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RAWALIANS Batch – 37 compilations

NBME – 17 answers


B- Internal iliac

E- Strept Pneumo

C- Inhaled glue

A-absent LDL receptors

D- Middle meningeal

A – Adenyl cyclase

B- Alveolar macrophages

E- Vasodilating PGs afferent arterioles

D- Schistocytes

A – Calcitonin

B- Aortic stenosis

A - Decrease plasma rennin

A – decrease Ca2+ release from SR

B- 9 months age

B- Leptin

C- 21 alpha hydrxylase deficiency

B- Failure to distinguish between clinical and statistical significance

F. Trypanosoma cruzi

C. maintenance of BM

D. increase radial traction

B- Decrease doses of 6-Mp

A.Early septic shock

B. dissecting aneurysm

E- spironolactone
F. randomized trial


B. eztimibe

D. antithrombin III

B. 1st degree burn

E. 2-3 markers

D. osteomyelitis

B. inhibit osteoclast

E. vagus

C. GI blood loss

A. left Achilles (UMN lesion)

D- loperamide

A – placebo effect

A - 15%

A – cholesterol synthesis

E- IgM

B. carrier mediated

B. nephroliathiasis


E. proliferative endometrial tissue

E. scrotum

D. parietal cells

D. rosacea

C. pelvic splanchnic

A. metabolic acidosis
C- Listeria

C- Increased hydrostatic pressure in Bowman space

A – Aflatoxin

B- Delirium

C- Increase intestinal absorption


B- Inferior rectal vein

D- Incomplete formation of pleuroperitoneal

E- Dyenin arms

A – Cerebellum

D- vit B12

A – Actinic keratosis

C- Doxycycline

C- Renal cell adenocarcinoma

D- Most ppl find it difficult

D- xray of sacroiliac joints

D- salicylate poisoning

C- Increase ratio of O2 consumption to ATP

E- Sulfasalazine

E- ubiquitin ligase

E- trophoblastic tissue

C- Congenital ureteral obstruction

A – Infection with HIV2

E- Both decreases

D- Increase capillary hydrostatic pressure

D- Tricuspid

E- T lymphocytes

B- Congenital CMV

A – Breast bud development

B- Free T4


B- Phase1

E- Kappa:lambda ratio

B- Disruption of normal splicing

F- Sertaline

B- 15 to 40

B- fibrinous pericarditis

C- Neoplastic cells in sub-basement membrane

D- Tracheoesophageal atresia

C- IL8

E- Pulmonary Neoplasm (SIADH)

B- 480

C- 67%


B- Ectopic pregnancy

D- Maxillary division of CN-V

F- TSH dec, Free Thyroxine dec, Free T3 increase

B- Endometrial hyperplasia

B- Admit for possible M.I

E- Testicle, Estradiol
E- Torsades

E- Omeprazole

D- Macrophages

E- Mallory Hyaline

C- Right MLF

E- Leukocyte adhesion defect

C- Lichen Sclerosis

D- Gentamicin

B- 25%

B- Haemophilus influenza type B

C- Hereditary spherocytosis

B- Hydrochlorothiazide

C- 1, 25 –Dihydroxycholecalciferol

A – Calcified 80% stenosis

D- 0.9% saline

D- transvenous pacemaker

D- Inhibition of phosphodiesterase


E- Genes and environment combined

D- Gynecomastia

B- Mesenteric venous thrombosis


E- Beta pleated sheet

C- Heme synthesis

E- Inhibition of muscarinic receptors

D- Naloxone

F- 3

A – Additional testing to confirm TA

C- Family History

B- Sympathetic increases, parasympathetic decreases

B- Collagen

C- Imprinting

E- Suppressing early response of T lymphocytes

G- Lower limb representation is on medial side

D- Schizoid

B- Calcium

D- Loratadine

C- Central volume increases, ADH decreases, ANP increases

B- Decrease plasma fibrinogen

A – Inferior alveolar nerve

A – “How have you been since last time I saw you?”

B- Measure acylcarnitine concentrations

D- Membrane lipid peroxidation

A – Autosomal dominant

E- Gonorrhea

E- Tubular adenoma

D- “It must be difficult for you to accept this diagnosis when you feel healthy”

A –Occulomotor III CN nerve

C- Information, competence, voluntariness

E- Struvite

E- TGF-Beta

F- Right subthalamic

D- Posterior Pituitary

C- Immature LES

E-Poxvirus (mollascum)

B- Autoantibodies against desmosomal proteins

C-Parotid gland enlargmement

B-Increased blood HCO3


E-Total hemolytic complement concentration

A –Left atrium

E-DNA replication

E-Wegener granulomatosis

C-Rheumatoid arthiritis

E-T lymphocyte function

A –influenza virus

B- Beta glucan in cell wall

E- Vitamin E

F- Use of sunscreen by her peers

B- Contemplation

D- “I’m sorry I got delayed. I hope I haven’t made you late somewhere else”

C- L3 to L4

A-Neither is superior

F- Melanoma

A-Enterococcus faecalis

D-Mannose binding Type1 fimbria





C-Junction of SVC and right atrium

B-Dopamine B-Hydroxylase


D- Staph Aureus

A-Fibromascular dysplasia

E-Temperature sensitivity

C- IL1 and TNF alpha

A - Diverticulum of roof of oral cavity

D- Type II pneumocytes

F- Pleural effusion

E-Pseudomembranes of fibrin and debris

E- Failure of ovaries to secrete 17B-estradiol

C- The two of you seem to have a important relationship. Of course you may stay together”

B- Factor VIII (antihemophillic)

B- Kidney

B- RV inc, PaO2 decrease, A-a PO2 difference increase

D- Increase release of dopamine and norepinephrine

A - Albuterol
Stay Tune for
more to come
 Cheers

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