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Understand the concept of

linear inequalities.
Determine the solution set of
linear inequalities in one
variable and linear
inequalities in two variables.
Gain proficiency in working
with linear inequalities.
Fundamental Operations
1. The same number maybe added or subtracted from both sides of an inequality, and that both
sides of an inequality may be multiplied or divided by the same positive number without changing
the sign.
ax + by ≤ c

2. If both sides of an inequality are multiplied or divided by the same negative number, the sign of the
inequality must be changed.
– 1 (ax + by ≤ c) – 1
– ax – by ≥ – c
Linear inequalities in one variable
Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable
The solutions to linear inequalities can be expressed in several ways:
a. using inequalities
b. using a graph
c. using an interval notation.

The steps to solve linear inequalities are the same as in linear equations, except if you multiply or
divide by a negative when solving for the variable, you must reverse the inequality symbol.
2. Solve and express the solution as an inequality, graph and interval notation.
4x + 2 ≤ 2x + 14
Transpose 2x to the left side and 2 to the right side of the algebraic expression.
4x – 2x ≤ 14 – 2
2x ≤ 12 Simplify by dividing both sides by 2
2 2
a. x ≤ 6

b. Solution set is (∞, 6 ]

3. Solve and express the solution as an inequality, graph and interval notation.

x + 48 ≥ 3x + 26 Transpose 4 to the right side of the algebraic expression

x – 3 x ≥ 26 – 48
– 2 x ≥ – 22 Divide both sides of the expression by – 2 and change ≥ to ≤
a. x ≤ 11


c. Solution set is (– ∞, 11]

4. Solve and express the solution as an inequality, graph and interval notation.

2x + 8 ≥ 3x + 5
5. Solve and express the solution as an inequality, graph and interval notation.

3x + 5 ≥ 17 – x
5. Express the solution as an inequality, graph and interval notation.
5 ≥ 3x + 18 x + 3
Linear inequalities in two variables
The solution of a linear inequality in two variables like Ax + By > C is an ordered pair (x, y) that
produces a true statement when the values of x and y are substituted into the inequality. The graph
of an inequality in two variables is the set of points that represents all solutions to the inequality.
Steps to follow in finding the solution of linear inequality in two variables.
1. Change the inequality to equality.
2. Find the x – intercept and y – intercept.
3. Plot the ordered pair, and draw the graph of the straight line that is the boundary.
4. Choose a test point not on the line and substitute the coordinates of that point in the inequality.
5. Shade the region that includes the test point if it satisfies the original inequality. Otherwise shade
the other region on the other side of the boundary line.
◦ Illustrative example 1:
◦ Solve and shade the region of the solution of the set of the given inequality.
1. 2x + y ≥ 3
Step 1: 2x + y = 3 Step 4 and 5
Step 2: let x = 0 y = 3
y=3 (0, 3) y-intercept
Click to add text
let y = 0 2x = 3
2 2
x = 1.5 (1.5, 0) x-intercept
Step 3: Test (0, 0) 2(0)+ 1(0) ≥ 3,
0 ≥ 3 False
◦ Illustrative example 2:
◦ Solve and shade the region of the solution of the set of the given inequality.
2.    – 3x  + 2y ≤  6     3X – 2Y ≥ -6
Step 1: – 3x + 2y = 6 Step 4 and 5
Step 2: let x = 0 2y = 6
2 2
y = 3 (0, 3) y-intercept Click to add text
let y = 0 – 3x = 6
–3 –3
x = – 2 (– 2, 0) x-intercept
Step 3: Test (0, 0); – 3(0)+ 2(0) ≤ 6,
0 ≤ 6 True
◦ Illustrative example 3:
◦ Solve and shade the region of the solution of the set of the given inequality.
3. 3x + 2y ≤ 6
Step 1: 3x + 2y = 6 Step 4 and 5
Step 2: let x = 0 2y = 6
2 2 y=3 (0, 3) y-intercept
Click to add text
let y = 0 3x = 6
3 3
x = 2 (2, 0) x-intercept
Step 3: Test (0, 0) 3(0)+ 2(0) ≤ 6
0 ≤ 6 True
◦ Illustrative example 4:
◦ Solve and shade the region of the solution of the set of the given inequality.
4. 3x – 2y ≤ – 6
Step 1: 3x – 2y = – 6 Step 4 and 5
Step 2: let x = 0 – 2y = – 6
–2 –2 y=3 (0, 3) y-intercept
let y = 0 3x = – 6
3 3
x = – 2 (– 2, 0) x-intercept
Step 3: Test (0, 0) 3(0) – 2(0) ≤ – 6,
0 ≤ – 6 False
◦ Illustrative example 5:
◦ Solve and shade the region of the solution of the set of the given inequality.
5. 4x – 2y ≤ – 8
◦ Illustrative example 6:
◦ Solve and shade the region of the solution of the set of the given inequality.
5. 5x + 2y ≤ 10

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