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Analog Modulation
Mhamad Omer
Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Table of Contents

Modulation ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Modulation types .................................................................................................................................... 4

Advantages of modulation (why do we use modulation?) ........................................................................ 4

Demodulation ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Analog modulation .................................................................................................................................. 7

Amplitude Modulation (AM) .................................................................................................................... 7

Modulation index .................................................................................................................................... 9

Perfect-Modulation: ...................................................................................................................... 10

Under-Modulation: ........................................................................................................................ 11

Over-Modulation: .......................................................................................................................... 11

Frequency Spectrum of Amplitude Modulation ..................................................................................... 12

Bandwidth of Amplitude Modulation..................................................................................................... 14

Power relation....................................................................................................................................... 15

Transmission efficiency ......................................................................................................................... 16

Types of Amplitude modulation:............................................................................................................ 16

Double side band full carrier (DSB FC) ............................................................................................ 16

Advantages.................................................................................................................................... 17

Disadvantages ............................................................................................................................... 17

Double side band suppressed carrier (DSB SC) ............................................................................... 17

Advantages.................................................................................................................................... 17

Disadvantages ............................................................................................................................... 17

Single sideband modulation (SSB) .................................................................................................. 18

Advantages.................................................................................................................................... 18

Disadvantages ............................................................................................................................... 18

Vestigial sideband (VSB)................................................................................................................. 18

Advantages.................................................................................................................................... 18

Disadvantages ............................................................................................................................... 18

Applications .......................................................................................................................................... 19

Angle Modulation .................................................................................................................................. 19

Frequency Modulation .......................................................................................................................... 20

Mathematical equation ......................................................................................................................... 21

Narrowband FM .................................................................................................................................... 22

Wideband FM........................................................................................................................................ 22

Advantages ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Disadvantages ....................................................................................................................................... 23

Phase Modulation ................................................................................................................................. 23

Mathematical equation ......................................................................................................................... 24

Phase deviation ............................................................................................................................. 24

Advantages ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Disadvantages ....................................................................................................................................... 25

Applications .......................................................................................................................................... 25

Comparison ........................................................................................................................................... 26

Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 27

References ............................................................................................................................................ 28


Modulation is the operation of changing some characteristic (amplitude, frequency or

phase) of a carrier signal in accordance with a message signal (modulating signal). The signal

which contains a message to be transmitted, is called as a message signal. It is a baseband signal,

which has to undergo the process of modulation, to get transmitted. The high frequency signal

which has a certain phase, frequency, and amplitude but contains no information, is called

a carrier signal. It is an empty signal. It is just used to carry the signal to the receiver after

modulation. The resultant signal after the process of modulation, is called as the modulated

signal. This signal is a combination of the modulating signal and the carrier signal.

Modulation types

The types of modulations are widely classified into continuous-wave modulation and

pulse modulation.

 Continuous-wave Modulation

In the continuous-wave modulation, a high frequency sine wave is used as a carrier wave.

This is further divided into amplitude and angle (phase and frequency) modulation.

 Pulse Modulation

In Pulse modulation, a periodic sequence of rectangular pulses, is used as a carrier wave.

This is further divided into analog and digital modulation.

Advantages of modulation (why do we use modulation?)

1. Reduction in the height of antenna

For the transmission of radio signals, the antenna height must be multiple of λ/4 ,where λ is

the wavelength.

λ = c /f where c is the velocity of light , f is the frequency of the signal to be transmitted

The minimum antenna height required to transmit a baseband signal of f = 10 kHz is

λ c 3×108
calculated as follows : minimum antenna height = 4 = 4𝑓 = 4 ×10 ×103 =7.5 km , The antenna

of this height is practically impossible to install . Now, let us consider a modulated signal at

λ c 3×108
f = 1 MHz . The minimum antenna height = 4 = 4𝑓 = 4 = 75meters. This antenna can be

easily installed practically. Thus, modulation reduces the height of the antenna.

2. Avoids mixing of signals

If the baseband sound signals are transmitted without using the modulation by more than one

transmitter, then all the signals will be in the same frequency range i.e. 0 to 20 kHz.

