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Assignment: Answer the following practically.

1. Will the skills in swimming beneficial to you? Why or why not?

Yes, I think it's a survival skill at some circumstances. When someone is drowning, I can
render my help and save that someone. In connection with that, it's a recreational activity that
I can see myself enjoying with it while losing up stress, most especially I can also get health
benefits out of it specifically, builds endurance, maintain healthy weight, tones muscles,
builds strength and most especially it can be a good cardiovascular exercise.
2. Why do you think many people are afraid of swimming?

I think many people hesitated or afraid to swim due to they are frightened to be drowned
as they don't want to take risk to learn and enjoy with it. At some cases, there people who has
phobia specifically Aquaphobia and Thalassophobia. Aquaphobia is irrational fear of
something especially in water as source or causes of excessive amount of anxiety like in a
swimming pool, a lake, an ocean, or even a bathtub. And, Thalassophobia is a fear of the
ocean or other large bodies of water. However, this kind of phobia may hinder some people
to went at the beach, swimming in the sea and traveling by boat. In such, with this reason I
think it has clear reason why there are afraid in swimming.
3. Can you extend assistance to a drowning victim (under water) even if your skill in
swimming is limited? Elaborate.
I believe yes, even I'm lacking with skills in swimming but there are ways that I can help
without taking my life in danger, my initiative and rational thinking would save one person if
ever. In such, if ever I'm the only one on the area and no one I can seek for help, I would look
for any floating object, tie it up with the rope and throw it to the person who is drowning,
then I will him/her to get out of water and seek for any professional assistance or help.
However, if I have someone to assist with me, I would look for any floating object, get any
ropes, ask him/her to assist. And, I will tie my waist, swim with the floating object with me
and go to the person who needs help, then I will try to extend my hand and try to reach
her/him and let the other person who assisted me to pull the rope until we can get up from the
water and seek for help in authority for immediate response.

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