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No. 7-14l20I I-SPN-II

Govemment of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg ,

New Delhi - I l0 001

Dated: 06e April, 2021


1. AU Chief Postmasters General / postnasters General

2. Chief General Manager, BD / parcel / pLI Directorate
/ CEpI Bengalur.u
3. Ditector, RAKNPA / GM, CEpI / Directors of all pICs
4. Addl. Director General, Army postal Service, New
5. All Generalll{anagers (Finance) / Directors postal
Accouats / DDAP
subject: Revision of patteru & syllabus for Limited Depa:tmental.competitive
Examination for the post of Iuspector posts.


In supersession of existing pattern and sy[abus of LDCE for Inspector posts

circulared vide this olfice letter no. ?-1ru201l-spB-II(l) dated
2?.o8.20i9 ;;d 0a; "i"
September, 2019, updated partern and sylabus for LDCE
ri.p."t"" iJ,,
encrosed herewith. This shall come into effect from the
date "i
of issue of this i"tte;.
and will be applicable to all examinations to be held after its
date of issue.
2. This issues with approval ofthe competent authority.

lburs faithfirlly,
Assistant Director General (SPN)
copy to:
CGM, CEPT with request to upload this letter on India post website.
{b) Guard FiIe
c) Spare copies.

,l h
Pattern & S vllabus for Limited De nartnrental Comrr etitivc Examination
for the D os t of lnsp r Posts

Pattern of Examination:

) Examination shall consist of4 papers viz Paper I, n, UI & [V and each paper shall
carr), 300 marks.
) No. of questions:
o 150 questions of MCQ type in Paper, I, II & [I
o 125 questions of MCQ type in Paper IV and Noting & Drafting for 50 marks
) Duration of Examination shall be 3 hours for each paper.
> Quali&ing Marks in each paper shall be 40% subject to an overall average of 45Vo for
General Category and 33% mark in each paper subject to an overall average of 38ok
lor SC/ST.
) tn all cases circulars. orders and guidelines issued upto 3l'r December of the year
preceding the year of examination will be part of the syllabus except Annual Report
and Book of information for which latest report and information available/published
in DoP website will be taken.
)> Examination shall be rvithout aid ofbooks.

Syllabus of Examination:
Paper I
I .Acts:
a) Indian Post Ofiice Act, 1898
b) Govemment Savings Promotion Act, 1873
c) Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 and its Amendments
(Necessary on account of AML/CFT Norms)
d) Consumer Protection Act, 2019
e) Information Technology Acq 2000
2. Rules:
I a) Indian Post OlIce Rules, 1933
b) Government Savings Promotion General Rules, 2018
c) Post Office Savings Account Scheme, 2019
d) National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme, 2019
e) National Savings Time Deposit Scheme, 2019
f) National Savings (Monthly Income Account) Scheme, 2019
g) Senior Citizens' Savings Scheme,2019
h) National Savings Certificate (VIII Issue) Scheme, 2019

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i) Kisan Vikas Patra Scheme, 2019
j) Public Provident Fund Scheme, 2019
k) Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme, 2019
l) Post Office Life Insurance Rules, 201 I & its amendments
m) Book of BO Rules
n) Jansuraksha Scheme:
(i) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jy'oti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
3 -Cuidel ines/[nstructions relating to Inland/Foreign Post:
a) Post Ol'Iice Guide Part - I
b) Post Office Guide Part - II, except Soc-tion VII & VIII
DomesticlForcign Post guidelines issued by Directorate
4. Mail Operations and Money Remittances:
a) Postal Manual Volume V, except Appendix - I
b) Postal Manual Volume VI, Part - I, Chapter - I
c) Postal lvlanual Volume VI, Part - ll, except Telegraphic Money Orders,
British & Irish Postal Orden (to be deleted)
d) Postal Manual Volume VI, Part - III, except Appeodices
e) Postal Manual Volume VII
Guidelines issued by Dircctorate on Mail Network Optimization Project
and Parcel Netrvork Optimization Project.
g) Guidetines issued by Directorate on eMO, iMO, IMTS, MMTS and IFS
5. Savings Bank and Savings Certificates:
a) Post Office Savings Bank Manual Volume I, II and $1 read with SB
ordcrs issued by Directorate from time to time
b) Guidelines issued by Directorate ftom time to time o.n Core Baoking
6. Postal Life Insurance and Rural Posal Life Insurance:
a)Cuidelines issued by Dircctorare from time to time onPLURPLI and Core
Insuance Solution
b) Annual Reports and Book of Information of D€partment ofPosts
7. Information Technology:
a) IT Modemisation Project 2012 ard its update
b) Working knowledge on Core Banking Solutions, PLI-CIS, CSI and
8) India Posr Payments Banli
9) Preservation and disposal of Postal Records

