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1. What meanings does the word "theology" have?

It generally entails investigating the origins of Christian religion, such as the Bible and
the Creeds, and delving into the meaning of Christianity today.
2. What is the relation between religious beliefs and religious practices and feelings?
Some religious beliefs teach that what a deity wants or dictates is what a god wants or
What adherents really do or how they behave depending on their biases and prejudices
are referred to as practices and emotions.
3. How are faith and reason related to a mature religious experience?
Faith is the most crucial aspect of religion, according to the Bible. It is impossible to
satisfy God unless one has confidence (Heb. 11:6)
What role does logic play in religious experience? For starters, it can aid in the
preparation for religion. Second, once faith is there, reason may assist it in growing.

4. What are the characteristics of good Christian theology?

These are : God, humanity, the world, salvation, and eschatology

5. What are the major Christian doctrines and how are they related to each other?
These are the major Christian doctrines
 Love God.
 Love your neighbor as yourself.
 Forgive others who have wronged you.
 Love your enemies.
 Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.
 Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
 Repentance of sins is essential.
 Don't be hypocritical.

Chapter 2: Divine Revelation

1. Why is revelation necessary for a knowledge of God?
It enables everybody to understand the most essential naturally knowable truths of
religion with complete certainty and without admixture of error. Second, as an
intellectual creation, it allows man to orient himself toward the supernatural purpose for
which God has predestined him.
2. In what ways has God revealed himself to human beings?
He shows Himself to the world in three ways: 1) via nature, 2) through mankind, and 3)
through history. These assist us in realizing the importance of God's particular revelations
to us through 4) the Bible and 5) Jesus.

3. What are the essential features of prophetic inspiration?

The Lord will make it known, the prophets were always sure of the source of the
messengers, and the prophets personally, because they would perceive and respond to
their visions in a way that reflected their own real character and personality.

4. What are the major arguments for and against biblical inerrancy?
The main arguments for are that God is the author of the Bible, that God never makes
mistakes, and that the Bible is error-free. The main reasons against are that the bible leads
to skewed and unconvincing interpretation, that the true goal of scripture is to encourage
people to a saving relationship with God, and that the SDA has never promoted biblical

5. What factors led to the formation of the New Testament canon?

The bible must be viewed as a collection of twenty-seven volumes, rather than a single
book. Because Jesus promised to return, the early Christians assumed that the perusia
(second coming) would occur soon, and so saw no need to write anything down. When it
became clear that Jesus hadn't returned, the early church set about constructing a canon of
scripture for the new testaments.
6. What steps must be taken to interpret a biblical passage correctly?
1.Christians must seek the Holy Spirit's counsel.
2.A person can spend their entire life trying to imitate the depths of the Bible, but they
will never be able to do so.
3.God has blessed the church with wise men and skilled instructors who have dedicated
their lives to studying God's words.
4.Because the bible is written data, we must follow conventional grammar and
interpretation standards in order to comprehend it.
References 2021. Reign of God — Reader Q&A. Retrieved from:> [Accessed 16 October 2021].

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