Therefore, all the signals get mixed together and a receiver cannot separate them from each


3. Increase the Range of Communication

The frequency of baseband signal is low, and the low frequency signals cannot travel

long distance when they are transmitted. They get heavily attenuated .The attenuation

reduces with increase in frequency of the transmitted signal, and they travel longer

distance .The modulation process increases the frequency of the signal to be transmitted.

Therefore, it increases the range of communication.

4. Multiplexing is possible

Multiplexing is a process in which two or more signals can be transmitted over the same

communication channel simultaneously. This is possible only with modulation.

The multiplexing allows the same channel to be used by many signals. Hence, many TV

channels can use the same frequency range, without getting mixed with each other or

different frequency signals can be transmitted at the same time.


5. Improves Quality of Reception

With frequency modulation (FM) and the digital communication techniques, the effect of

noise is reduced to a great extent. This improves quality of reception.

6. Possibility of bandwidth adjustments.


As the name indicates the demodulation process is the opposite of modulation.

Demodulation (also called detection) is defined as extracting the original information-carrying

signal from a modulated carrier wave. A demodulator is an electronic circuit that is mainly used

to recover the information content from the modulated carrier wave. There are different types of

modulation and so are demodulators. The output signal via demodulator may describe the sound,

images or binary data. We have AM demodulation, FM demodulation, PM demodulation and

pulse demodulation, and there are a number of techniques that can be used to demodulate each of

them like Diode detectors, phase-shift detector, the ratio detector, the gated-beam (quadrature)

detector, Peak detection, low-pass filter demodulator…..etc.


Analog modulation

Analog modulation refers to the process of transferring analog low frequency baseband

signal, like an audio or TV signal over a higher frequency carrier signal such as a radio

frequency band. Baseband signal is always analog for this modulation. There are three properties

of a carrier signal amplitude, frequency and phase thus there are three basic types of analog


1. Amplitude Modulation (AM)

2. Frequency Modulation (FM)

3. Phase modulation (PM)

Amplitude Modulation (AM)

in amplitude modulation, the amplitude of a carrier signal is varied according to variations

in the amplitude of modulating signal (see figure 1.)




Figure1. (a) sinusoidal modulating signal

(b) sinusoidal high frequency carrier
(c) amplitude modulated signal

From (Figure1.(c)) we observe that the carrier frequency remains same ,but its amplitude

varies according to amplitude variations of the modulating signal.

Let us represent the modulating signal by a m and it is given as,

am = Am sin 𝜔mt

And carrier signal can be represented by ac as ,

ac = Ac sin 𝜔ct

Here Am is maximum amplitude of modulating signal

Ac is maximum amplitude of carrier signal

𝜔m is frequency of modulating signal

and 𝜔c is frequency of carrier signal.

Using the above mathematical expressions for modulating and carrier signals, we can

create a new mathematical expression for the complete modulated wave. It is given as,

SAM = Ac + am , but am = Am sin 𝜔mt so,

SAM = Ac + Am sin 𝜔mt

∴ The instantaneous value of the amplitude modulated wave can be given as,

sAM = SAM sin 𝜔ct

∴ sAM = (Ac + Am sin 𝜔mt ) sin 𝜔ct

This is an equation of AM wave .


Modulation index

The ratio of maximum amplitude of modulating signal to maximum amplitude of

carrier signal is called modulation index.

Modulation index, m = 𝐴𝑐

Value of Am must be less than value of Ac to avoid any distortion in the modulated

signal. Hence maximum value of modulation index will be equal to 1 when A m = Ac. minimum

value will be zero. If modulation index is higher than 1, then it is called over modulation. Data is

lost in such case. When modulation index is expressed in percentage, it is also called percentage


Calculation of Modulation Index from Amplitude Modulated (AM) waveform, this is

also called the time domain representation of AM signal (see figure 1.1)

Figure 1.1 wave form of AM signal

From figure 1.1. it is clear that the modulating signal rides above the carrier signal.

