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Plant Physiol.

(1986) 82, 1169-1171

0032-0889/86/82/1169/03/$0 1.00/0

Some Enzymes of Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Leaves and
Root Nodules of Medicago sativa'
Received for publication June 26, 1986 and in revised form September 29, 1986


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Department of Plant Physiology, University ofNavarra, 31080 Pamplona, Spain

ABSTRACT tive inhibition or inactivation. Thus the Cu,Zn-SOD is both CN-

and H202-sensitive, the Fe-SOD is only H202-sensitive, and the
Leaves and nodules (bacteroids and cytosol) of alfalfa (Medicago sativa Mn-SOD is resistant to either reagent; in addition, the Fe- and
L. cv Aragon) plants inoculated with Rhizobium meliloti strain 102F51 Mn-SOD are inactivated by organic solvents (chloroform plus
have been analyzed for the presence of the enzymes superoxide dismutase ethanol) whereas the Cu,Zn-SOD is not (2, 4, 6, 14, 15). Subcel-
(SOD, EC, catalase (EC, and peroxidase (EC lular location and distribution of SODs among organisms in an All three fractions investigated (leaves, bacteroids, and nodular evolutionary context have been recently reviewed (3).
cytosol) show Cu,Zn-SOD activity. Besides, the bacteroids and cytosol During the last decade the enzymes of H202 metabolism in
of nodules possess CN-insensitive SOD activities. Studies of SOD leaves of higher plants have been studied thoroughly (see e.g. 3,
inactivation with H202 indicate that, very likely, a Mn-SOD is present 7, 10, 14) but much less is known about their occurrence in the
in the bacteroids, and suggest that the cytosol contain both Mn-SOD and root nodules of legumes. This is somewhat surprising since LHb2+
Fe-SOD. Bacteroids show high catalase activity but lack peroxidase. By is rapidly oxidized by O2 and H202, respectively, to the non-
contrast, the nodule cytosol exhibits an elevated peroxidase activity as functional forms LHb3+ and LHb4+ (17, 25, 26). We report here
compared with the foliar tissue; this activity was completely inhibited by the presence of substantial amounts of SOD, catalase and per-
50 to 100 micromolar KCN. The significantly lower contents of H202 oxidase in alfalfa nodules, in comparison with those found in
and malondialdehyde (a product of lipid peroxidation) in nodules with the leaves.
respect to those in leaves reveal that the above-mentioned bacteroid and
cytosol enzymes act in an efficient and combined manner to preserve MATERIALS AND METHODS
integrity of nodule cell membranes and to keep leghemoglobin active.
Plant and Bacterial Material: Growth Conditions. Seedlings of
alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv Aragon) were inoculated with
Rhizobium meliloti strain 102F51 (kindly provided by R. S.
Smith, The Nitragin Co., Milwaukee, WI). Plants were grown
for 3 months in a glasshouse and watered with Evans' N-free
nutrient solution (12). One week prior to the measurements, the
Activated forms of 02 produced by its incomplete reduction, plants were transferred to a controlled-environment chamber
such as superoxide anion radical (02 ) and H202, are very toxic with a 25/15°C and 60/80% RH day/night-regime; a fluorescent
to all forms of life. Even more reactive 02 species (singlet O2 (Sylvania F48T12-CW-WHO) tubes-incandescent lamps mixture
['02], hydroxyl radical [OH-]) are generated by the interaction provided a photon fluence rate of 200 ,uE.m-2-s-' (PAR) at the
between O2 and H202 (10, 15). A direct association between top plants for a 14-h photoperiod.
activated-02 metabolism and peroxidation of membrane lipids Enzyme Assays. All operations were conducted at 0 to 2°C.
(membrane deterioration) has been demonstrated (14, 19). Yet Fresh leaves (0.5 g) or nodules (1 g for bacteroids; 0.5 g for
plants, like other respiring organisms, have developed defensive cytosol) were immediately homogenized with 10% (w/w) poly-
mechanisms against the harmful effects of free radicals, either by vinylpolypyrrolidone and 10 ml of an extraction medium con-
directly scavenging them when already present or by preventing sisting of 50 mm K-phosphate (pH 7.8), and 0.1 mm Na2EDTA,
their formation (19). Thus SOD2 (EC catalyzes the in an Omni-Mixer homogenizer (Sorvall, DuPont Instruments)
dismutation of 02 to H202 and 02, catalase (EC at 50% speed for 3 min. The homogenate was filtered through
mediates the cleavage of H202 evolving O2, and peroxidase (EC four layers of cheesecloth, centrifuged at 500g for 2 min to reduces H202 to H20 using several reductants available eliminate cell debris, and centrifuged again at 18,000g for 10
to the cells (15). min. The supematants, hereafter referred to as 'leaves' and
Three types of SOD are known at present: Cu plus Zn-, Mn-, 'nodule cytosol,' were used as enzyme sources. The pellet of the
and Fe-containing enzymes, which can be distinguished by selec- nodule extract containing the bacteroids was washed twice and
resuspended in 6.5 ml of the same buffer, then the bacteroids
' Partly financed by the United States-Spain Joint Committee for were disrupted by sonication in two 30-s pulses (M.S.E. Sonifier)
Scientific and Technological Cooperation in Basic Sciences (1985 Pro- in an ice-bath, and centrifuged at 35,000g for 20 min. The
gram). resulting supernatant, hereafter referred to as 'bacteriods,' was
2Abbreviations: SOD, superoxide dismutase (EC; Cu,Zn- used for enzymic assays.
SOD, copper plus zinc-containing superoxide dismutase; Fe-SOD, iron- SOD activity was assayed by the inhibition of the photochem-
containing superoxide dismutase; Mn-SOD, manganese-containing su- ical reduction of NBT, as described by Giannopolitis and Ries
peroxide dismutase; LHb2', LHb3+, ferrous, ferric leghemoglobin; NBT, (16) with minor modifications (29). The reaction medium com-
nitro blue tetrazolium; MDA, malondialdehyde. prised 0.37 ml 50 mm K-phosphate (pH 7.8), with 0.1 mm
1170 BECANA ET AL. Plant Physiol. Vol. 82, 1986
Na2EDTA, 4 ml 02r-generating solution and 30 Ml enzyme. The maintained in ice until use. The decrease of A508 against distilled
02--generating solution contained 2.2 AM riboflavin, 14.3 mM H20 was followed and taken the minimal value. Blanks were
methionine, and 82.5 AM NBT. Glass test tubes containing the obtained by making 25 or 100 IAI 5% TCA to 2 ml with buffer.
mixtures were placed in a cylindrical water-bath lined with Contents of H202 were determined from differences of A508
aluminum foil at 25°C and fitted with a 22-W circular fluorescent between samples and blanks, using H202 (30%, Merck) (5-50
lamp (Phillips). The reaction was initiated by turning the light Mm) as a standard.
on and the reduction of NBT was followed by reading the A560 Lipid peroxidation was estimated in terms of MDA content,
for 7 min; during this period the reaction was linear. Blanks and as indicated by Dhindsa et al. (8).
controls were run the same way but without illumination and Enzymes were expressed as total activities (per unit dry weight
enzyme, respectively. One unit of SOD was defined as the tissue). Contents of H202 and MDA were also expressed on a
amount of enzyme which produced a 50% inhibition of NBT dry weight basis. Dry weights of leaves and nodules were obtained
reduction under the assay conditions (5). by drying at 80C for 48 h.
Catalase activity was determined by the procedure of Aebi (1),
which is suitable for crude extracts- even in the presence of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

