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This case study evaluates the treatment and associated factors of the conditions of
the patients who suffer stroke from high blood/hypertension.
Mr. Moises was diagnosed hypertension that may caused him stroke. Meaning the
specific cause of his hypertension is not known for him. It is likely that both
genetic (inherited) and environmental factors. He suffers hypertension because of
both internal and external factor, that’s too much working on his business and
unhealthy life style and by genetic inheritance as his late parents and relatives who
have the same condition.
GENETIC (INHERITED)- is one of the leads to her condition, high
blood/hypertension tends to run in families. Individuals whose parents have that
case to elevated risk of developing the condition, particularly if both parents are
affected. Mr. Moises his late father who died the same condition and mild stroke
because of consistent elevated high blood/hypertension and he also taking a
maintenance medication for high blood/hypertension.
STRESS -one of the possible that lead him high blood/hypertension. If he is
stress, he eats a lot or drinking beer, sometimes didn’t enough sleep if he tries to
distress himself or thinking and make him busy to his business. so, his workaholic
person or may cause him high blood/hypertension.
HIS LIFESTYLE-may lead to this problem. He is workaholic and eating
unhealthy foods and wrong intake fluids. He also the one who provides his
family’s needs so that’s why he worked overtime. He doesn’t think the amount of
the food he eats, he eats a salty food, red meats that may lead him high
blood/hypertension, which stiffens and narrow the blood vessels. Blood and
oxygen flow to key organs decreases, so the heart tries harder to pump blood
throughout the body, which further increases blood pressure. Also he don’t have
time to exercise regularly or not hobbit to do it .

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