From the above figure, we can write,

Am = ……… (1)

And Ac = Amax - Am ……… (2)

Put Am value from equation (1) into equation (2), then we get

Ac = Amax - 2

Amax + Amin
Ac = ……… (3)

Taking the ratio of equation (1) and (3).


m= Amax + Amin

m = Amax + Amin ……… (4)

The equation No.4 gives the technique of calculating modulation index from amplitude

modulated (AM) wave.

As before we explained there are three types of AM due to modulation index,

1. Perfect-Modulation

2. Under-Modulation

3. Over-Modulation


Perfect-modulation occurs when the maximum amplitude of the message signal or

modulating signal is exactly equal to the maximum amplitude of the carrier signal (Am = Ac),

So the modulation index is equal to one (m = 1), in perfect modulation, the carrier level falls to

zero. Perfect-modulation causes no distortion (see figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 perfect modulation wave form.


Under-modulation occurs when the maximum amplitude of the message signal or

modulating signal is less than the maximum amplitude of the carrier signal (Am < Ac),

So the modulation index is less than one (m < 1), In under-modulation, the carrier level falls

above zero. Under-modulation causes no distortion (see figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 under modulation wave form.


Over-modulation occurs when the maximum amplitude of the message signal or

modulating signal is greater than the maximum amplitude of the carrier signal (Am > Ac),

So the modulation index is greater than one (m > 1), In over-modulation, the carrier wave

experiences 180° phase reversals where the carrier level falls below the zero point.

Over-modulation causes severe distortion of the waveform of the message signal which results in

data loss. Over-modulation causes severe distortion of the waveform of the message signal which

results in data loss. Over-modulation is one of the reasons why amplitude modulation is no

longer used to transmit high-quality sound signals. (see figure 1.4).

figure 1.4 over modulation wave form

Frequency Spectrum of Amplitude Modulation

The carrier is an un-modulated sine wave which has a single value of frequency and

carries no useful information. When such a carrier is modulated with a message signal, other

frequencies can be catch it. These new frequencies that are caused by modulation are called

sidebands. These sidebands are created above and below the carrier frequency.

The sidebands that are created above the carrier frequency are called upper sidebands and the

sidebands that are created below the carrier frequency are called lower sidebands.

I.e. fUSB = fc + fm and fLSB = fc – fm

Where, fc is the carrier frequency


fm is the message signal frequency

fLSB is lower sideband frequency

fUSB is upper sideband frequency

The process of modulating a carrier signal with message signal is same as mixing two signals

together. As a result of modulation, two sideband frequencies are produced. One sideband

frequencies are created above the carrier frequency. These sidebands are known as upper

sidebands or sum frequencies. The upper sidebands are created due to the addition of carrier

signal frequency with the message signal frequency. Another sideband frequencies are created

below the carrier frequency. These sidebands are known as lower sidebands or difference

frequencies. The lower sidebands are created due to the subtraction of message signal frequency

with the carrier signal frequency (see figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5 frequency spectrum of AM signal

As be fore we know the expression of AM (amplitude modulated) wave given by:

sAM = (Ac + Am sin 𝜔mt ) sin 𝜔ct

and we also know that m = , so Am = m Ac.

So AM wave expression become:


sAM = (Ac + m Ac sin 𝜔mt ) sin 𝜔ct

= Ac (1+ m sin 𝜔mt ) sin 𝜔ct

= Ac sin 𝜔ct + m Ac sin 𝜔mt sin 𝜔ct

1 1
And we know that sin(a) sin(b) = 2 cos (a-b) - 2 cos (a+b)

Applying this result to last term in above equation, we get:

1 1
sAM = Ac sin 𝜔ct + 2 m Ac cos (𝜔c – 𝜔m)t - 2 m Ac cos (𝜔c + 𝜔m)t

In the above equation, the first term represents unmodulated carrier, the second term represents

lower sideband and the last term represents upper sideband.Note that ωc = 2πfc and ωm = 2πfm.

