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Explain "Di baling mahirap, basta't may dangal" in no

less than 10 sentences.

"Di baling mahirap, basta't may dangal". One of the

most known and famous quotation among Filipino citizens.
This quote was passed from older generations to newer
ones. As a youth that represents our generation, I also
believe in this philosophy. For me, it is better to live a
simple life with dignity rather than living a  luxurious and
wealthy life coming from illegal actions and sources. I
know money is important for our survival but we must not
sold our dignity just to have a lot of it. There are many
possible and decent ways to find and earn money. It is
true that we can buy all the things that we want if we have
a lot of money and that is one of the reasons why people,
especially those who are in need, tend to choose to lose
their dignity just to have money. But we must also keep in
our minds that once we lose our dignity, there's no way
that we can bring it back. You can't buy it even if you are
the richest man in this world and in just a blink of an eye,
all those money and material things may just vanish.
Living with dignity and clean conscience is a priceless
possession that you should be proud of. It can never be
taken away from us. Always choose dignity over money.

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