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Materi Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Semester Genap


Sulfajriyani Indah, M.Pd.

SMA Negeri 1 Kendari

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran ini, peserta didik diharapkan mampu
mengidentifikasi, menjelaskan, menerapkan dan membandingkan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk formulir isian yang digunakan di perusahaan/bank/instansi lain

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan ini peserta didik diharapkan
mampu mengidentifikasi, menjelaskan, menerapkan dan membandingkan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus
dalam bentuk formulir isian yang digunakan di perusahaan/bank/instansi lain

Fill this form please!

A form is a document with spaces (fields) in which to
write or select, one of documents with similar contents.
The documents usually have the printed parts in common,
possibly except for a serial number or barcode.

Fill this form please!


Fill this form please!

Bank school

Fill this form please!

What is

What is

Fill this form please!



Fill this form please!

it shows the objective of filling the application form
for the government office, bank, etc.

it shows the general information and the specific

information of the forms the used in government office, bank,

Fill this form please!

A form is a document with spaces (fields) in which to
write or select, one of documents with similar
contents. The documents usually have the printed
parts in common, possibly except for a serial number.

it shows the objective of filling the

application form for the government office, bank,
We can find the form at the:
(1) bank,
it shows the general information and
(2) school,
(3) company, etc. the specific information of the forms the used in
government office, bank, etc.

Fill this form please!

Fill this form please!

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