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Video Reflection

Poochus LC
Why Should We Care?

Some say that the next World War will not be fought with nuclear weapons nor is
a clash of civilization. Rather, it will be a fight over water. Clean water.
The Earth may be mostly covered with water but only a portion of it is fresh and
suitable for drinking, and an even smaller portion of it is on the surface. Unlike other
scarce resources, water is the most essential. Every living organism depends on it to
sustain life. Access to clean water is a right of every person, yet an immense number of
people are still struggling to acquire this basic commodity. While this is true for most
parts of the world, however, it seems like we are pushing behind this fact as if this
resource is of unlimited availability. It is not. For years we have been warned about the
scarcity of water and its possible consequences, both short-term and long-term. It is a
threat to human life. Yet, to my dismay, most seem to be neglecting it. We are draining
this resource faster than it can be replenished and we are using more than what is
necessary. If we continue down this path, humankind might collapse.
But why is this of importance? We should care about it simply for the fact that it
sustains life. Water crisis can be tied to almost every problem in the world. We cannot
expect to live long enough – like we are now – without water. It is an indispensable
resource. Imagine a world without water… you cannot – because you would have been
dead. Of the 75% water present on Earth, a large portion of it is comprised of salt water
which is not suitable for drinking. Desalination of salt water is far from being the solution
to this scarcity as it costs a huge amount of money and consumes a sizeable amount of
energy. Our sources of energy are limited as well. Moreover, the demands for potable
water continue to rise yet the supply fails to accommodate everyone. If we fail to
accomplish the measures in combatting this scarcity, all other goals tied to it such as
education, health and nutrition, and equality and all other Sustainable Development
Goals will most likely fail too. The best course of action for now is to conserve what we
When do we start taking action if not now? It is unwise to wait until we have fully
exhausted this invaluable resource before starting to conserve the little of what remains.
Conservation of resources is a team effort, not just the duty of a fraction of the
population. The situation in Cape Town is proof of how a collective effort was able to
reverse, or at least push back, its serious water crisis. This initiative is not just
something we should think about once in a while, it should be a routine. If we inculcate
this in our way of life, then we can see humankind moving towards a better world – one
that is ready for the next generations.

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