonderful. I wish you the best of luck with it.

Perhaps you can invite me to coffee there someday. 🙂


Rae Westfall

December 31, 2018 at 10:44 PM

Thanks for the hints!!!


Tracy Ariza

January 2, 2019 at 11:26 AM

You’re very welcome!!


Raia Todd

December 13, 2018 at 3:49 PM

I was just pondering putting orange in my coffee this morning! Must be a sign… 😉


Tracy Ariza

December 20, 2018 at 10:20 PM


Sounds yummy! I’ve been more of a tea drinker lately, but I do love a good flavored coffee too. 😉


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