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Another Night of My Life

Ladies and gentlemen, have you tried to be scared of something

that is not even scary? I know, it sounds stupid right? But it happens to
me. One night on April 10, 2018 around 12 midnight, I was scrolling up and
down to my Facebook wall something pop upped to the upper right corner
of my phone, there was this girl who named Nicole, she was my classmate
from grade 1 to grade 6 and she sent me something on messenger, it was
a voice clip with a message on top of “Bert unsay title ani nga kanta” and I
was really curious on what was that, a silent night where you can hear
every little noises around you, then my curiosity reach at its peak, I play
the voicemail without any hesitation with my phone on a full volume
before I realized it was a girl moaning very loudly like “ah, ah, ah…”, then
my heart beats so fast like “dub dub dub dub dub” because my father’s
bedroom is just right beside my room, If he hears that maybe he’s
thinking “what is my child doing in his room”, I thought he heard the most
disturbing sound at that night, but all of a sudden I hear a lifesaving
sound (snoring effect), at that time I feel relieved like “wheeew thank
god he is still  asleep”. So that night there is a lesson I learned don’t
trust anyone who sends you voice mail and asked on what is the title of
that song.

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