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? 24
l0) S\\'achh Bha$t

Papcr II
l) Chapter 2 and 6 of General Financial Rules,20l7
2) CvC guidelines on Public procurement, guidelines and instruclions on c-
I'rocurement in Governmenl of India
3) Manual on policies and procedures for purchase of goods and serviccs
available on website of Ministry of Finance
4) Schedule of Financial Powers of Divisional Heads, Heads of Circle, etc
5) Wetfare measures available to Depanmental Employees and Gramin Dak
Sevak ofDoP
6) RTI Act, 2005 and RTI Rules, 2012
7) Fundamental Rules (FR) and Supplementary Rules (SR)
8) P&T FI-IB Volume I and Postal FHB Volume II
9) Rulcs relating Children Education allorvance and reimbursement of Tuition
IO)CGEGIS Rules, 1980
I l)CCS(GPF) Rules, l96l
l2)Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 and CGHS Guidelines
issued by Directorate
13)New Pension Scheme, 2004 and its amendments
t4)CCS (Pension) Rutes, 1972 and its amendments
IS)CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, l98l
l6)Postal Manual Volumc II, excepr;
a) Chapter III - Appeals and Petitions.
b) Chapter IV - Personal mattors
c) Chapter V - Security Deposits
d) Chapter VII - Forged Counterfcit stamps, defaced postage stamps, coins
and currency notes
l7)Postal Manual Volume IV - Leave, Pension, Gratuities, Dealings on
Examination, Recruitment rules of all Cadres and Establishment norms
l8)Service Discharge Benefit Scheme, 2010
Papcr III
l) Postal Manual Volume II:
i. Chapter III
- Appeals and Petitions
ii. Chapter IV
- Personal matters
iii.Chapter V - Seourity Deposis
iv. Chapter VII - Forged Counterfeit stamps, det'aced postage stamps,
coins and currency notes

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2) Postal Manual Volume III
3) Postal Manual Volume VIll
4) CCS (Conduct Rules), 1964
5) CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965
6) CCS(Ternporary Service) Rules, 1965
7) GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules,2020
8) Brochure on Casual Labourers and instructions on Casual labourer issued by
DoP&T tiom time 1o time
9) Constitution of lndia
l0) The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908:
a) Section I - Short Title, extent and commenc€ment
b) Section 2 - Definitions

I l) The Code of Criminal Pnrcedure, 1973:

a) Section I - Short Title, extent and conlmencement
b) Section 2 - Definitions
c) Section 82: Proclamation of person absconding
d) Scction 83: Attachment ofproperty ofperson absconding
e) Section 84: Claims and objections to attachments
f) Section 85: Release, sale and restoration ofattached property

l2) The Indian Evidence Act, 1872;

a) Section I - Shorl title. extent and commencemenl

b) Section 5: Evidencc uray be given of facts in issue and rclevant facts
c) Section 6: Relevancy offacts forming part ofsame transsction
d) Section 7: Facs which arc the occasion, cause or effect of fact in issue
e) Section 8: Motive. prepararion and previous or subsequent conduct
f) Chaptcr III (Sections 56 to 58): Facts which need not be proved
g) Chapter IV (Sections 59 to 60): Oforal evidence
h) Chapte'r V (Sections 61 1o 73A): ofdocumentary evidence

l3) The Indian Penal Code, 1860:

a) Chapter II: General Explanation
b) Chapter III: Of Punishmens
c) Chapter IX: Of Offences by or relating to Public Sen'ant
d) Chapter X: Ol'Contempts of the Lawlirl Authority of Public Servant
e) Chapter XIX: Of the Crirninal Breach of Conlracts of Service

l4) In.structions issued by Directorate and DoP&T on maintenance of APAR

l5) Central Adminisrative Tribunal Act, 1985
l6) lkvenue Recovery Act, I 890

c6 o<t ln ai

t) 20
17) Scxual I larassment ol Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013
l8) Prcvcntion of ('omrption Act, 1988
Paper IV
l) 25 Questions on English language
2) 50 questions on Current Affairs (Minimurn l0 questions each field of
Indian Econony, Potity, Sports. Culture & Science)
3) 50 questions on l{easoning lnterperuonal Skills. Mental Aptitude,
Intelligence and Ethics
4) Noting (approx. 200 words) and Drafting (approx. 200 words) on a given
topic [25 marks each]

9 a"t)

lL l-o
Tentotive number of voconcies I r/o LDCE for promolion to lhe codre of Inspector Posls
(66.6%) Deportmentol quoto for lhe voconcv veor 2019. 2020 & 2021:

S. Circle 2019 2020 2021 Totol

No (01.01.2019 to (01 .01.2020 1o (01.01.2021 lo
31.12.2019) 31 .12.2020 31 .12.2021)


Andhro I 0 l 0 0 0 2
2 Assom 4 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 I /
3 Bihor I 0 0 0 0 0 2 I 0 4
4 Chhotlisgorh 0 0 0 I 0 0 3 I I 6
5 Delhi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Gujorot r0 I 0 t0 2 I 0 0 0 24
7 Horyo no I I l 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
8 I
Himochol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Jommu & I 0 0 2 0 I 4 I 0 9
10. I
.lhorkhond I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 2

ll Kornotoko 7 I 0 6 2 3 I 0 0 20
12. Kerolo 9 0 3 3 0 0 8 I I

13. Modhyo 4 2 0 t5 0 0 9 I 0 3l
l4 Mohoroshtro 0 0 0 9 I 2 9 I 0 22
15. North Eost 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 7
6. Odisho 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Punjob I 0 0 3 0 I 3 I 0 I
r8, Rojoslhon 5 1 I 5 I 0 6 I 0 20
t9 Tomil Nodu t3 0 0 l2 4 0 I 7 2 2 40
20 Telongono 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 l
2\. Uttor 0 0 0 14 0 0 l 0 0 t5
22 Utlorokhond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Wesi Bengol t3 3 I B 2 I 3 l I 33
Totol 73 l0 7 93 14 9 5B il 6 280
90 ll6 74

. * Bocklog voconcy (Horyono & Assom Circle)

o ** Yet to be decided os lhe issue roised by Andhro Prodesh is pending ot SPN
r Tolol tenlolive voconcies ore 280.
. Four Circles (Delhi, HP, Odisho & Ullorokhond) reported Nll voconcy.


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