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Chapter III


Waste management is a growing problem in Philippines and despite large

investments that have been made to meet the challenges of effective waste

management in urban areas, there is little evidence that such efforts are having their

expected effect. Although huge capital investment is required to improve waste

management, social and behavioural factors are also important if waste management in

urban areas is to be successful.

This study is anchored on the theory of Waste Management represents a more

in-depth account of the domain and contains conceptual analyses of waste, the activity

upon waste, and a holistic view of the goals of waste management. Waste Management

Theory is founded on the expectation that waste management is to prevent waste

causing harm to human health and the environment.


According to the data we gathered, majority of the respondents are somewhat aware

and practicing the proper disposal methods of their waste but we cannot deny the fact

there is still a number who did not. There is still a lack of practices in its implementation

and there is a moderate problem existing in solid waste management exercises

implemented by the LGU’s and Barangay Officials.


The LGU’s and Barangay Officials should conduct seminars discussing the proper

practices, and implement the cleaning programs properly – to put a ratio of fund to apply

this is a must. Penalizing the people who are not complying is one of the solutions to
keep the residents discipline and be responsible in their actions. All the plans of the

government will only be possible with the cooperation of its people.


Electronic Sources (Books, and Articles):

Marello, Marta , Helwege, Ann (2017), Solid Waste Management And Social Inclusion

Of Wastepickers: Opportunities And Challenges


Paghasian, Margarita, (2017) Awareness and Practices on Solid Waste Management

among College Students in Mindanao State University Maigo School of Arts and Trades



Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory Of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human

Decision Processes, 50(2), 179211.


Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction

to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Green, D. P. & Fox, J. (2007). Rational choice theory. In W. Outhwaite & S. P. Turner

(Eds.), The SAGE handbook of social science methodology (pp. 269-281). Thousand

Oaks, CA: SAGE. 848607958.n15

Liou, J. C. (1992). Environmental knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intention, and

behavior of preservice elementary teachers in Taiwan, the Republic of China

(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Olli, E., Grendstad, G., & Wollebaek, D. (2001). Correlates of environmental behaviors:

Bringing back social context. Environment and behavior , 33(2), 181-208. Republic Act

No. 9003, "Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000". (2000). Retrieved on July

10, 2019, from www. loads/2015/09/RA-9003.pdf

Russell Huebsch (2017),Proper Waste Segregation & Disposal

The 3 R’s Of Solid Waste Management

Other Studies:

Borja, V, Capila, M, Cerbito M.S, 2018, Practices on Proper Garbage Disposal,


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