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Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation that is characterized by

changes in the normal climate of the planet (in terms of temperature, precipitation and wind)

Global warming is just one aspect of climate change. In fact, they say that global warming refers to
the rise in global temperatures mainly due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. On the other hand, climate change refers to increasing changes in climate
measurements over a long period of time, including patterns of precipitation, temperature, and

hen we talk about climate change, we often talk about rising temperatures linked to industrial
activities and, in particular, to the greenhouse effect. That is why we sometimes speak of global
warming, which is said to be "anthropogenic in origin." Ultimately, the causes of global warming
(at least at the current rate) are not natural, but are driven by the economy and human industries.

In the end, he concluded that if large amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere (due to
industrial activities that burn coal), the air will be charged with CO2 and more heat will be
retained. At the time, the first estimates of temperature increases made by Arrhenius and other
scientists were that if the greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere doubled, the Earth's
average temperature would rise by 5 degrees Celsius. In 1901, Gustaf Ekholm first used the term
"greenhouse effect" to describe this phenomenon.

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