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hemoglobin-like substances. One unit of activity was defined as SOD activity from the soluble fraction of alfalfa foliar tissue
the amount catalyzing 1 Mmol perborate decomposed/min. Per- was entirely inhibited by 3 mM CN- (Table 1). Hence the enzyme
oxidase activity was assessed by the guaiacol oxidation method can be ascribed to the Cu,Zn-SOD type, in accordance with the
(27). One unit was defined as the enzymic amount which oxidizes fact that Cu,Zn-containing SODs are characteristic ofthe cytosol
1 Mmol guaiacol/min.
of eucaryotic cells (14, 15).
Prior to determination of SOD and peroxidase activities in the Both R. meliloti bacteroids and the nodule cytosol contain
nodule cytosol, LHb was precipitated selectively by the Tsuchi- considerable amounts of SOD. These results, however, are less
hashi (chloroform-ethanol) (21) treatment to avoid interferences clear-cut than in the case of leaves, and deserve a larger comment.
(26). Cyanide (1-3 mM) caused a 21 to 66% loss of bacteroidal SOD
H202 and Lipid Peroxidation. Content of H202 was deter- activity (Table I). This observation was striking inasmuch as
mined based on the method of Patterson et al. (22). A 0.5 g procaryotes contain Mn- and/or Fe-SODs, both well-known to
sample of leaves or nodules was homogenized in an Omni-Mixer be resistant to CN- (14, 15) even at 10 mM (2). Cyanide-sensitive
with 0.2 g activated charcoal and 12 ml 5% TCA. The homoge- SOD activity of bacteroids can be attributed neither to contam-
nate was filtered through four layers of cheesecloth and centri- ination by the cytosolic enzyme as bacteroids were washed up to
fuged at 18,000g for 10 min. The supernatant was filtered 5 times with identical results, nor to SOD-like activity of perox-
through a Millipore filter (0.45 Mm) and used for the assay. A 25 idase (5) since only traces of this enzyme were found in the
Ml (leaves) or 100 Ml (nodules) aliquot was brought to 2 ml with bacteroids (Table I). Also other sources of error as metal chelates
100 mm K-phosphate (pH 8.4) and 1 ml of colorimetric reagent which may mimic SOD activity were discarded because immer-
was added. This reagent was made daily by mixing 1:1 (v/v) 0.6 sion of bacteroidal and nodule cytosolic extracts in boiling water
mM 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol (disodium salt) (Sigma) and 0.6 for 2 min completely supressed SOD activity (11). Very likely a
mm potassium titanium oxalate (BDH Chemicals Ltd) and was Cu,Zn-SOD is present in nodule bacteroids. The occurrence of

