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Name : Sherly Tiara Dita

NPM : A1B020033

Class : 3A

Study Program: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Course : Semantics

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Safnil, M.A.Ph. D

Practice 6.1

Divide the following verbs of transition into three groups, those whose meaning has a focus
on manner, a focus on path, or a focus on cause or purpose.

 Focus on manner
-Trot [subject is a horse or on a horse, moving at the fastest gait]
- Soar [Moving into the sun]
-March [Subject is human : to walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier]

 Focus on path
-Walk [source is same as goal; involuntary movement]
- Jump [Moving quickly off the ground]
-Run [involuntary movement]
 Focus on cause or purpose
-Migrate [as above : goal-oriented]
-Flee [source is undesirable place]

Practice 6.1

Tell the role structure for each of these verbs :

approach attach connect detach disconnect

eject liberate release withdraw
Does any of them have variable valency—express transition and transfer? What special
semantic features do these verbs have?
Answers :

1. Focus on Goal :
-Attach [object is moved toward agent]
- Connect [object is moved close to original position of agent]

2. Focus on
-Disconnect [object is moved away from original position of agent]
-Detach [object is disengaged]
-Withdraw [Object is removed or taken away]

3. Focus on manner :
-Approach [Object is came near or nearer]
-Eject [Object is thrown out]

4. Focus on Path :
-Release [Object escape from confinement]
-Liberate [source is same as goal; involuntary movement]

Them have variable valency—express transition and transfer. A few predicates, most notably
Detach and disconect, occur with meanings of transition and meanings of transfer

32a he detached the front lamp

32b he detached the front lamp from its bracket

33a there can be a disconnect

33b there can be a disconnect between you and me

Semantic features do these verbs have are Source, theme, and goal.
Practice 6.3

1. Some predicates denote, not a change from one physical location to another, but a
change from one condition to another, which are the source and goal, respectively.
Consider one- argument verbs like these: change evolve improve deteriorate and two-
argument verb like these: promote demote. What sentence structures do they have?
What are the timescales? What other semantic features are needed to account for
the differences among these verbs?
Answer : Sentence structure focus on manner, the timescales is an earlier times, it
needs semantic features such as an actor, source, agent and affected.

2. What is the difference between the verbs award and reward in role structure and in
the forms of their sentences?
Answer : Award as an agent to give or order the giving of something for some people.
Meanwhile reward as theme for a thing given in recognition of one's
service, effort, or achievement.

3. The verbs teach, instruct and others can be regarded as predicates of transfer here,
the transfer of knowledge or information. What role structure and what special features
do they have?
Answer : The role structure is an agent. Special feature is focus on goal.

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