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Tarea 1

Dialogo casual

Ro: hello
F: oh, hi rosalvina
R: how are you? I wanted to ask you if you are free this afternoon.
F: Yes, I am totally free, I finish my work early, why?
Ra: I am planning to go out with the girls to eat something.
F: that's good, we haven't met for a long time.
Ro: yes, we have so many things to tell you, guess what??
F: What
Ro: Raquel is getting married.
F: oh my god, congratulations, how did it happen, let's not imagine that, who is the sentence.
Ra: is Tom, I met him in the office, I started dating with tom at the company reunion in
Fa: when you are planning to do the ceremony.
Ra: I think in too many places, but his parent wants to do it in Florida, and make a big party.
Ro: and you don't want a big party, really
Ra: no, I thought to travel to Cancun with the close family, and do a small ceremony on the
Ro: oh, it will be so romantic.
Ra: yessss
Ro, ok, you finish telling us the details when we see each other in a couple of hours.
Ra: ok, goodbye, I see you in a moment
Fa: bye, girls

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