Hence, the above equation can also be written as:

1 1
sAM = Ac sin 2πfc t + 2 m Ac cos 2π (𝑓c – 𝑓m)t - 2 m Ac cos 2π (𝑓c + 𝑓m)t

1 1
sAM = Ac sin 2πfc t + 2 m Ac cos 2π fLSB t - 2 m Ac cos 2π fUSB t

This is the AM wave spectrum equation of (figure 1.5) which contains the full carrier and both

the sidebands. Hence, it is also called Double Sideband Full Carrier (DSBFC) system.

Bandwidth of Amplitude Modulation

The bandwidth of the signal can be obtained by taking the difference between the highest

and lowest frequencies of the signal. From (figure 1.5), we can obtain the bandwidth of AM

wave as,

BW = fUSB – fLSB

= (fc + fm) – (fc – fm)


BW = 2 fm

Thus, it can be said that the bandwidth required for amplitude modulated wave is twice the

frequency of the modulating signal.

Power relation

Total power of AM wave is equal to the sum of powers of carrier, upper sideband, and

lower sideband frequency components.

Consider the following equation of amplitude modulated wave.

1 1
sAM = Ac sin 2πfc t + m Ac cos 2π fLSB t - m Ac cos 2π fUSB t
2 2


We know that the standard formula for power is:

vrms2 𝑉𝑚 2
P= = , where
R 2R

vrms is the rms value of signal, and vm is the peak value of signal.

so, let us find the powers of the carrier, the upper and lower sideband one by one.

Carrier power:

𝐴𝑐 2
Pc= 2R

Upper & Lower sideband power:

(𝑚 𝐴𝑐)2 𝑚 2 𝐴𝑐 2 𝑚2
PUSB = PLSB = 2 = = Pc
(2√2) 8𝑅 4

Now, after adding these three powers together we get the total power of AM wave as follow:

Pt = Pc (1 + )

We can use the above formula to calculate the power of AM wave, when the carrier power and

the modulation index are known. If the modulation index m=1 then the power of AM wave is

equal to 1.5 times the carrier power. So, the power required for transmitting an AM wave is 1.5

times the carrier power for a perfect modulation.

Transmission efficiency

Transmission efficiency of an AM wave is the ratio of the transmitted power which

contains the information (i.e. the total sideband power) to the total transmitted power.

𝑚2 𝑚2
ɳ= = 4 4
𝑃𝑡 Pc (1+ ) 2+𝑚 2

the percent transmission efficiency is given by,

ɳ = 2+𝑚2 × %100

The maximum transmission efficiency of an AM signal is 33.33%, i.e., only one third of the total

transmitted power is carried by the side bands in an AM wave. The remaining two third of the

total transmitted power gets wasted.

Types of Amplitude modulation:

There are several types of Amplitude modulations as follow with their advantages and

disadvantages as applications.

Double side band full carrier (DSB FC)

In DSB FC modulating signal and carrier signal supply from input and double

side band full carrier signal produce from output, this type also called standard

Amplitude modulation.


 AM transmitters are less complex .

 AM receivers are simple, detection is easy .

 AM receivers are cost efficient .

 AM waves can travel a longer distance .

 Low bandwidth


 Power wastage takes place in DSB-FC transmission

 DSB-FC system is bandwidth inefficient system

 AM wave gets affected due to noise

Double side band suppressed carrier (DSB SC)

is an amplitude modulated wave transmission scheme in which only sidebands are

transmitted and the carrier is not transmitted as it gets suppressed.


 The modulation process is very simple

 No need for filtering during modulation for sidebands.

 Due to suppression of carrier, it consumes less power.


 It involves a complex detection process.

 Using this technique is sometimes difficult to recover the signal at the receiver.

 It is an expensive technique when it comes to demodulation of the signal.


Single sideband modulation (SSB)

is an amplitude modulation scheme in which only a single sideband is transmitted

through the channel, it allows suppression of one sideband and carrier completely.


 Bandwidth is equal to message signal.

 Save half power by transmitting one sideband.


 Filtering one sideband is very difficult and add complexity to the transmitter circuit

 It needs a band pass filter with a very sharp cutoff, An ideal filter.

