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Student: Lesson #1 Length: Teacher: Mariana Nastasovska

Date: 80 min Supervisor: Oksana Kutsa
Lesson Focus: Grammar Target Language: Prepositions of place
(for Vocabulary/Grammar/Functional language lessons only)

Main Aim
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- identify prepositions of place (on the corner of, across from, between…)
- read a map in order to write a description for giving direction correctly and logically.

Subsidiary Aim
- To pay special attention to giving direction correctly in the city
Personal aims
- to identify the subsidiary aim correctly;
- to describe problems and solutions in the lesson plan related to classroom management and
teaching skills;
- to provide effective feedback on task completion.
Course Book (World English Intro, by Rebecca Tarver Chase, Milner, Kristen L Johannsen, Unit 6:
Getting There, p.65), PPP, jamboard, miro.
Language Analysis
Provided in LA file
1. I assume Ss will be familiar with prepositions of place.
2. I assume Ss might have difficulties following all the instructions for freer practice.

Board plan:

Board 1 Board 2
Stage: Lead-in Stage: Test 1
City map for discussion. City map with the sentences.

Board 3 Board 4
Stage: Language clarification Stage: Test 2 (Controlled Practice)
Use prepositions of place (on the corner of, across Task (multiple choice questions).
from, between…) in the affirmative sentences, negative
and questions.

Board 5 Board 6
Stage: Freer Practice Stage: Feedback on language
Questions for discussion. Examples of errors.

Time and
Stage name & Aim Procedure
Task setting (including instructions/ICQs/demo)
T shows Ss map of the city with different buildings.

Task completion
Ss discuss in pairs where each of the building is in breakout
rooms. T monitors them.

8 min OCFB on Ss’ ideas.
Praise Ss for their interesting ideas.
Interaction Stage name: Lead-in
patterns: Aim: to generate interest
Anticipated problems/solutions are: classroom
T-Ss in this topic
S-S management
OC Problem 1: Some Ss may arrive late and didn’t hear the

Solution 1: (1) Give the instructions to the latecomers and

ask them to join some pair, sending them to the breakout
room. (2) If there is no time, just explain what Ss are doing
at the moment and tell them that they'll be able to catch up
with their groupmates doing the next task.

Task setting (including instructions/ICQs/demo)

T shows Ss the same map but this time with the sentences
and asks Ss to choose the best answers to complete the
text about this city using jamboard.

Task completion
Ss work individually.
T informs Ss that they have 4 minutes to accomplish this
task. Then T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs for 3
8 min minutes.
patterns: Stage name: Test 1 1. Do you have 4 or 5 minutes to accomplish this
T-Ss Aim: to identify the task? (4)
S specific needs of Ss T monitors closely to check which examples are problematic
S-S concerning TL for Ss.

FB with the answer keys.

Anticipated problems/solutions are: classroom

Problem 1: Ss may have some difficulties opening the link to
jamboard with the map.

Solution 1: T may send a link (to the jamboard) in Telegram.

20 min Stage name: Language Task setting (including instructions/ICQs/demo)

clarification T gives Ss all the information they need about prepositions
Interaction Aim: to address Ss’ of place
Task completion
T clarifies the meaning in open class for all prepositions of
place in different sentences (including negative and
question forms). T drills pronunciation of all prepositions of

1. There is a good restaurant near my house.
a) Is the restaurant behind the house? (No)
b) Is the restaurant in front of the house? (No)
c) Is there a library near the house? (No)

needs suitably, giving 2. The supermarket is between the train station and the
them all the information cinema.
they need about TL in a) Is there a cinema near the supermarket? (Yes)
order to use it correctly b) Is there a school next to the train station? (No)
c) Is there a supermarket near the train station? (Yes)

OCFB – T monitors Ss’ answers and pronunciation, corrects
and provides additional explanation if needed.

Anticipated problems/solutions are: classroom

Problem 1: Some Ss may not understand some
explanations especially when stronger Ss answer faster.
Solution 1: T should pay attention to such Ss and ask them
personally additional questions.
15 min Stage name: Test 2 Task setting (including instructions/ICQs/demo)
(Controlled Practice) T asks Ss to choose the best response a, b or c using
Interaction Aim: to identify Ss’ jamboard. T explains that Ss need to type the letter near
patterns: progress and build Ss’ each sentence. They have 7 minutes for that.
confidence ICQ:
S-S 1. Do you need a piece of paper and a pen for this
OC task? (No)

Task completion
Ss complete the task individually.
Then T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs for 5
minutes. T monitors closely to check which sentences are

OCFB – T clarifies any difficult points in open class and then
distributes answer keys
Anticipated problems/solutions are: classroom
Problem 1: There might be fast finishers during individual
and pair work
Solution 1: T may encourage Ss to think about the reasons
for choosing their answers
Task setting (including instructions/ICQs/demo)
T shows Ss the list of questions.
T asks Ss to choose 5 questions and plan their answers to 5
of the questions individually, making notes for 6 minutes.
1. Do you have to answer all the questions from the list?
2. How many questions do you have to answer? (5)

Task completion
Ss discuss and compare their answers in pairs.
19 min 1. Do you have to compare your answers with your
Stage name: Freer
partner? (Yes)
Interaction Practice
2. Do you have to write anything? (No)
patterns: Aim: to make sure Ss
T-Ss can use TL in practice
S Feedback
S-S T monitors and assists Ss while they're working in pairs,
praising them for their good answers, guesses, correct use
of tense forms. T may provide additional explanation and
monitor Ss to make sure they understand what they have to

Anticipated problems/solutions are: classroom

Problem 1: Ss students may have difficulties understanding
the instructions even after using ICQs.
Solution 1: T may provide additional explanation and
monitor Ss to make sure they understand what they have to
Task setting (including instructions/ICQs/demo)
T asks Ss to share what they had in common with their
Task completion
10 min Ss share their things in common.
Stage name: Feedback
on language
Interaction Feedback
Aim: to provide
patterns: OCFB. T comments on how Ss did the task and clarifies all
feedback on task
the questions.
OC achievement
Anticipated problems/solutions are: classroom
Problem 1: If Ss' answers are short, there may be some
time left.
Solution 1: T may elicit any other interesting facts.

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