Table I. Some Parameters of H202 Metabolism in Leaves, Bacteroids, and Nodule Cytosol ofAlfalfa Plants
The inhibitory effect of CN- on SOD activity was tested by including 1 or 3 mM KCN in the assay medium.
Inactivation of SOD with H202 was tested by preincubating the enzyme at 25°C for 15 min in 50 mm K-
phosphate (pH 7.8), containing 0.1 mM EDTA, the indicated concentrations of H202, and 3 mM KCN to
suppress peroxidase and catalase activities; then a small aliquot of the treated enzyme was withdrawn and
assayed for residual SOD activity in the presence of the same KCN concentration. Controls were performed
to ensure that the inhibitory compound added along with the enzyme did not interfere with the SOD assay.
Parameter Leavesa
Bacteroidsa Cytosola
SOD (units/mg dry Wt)b
Noaddition 2.18±0.18 (100)a 1.02±0.08 (21)a 1.49±0.07 (33)a
+ I mM KCN 0.76±0.21 (65)b 0.80±0.06 (21)b 0.99±0.05 (33)b
+ 3 mm KCN 0 (100) c 0.35 ± 0.03 (66) c 0.49 ± 0.02 (67) c
+ 3 mM KCN + 5 mM
H202 0 (100)c 0.29 ±0.02 (72)c 0.21 ± 0.01 (86)d
+ 3 mM KCN + 10 mM
H202 0 (100) c 0.26 ± 0.01 (74) c 0.22 ± 0.01 (85) d
+ 3 mM KCN + 20 mM
H202 0 (100) c 0.30 ± 0.02 (71) c 0.16 ± 0.01 (89) d
Catalase (units/mg dry wt)b 37.7 ± 0.9 12.6 ± 1.1 10.1 ± 0.0
Peroxidase (units/g dry
wt)b 56.2 ± 7.2 Traces 222.8 ± 6.8
H202 (jsmol/g dry wt) 7.6 ± 2.0 4.3 0.6
Lipid peroxidation (nmol 26.2 ± 4.7
MDA/g dry wt) 119.6 ± 13.1 2 ±4.
a Data are the mean ± SE (n = 4-8 replicates corresponding to different extracts). Means denoted by the
same letter within each column do not differ at P < 0.05 (Duncan's multiple range test). Values in parentheses
are percent inhibition. b Units of enzymic activity are defined in "Materials and Methods."
a Cu,Zn-containing enzyme has been so far reported in only one of LHb2+/ LHb2+ *02 (25, 26).
other procaryote; curiously, in the also symbiotic bacterium Acknowledgments-We thank Miss A. Eguilaz and Miss A. Castillo for assistance
Photobacterium leiognathi (23). The possibility that this marine in the work reported here. Dr. Marvin Salin's (Mississippi State University) valuable
bacterium has incorporated the enzyme through a gene transfer help in reviewing this manuscript is greatly appreciated.
from its ponyfish host has been speculated (20, 23). By analogy,
a similar proposal may be raised for Rhizobium bacteroids, which LITERATURE CITED
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