Vestigial sideband (VSB)

In Vestigial sideband, one sideband and a little portion of the second sideband is



 It is a highly efficient modulation technique used for wave transmission.

 It reduces the bandwidth utilization.

 The filter characteristics do not need to be highly accurate thus making its design


 It easily transmits low-frequency components and possesses good phase



 Its bandwidth requirement is somewhat higher than that of SSB modulation, due to

the presence of vestige.


 Vestigial sideband modulation leads to a complex demodulation process at the

receiver end.


 AM is used for broadcasting in long wave or medium wave or short wave bands.

 The Very High Frequency (VHF) transmission is processed by AM. Radio

communication uses VHF.

 A special type of AM is Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). It is used for data

transmission from short range transmission to cellular communications.

Angle Modulation

Angle Modulation is the process in which the frequency or the phase of the carrier signal

varies according to the message signal. The standard equation of the angle modulated wave is:

s(t)=Ac cos (θit)


Ac is the amplitude of the modulated wave, which is the same as the amplitude of the

carrier signal. (θit) is the angle of the modulated wave.

Angle modulation is further divided into frequency modulation and phase


Frequency Modulation is the process of varying the frequency of the carrier signal

linearly with the message signal.

Phase Modulation is the process of varying the phase of the carrier signal linearly with

the message signal.


Frequency Modulation

As before we know that in amplitude modulation, the amplitude of the carrier signal

varies. Whereas, in Frequency Modulation (FM), the frequency of the carrier signal varies in

accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.

Hence, in frequency modulation, the amplitude and the phase of the carrier signal remains

constant (see figure 1.6).




figure 1.6 (a) Message signal

(b) Carrier signal

(C) Frequency modulated signal

By looking at figure 1.6 we can notice that the frequency of the modulated wave increases, when

the amplitude of the modulating or message signal increases. Similarly, the frequency of the

modulated wave decreases, when the amplitude of the modulating signal decreases. Note that, the

frequency of the modulated wave remains constant and it is equal to the frequency of the carrier

signal, when the amplitude of the modulating signal is zero.


Mathematical equation

The equation for instantaneous frequency fi in FM modulation is:

fi = fc + kf m(t)

Where, fc is the carrier frequency

kf is the frequency sensitivity

m(t) is the message signal

We know the relationship between angular frequency ωi and angle θi(t) as

ωi= dt

2πfi =

⇒θi(t) = 2π ∫ fi dt

Substitute, fi value in the above equation:

θi(t)=2π ∫ (fc+kfm(t)) dt

θi(t) = 2πfct +2πkf ∫ m(t) dt

Substitute, θi(t) value in the standard equation of angle modulated wave.

s(t)=Ac cos (2πfct + 2πkf ∫ m(t)dt) ,This is the equation of FM wave.

If the modulating signal is:

m(t)=Am cos(2πfmt), then the equation of FM wave will be:



Δf 𝑘𝑓𝐴𝑚
β = modulation index = =
fm fm

The difference between FM modulated frequency (instantaneous frequency) and normal carrier

frequency is termed as Frequency Deviation. It is denoted by Δf, which is equal to the product of

kf and Am.

FM can be divided into Narrowband FM and Wideband FM based on the values of modulation

index β.

Narrowband FM

Following are the features and applications of Narrowband FM:

 This frequency modulation has a small bandwidth when compared to wideband FM.

 The modulation index β is small, i.e., less than 1.

 Its spectrum consists of the carrier, the upper sideband and the lower sideband.

 This is used in mobile communications such as police wireless, ambulances, taxicabs, etc.

Wideband FM

Following are the features and applications of Wideband FM:

 This frequency modulation has infinite bandwidth.

 The modulation index β is large, i.e., higher than 1.

 Its spectrum consists of a carrier and infinite number of sidebands, which are located

around it.

 This is used in entertainment, broadcasting applications such as FM radio, TV, etc.



 Less interference and noise.

 Power Consumption is less as compared to AM.

 Adjacent FM channels are separated by guard bands.


 Equipment cost is higher. Has a large bandwidth.

 The receiving are of FM signal is small.

