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Conceptual Framework

In the conceptual framework it illustrates what you expect to find in our research, there are two
parts which is the independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is the cause
which is the learning environment and the dependent variable is the effect first is academic
performance, second is social interaction and lastly, emotional and mental health.

Effect of learning environment in the following:

Academic performance:

Online classes bring students to work more harder than the usual set-up because there is a lot
distraction that might bring a problem within them. However, students have now a lot of time in
their hands and the only matter now is how they will handle it. In this situation the student
patience and loyalty will be tested because studying in not right place or learning environment
can brought up a lot of struggle. Their attention can be distracted by other things like the noise
from the outside, their family, social media, and internet connection. Student also can encounter
that even in normal set up but the thing is they can’t control some occurrences that out of the
hand. Moreover, with the proper discipline student can easily cope up with the situation.

Social interaction

Quarantine brings the students to study online that lessen the social interaction between the
students, teachers and even the school staff. With proper learning environment like school it is
easy to a student to interact with one another. It also can boost up their social skills and
communication skills. It can also lessen the pressure they might feel because they have
accompany in them that can distract them for a while and makes them feel comfortable while
doing a certain activity. Learning environment contributes a lot when it comes a social
interacting between people.

Emotional and mental health

Studying alone is much more different than studying in the actual learning environment.
Because, they tend to feel more exhausted especially that they are new students who just entered
the senior high school year. There is also a lot of chances that their activities in different subject
might overlap that can cause a sleepless night and insomnia. Teen agers in today situation are
more prone of having anxiety attacks, depression, and feel more pressure. Having a right place
where student can study along with the other student can bring a lot more of help and
Local studies

It is said that students gain an understanding of their place in the world and the gifts that they
have to offer if they have a proper learning environment which the classroom because they are
developing a lot of skills that can help them to know what are their purpose. The creativity
within them can be fully developed as the teachers are molding them to be person that can be
able to help the community in return. However, if the learning environment are being neglected
and doesn’t being used in a right thing there is a possibility that it would nothing and just a mere
infrastructure without its solely purpose. That it causes to be a challenge for every school
administrator to make it a potential place for the learners. Having a proper learning environment
has an impact to the academic performance of IP’s learner for some reason.

Data gathering
We, the researcher, conduct a study about the effect of a learning environment to the academic
performance of grade 11 ABM students in St. Michael Institute Inc., we distributed a
questionnaire to selected students of ABM to determined why does the learning environment
matter on the academic performance of the respondents.
Summary of findings

3. How will a learning environment provide a positive ambiance for the students?

In the data we gathered, we determined that the majority of students agreed that the learning
environment has a positive outcome in studying because it provides a perfect ambiance where
learners can study well. They believe that having a well ambiance can help them to improve their
study method. As we collect the data, we also gathered that some of the student are being
skeptical that it will still depends on the learner to study well because they want it rather than
having a right learning environment.

4. How does the learning environment contribute to the academic performance of a


In the data we gathered, we collect a majority of result saying that learning environment
contributes in the learner academic performance. In sense that it helps them get higher grade,
focus in their studies, and enhance their skills. However, as we gathered them there is also some
students who is disagreeing that the learning environment can contribute in student academic

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