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“I will go and look for her, “ he said.
He did no see her anywhere.
Where is my mother ? “ he said.
… out came a baby bird !
mother! »
« You are a bird, and you are my
P.D. EASTMAN You are not a cow or a Snort! »
eat ! “ she said. So away she went.
« You are not a kittenor a hen or a dog.
“I must get something for my baby bird to
Until… bird.
« I know who you are, » said the baby
ARE you my
jumped and jumped and jumped. A mother bird sat on her egg. The egg
Inside the nest, the egg jumped. It Just then the mother bird came back.
Out of the nest he went. Down, down,
« Are you my mother? » the baby « I have a mother, » said the baby
down ! Plop ! The baby bird could not The big thing said, « SNORT ! »
bird asked a hen. bird. « I know I do. I wille find her. I
fly. But he could walk. «  Now I will go « Oh, no! » said the baby bird. « You are
« No, » said the hen. will. I WILL! »
and find my mother, » he said. a scary Snort! »
« Are you my mother? » the baby Just then the baby bird saw a big
« Are you my mother? » the baby bird The Snort lifted the baby bird up, up,
asked a kitten. bird asked a dog. thing. « You are my mother! » he up.
The kitten just looked and looked. It did « I am not your mother. I am a said. Then something happened. The Snort
not say a thing. dog, » said the dog.
put the baby bird right back in the tree.
« Are you my mother? » the baby
The baby bird was home!
bird asked a cow.
« How coulds I be your mother? »
said the cow. « I am a cow. »
The baby bird stopped to think.
The kitten and the hen were noy his
mother. The dog and the cow were
not his mother.

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