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Name : Vania Raihani

Class : XII MIPA 4

How COVID-19 Infected People?

Coronavirus disease or also known as COVID-19 is an infectious disease that caused by a

newly discovered coronavirus. It usually causes respiratory infections, from the common cold to
serious illness. And it has been a year already since the first COVID-19 case was discovered. A
new type of coronavirus that was discovered in humans since the outbreak occurred in Wuhan,
China. The Coronavirus itself entered Indonesia in March 2020 and is till spreading today. The
cases of the corona virus which are increasing day by day make people worried about it. COVID-
19 spreads very quickly from one person to another. The number of cases is increasing. Because
of that, people has to stay home unless it’s essential. Scientist from all around the world working
to make the vaccine for a long time. Now, Indonesia already inaugurated this vaccine and the
government said that it will be distributed as soon as possible. For about a couple months, we
have been wishing for this great opportunity.
Coronavirus can be spread through droplets or water droplets from the mouth, nose, or
other parts. Transmission can occur when coughing, talking, or sneezing. This is the reason why
it is so important to keep a distance of up to three meter from other people. Droplets can also
stick to an objects around them, then transmit the disease to other people who touch objects
that have been contaminated with patient droplets. This is the reason it’s important to wash our
hands regularly with soap or a hand sanitizer.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and fatigue. Other
symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients are loss of taste or smell, nasal
congestion, and diarrhea. Patients with severe symptoms can experience difficulty breathing, loss
of appetite, high fever, shortness of breath, and chest pain. These symptoms appear when the
body reacts against the Coronavirus. Coronavirus symptoms might get better before they get
worse, and the downturn can happen very quickly. To show these symptoms, a rapid test or PCR
is highly needed.
The reason why so many people got this virus is basically because they have weak
antibodies so they can easily get infected. Also sometimes people don’t do the Coronavirus
health protocols that the government and minister of health gave to. So, we have to reduce our
risk of getting COIVD-19 by doing such as wear face masks everywhere and everytime, stay at
home if didn’t have anything essential, avoid crowded places and indoor places, and social
distancing. Also if possible, avoid using public transportation. Hopefully the vaccine works well
so this pandemic will be over and don’t exist anymore.

Present Tense

Passive Voice

Technical terms

Abstract Noun

Action Verb

Conjunction of Time

Noun Phrases

Adverb Phrases


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