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A Linear Inequalities in x and y can be written in one of the following forms:

Ax + By > C, Ax + By < C, Ax + By ≤ C

where A, B, C are real numbers and A and B are both not equal to 0

Some example of Linear Inequalities are:

3x – y > -2 x< 2 x + 2y ≤ -3

The solutions of linear equation in x and y can be expressed in ordered pairs (x,y). As with linear
equations, solutioin of linear inequalities can be also expressed in ordered pairs. An ordered pair (x,y)
is a solution of an inequality in x and y if a true statement results when the variable in the inequality is
resplaced by the coordinates of the ordered pair.

Example 1:
Determine whether each ordered pair is a solution of 2x + 3y ≤ 6

a. (-2, 1) b. (1,2) c. (3, -1)


Substitute value x and y value

a. (-2, 1) 2x + 3y ≤ 6
2(-2) + 3(1) ≤ 6
-4 + 3 ≤ 6
-1 ≤6
Since -1 ≤ 6, true (-2, 1) is a solution of 2x + 3y ≤ 6

b. (2, 1) 2x + 3y ≤ 6
2(2) + 3(1) ≤ 6
4 +3 ≤6
7 ≤6
Since 7 ≤ 6, false (2, 1) is a solution of 2x + 3y ≤ 6

c. (3, -1) 2x + 3y ≤ 6
2(3) + 3(-1) ≤ 6
6 + -3 ≤ 6
3 ≤6
Since 3 ≤ 6, True (3, -1) is a solution of 2x + 3y ≤ 6

Refer E-math 8 page 341

Graphing of Linear Inequality

To graph a linear inequality:

1. Graph the related linear equation. The related equation has an equal sign in place of the
inequality symbol. If the inequality symbol is ≤ or ≥, then draw the solid line. If the inequality
symbol is < or >, then draw a dash line.

1|P a g e 4
2. Choose an ordered pair on one side of the boundary line (line of the equation) and test this
ordered pair in the inequality. If the ordered pair satisfied the inequality, then shade the region
that contains it. If the ordered pair does not satisfied the inequality, then shade the region on
the other side of the boundary line.

Example 2: Graph the following inequalities

a. x + y < 3 b. y + 2x ≥ 4 c. y ≥ x+3


a. x + y < 3

x y (x.y)
0 3 (0,3)
3 0 (3.0)
1 2 (1,2) x+y<3


We use a dash line to show that the points on the line are not solutions of x + y < 3. The
solutions of x + y < 3 must lie on one side of the boundary line. We test a point that is not on
the line such as (0,0)

x+y<3 0 +0<3
0 < 3 True

Because 0 < 3 is true, half-plane containing (0,0) is the graph of the solutioin. Shade this part to
show that every point in this half-plane is a solution as shown in Figure.
b. y + 2x ≥ 4 y + 2x ≥ 4

x y (x.y)
0 4 (0,4)
2 0 (2.0)
1 2 (1,2)

y + 2x ≥ 4

Test point (0,0)

y + 2x ≥ 4
0 + 2(0) ≥ 4
0 ≥4 False because 0 ≥ 4, the half-plane does not contain the origin so it
should be shaded as figures 2

c. y ≥ 5 x + 3

2 2 2 2
Since y ≥ x + 3 means y = x + 3 or y > x + 3, we begin by graphing the equation y = x
5 5 5 5
+ 3 as shown in figure 5.3. Two ordered pair that satisfy the equation.
2|P a g e 4
y= x + 3 are (0,3) and (5,5)

y= x+3

x y (x.y)
2 2
0 3 (0,3) y≥ x+ y≥ x+
5 5
5 5 (5.5)
-5 1 (-5,1)

Because the inequality symbol used is greater than or equal to, we draw a solid line to indicate
that the ordered pairs along the boundary line are part of the solutions.
Note: The inequality is in the form y ≥ mx + b.
We shade the region above the boundary line as shown in figure


Fill in the blanks to make each statement true.

1. A __________ in x and y is an inequality that can be written in one of the following form:
Ax +By>C, Ax +By <C, Ax +By ≥C, Ax +By <≤C, where A, B, C are real number and A and
B are both not equal to zero.

2. If the inequality symbol is ≤ or ≥, draw a ________ line.

3. If the inequality symbol is < or >, draw a ________ line.
4. The _________ consist of points whose coordinates satisfy the inequality.


I. Verify if each ordered pair is a solution of the inequality.

1. x – 3y ≤ -6 a. (4,5) b. (-1,-2)
2. 4x + y > 2 a. (-2,5) b. (3,-7)
3. 5x + 2y ≥ 11 a. (1,2) b. (2,1)
4. 2x – 2y ≤ 6 a. (3,4) b. (4,0)
5. x – 6y < 12 a. (7,-1) b. (-1,-2)

II. Shade the appropriate half-plane to complete the graph of the inequality.
3|P a g e 4
1. y > 3 ( sample answer) 2. 2y ≤ 3x

III. Graph each inequality:

1. x + y ≥ -2 2. y < 3x

3. x ≥ -y + 3 4. y > -6

4|P a g e 4
5|P a g e 4

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