 The antennas for FM systems should be kept close for better communication.

Phase Modulation

As before we know that in frequency modulation, the frequency of the carrier varies.

Whereas, in Phase Modulation (PM), the phase of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the

instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal. So, in phase modulation, the amplitude and the

frequency of the carrier signal remains constant (see figure 1.7).

figure 1.7 (a) Message signal

(b) Carrier signal

(C) Phase modulated signal


By looking at figure 1.7 we can notice that The carrier phase deviation will be more if the input

signal amplitude increases and vice versa. When the input amplitude increases (+ve slope) the

carrier undergoes phase lead. When the input amplitude decreases (-ve slope) the carrier

undergoes phase lag.

Mathematical equation

The equation for instantaneous phase ϕi in phase modulation is :


Where, kp is the phase sensitivity

m(t) is the message signal

The standard equation of angle modulated wave is :


Substitute, ϕi value in the above equation:

s(t)=Accos(2πfct+kpm(t)), This is the equation of PM wave.

If the modulating signal, m(t)=Amcos(2πfmt), then the equation of PM wave will be:


Where, β = modulation index = Δϕ = kpAm

Δϕ is phase deviation

Phase deviation

Phase deviation is the maximum difference between the original phase of the carrier

signal and the modulated signal.

PM can be divided into Narrowband PM and Wideband PM


 Phase modulation (PM) is a simple contrasted to Frequency modulation (FM).


 The main benefit of this modulation is signal modulation because it permits computer for

communicating on high-speed using a telephone system.

 It is used to find out the velocity of a target by removing Doppler data.This needs

constant carrier which is achievable during phase modulation however not in FM

(frequency modulation).

 And one more advantage of phase modulation is improved resistance toward the noise.


 Phase modulation needs two signals by a phase variation among them. Through this, both

the two patterns are required like a reference as well as a signal.

 This type of modulation requires hardware which obtains more complex due to its

conversion technique.

 Phase modulation index can be enhanced by employing frequency multiplier.


 widely used for transmitting radio waves.

 Phase modulation is an integral part of many digital transmission coding schemes that

underlie a wide range of technologies like Wi-Fi, GSM and satellite television.

 Phase modulation is used in digital synthesizers for generating waveform and signal.


AM, PM AND FM are analog modulation techniques. All of them are used to transmit

information from one place to the distance place. Mostly this techniques are employed in

wireless communication. In AM the amplitude of the carrier signal varies based on analog

baseband information signal to be transmitted. AM is the simplest type of modulation. Hardware

design of both transmitter and receiver is very simple and less cost effective. AM is susceptible

to noise and requires a high-linearity power amplifier in FM the frequency of the carrier signal

varies based on analog baseband information signal to be transmitted. FM is considered to be

superior compare to the AM due to better noise immunity and its ability to reject the interfering

signals and it can be used with higher-efficiency, lower-linearity amplifiers. Circuit needed for

FM modulation and demodulation is bit complicated than AM. In PM the phase of the carrier

signal varies based on analog baseband information signal to be transmitted. PM is referred as

indirect frequency modulation due to the fact that phase modulation produces frequency

modulation. The effect of variation in amount of phase shift is proportional to change in the

carrier frequency. In PM modulation and demodulation does not catch any channel noise but the

circuit needed for PM modulation and demodulation is bit complicated than AM and FM.


This experiment introduced analog modulation. We know modulation is used to transmit

information from one place to distance place and we were familiar with types of modulation

techniques in analog communication which are amplitude modulation and angle modulation (phase

and frequency modulation) and derived mathematical equations for each of them and define all

types of them and mentioned advantages, disadvantages and applications of each kind, and we

conclude that phase modulation is similar in practice to frequency modulation but they are not

exactly the same (Phase modulation is an indirect method of producing frequency modulation) , the

change in phase, changes the frequency of the modulated wave. The frequency of the wave also

changes the phase of the wave. Though they are related, their relationship is not linear. We also

define demodulation and know it is a technique used to separate and recover the message signal

form the carrier signal in modulated signal.



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