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Relating The Research Findings With Pertinent


■ One important feature of doing research is placing or relating the findings of

research not only in relation to your research questions but also in the context
of existing knowledge .

■ Opportunities to discuss comprehensively what did you know about your

research by discussing the meaningful result of your study.

■ Not only tackle the summary of the results you found but It

should depict novelty or original thinking .

■ It should be well-organized and broad in scope as you relate

these finding to pertinent literature.

This discussion should give you the following opportunities:

1. Highlight and discuss how the findings of your study have reinforced what has
already done by other student researcher in the same area. Clear links should be
established to literature you have reviewed for the research project.

2. Study how your study reflects or differ form existing knowledge of area that
you have chosen to conduct your research. You identify the differences and
similarities between your findings and finding of others then make an outline of
it and explain the analysis of the result.
3. Discuss the contribution of findings of your study to the body of existing

literature and knowledge. You can explain how your research findings extend further

with current happening to the research area.

4. Explain why you thought it necessary to go on in the research you have done . You

have to identify the gaps in current work of other researchers about the topic of

interest which justify the need for your research.


Some reminders in writing the section on relating the research findings to pertinent literature are listed below:

■ Does your school provide a particular research format follow?

■ Is there a separate chapter or section for this?

■ Are there specific guidelines to follow in writing this section?

■ Should you link directly each of your findings to existing

literature or put them together in a chapter or section?

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