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Post-Lecture Examination

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only ONE
answer for each item by shading the space corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. These are forbidden acts involving misuse of office or authority for personal gain.
a. corruption c. immorality
b. deviance d. brutality
2. It is the unreasonable, unnecessary and excessive use of force in the conduct of police
operations which does not support a legitimate police function.
a. cruelty c. torture
b. police brutality d. battery
3.An example of police immorality is _____:
a. going to the office not in uniform
b. living with a woman not his wife
c. smoking while patrolling
d. always absent from his post
4. Considered as the highest form of love in the PNP hierarchy of police values.
a. love of women c. love of God
c. selfless love of people d. love of power
5. The _____ character of the police requires adherence to the rule on merit and fitness system.
a. civilian c. social
b. authoritarian d. democratic
6. Giving unfair breaks to friends and relatives.
a. deviance c. misconduct
b. nepotism d. corruption
7. PNP members are expected to by the public not to seek political influence nor get “padrino” on
matters pertaining to assignment, award, training and promotion. This means that all PNP
members are discouraged to resort to:
a. political patronage c. influence peddling
b. partisan politics d. political corruption
8. The legislative act which provides for the rights of the person arrested, detained or under
custodial investigation.
a. R.A. 3019 b. R.A. 7610 c. R.A. 7438 d. R.A. 9165
9. Any public officer who agrees to perform an act constituting a crime, in connection with the
performance of his official duties, in consideration of any offer, promise, gift or present received by
such officer personally or through the mediation of another shall be liable for ________?
a. direct bribery c. malversation
b. indirect bribery d. illegal exaction
10. Insp. Garcia’s word is his bond, he stand by it and commit to uphold it. Inspector Garcia
therefore has:
a. delicadeza c. word of honor
b. camaraderie d. honor code
11. Reason why a police officer must always wear his uniform securely buttoned.
a. loose clothing is shabby
b. a complete uniform gets women’s attention
c. it is a minor offense
d. a neat appearance will command respect
12. Which of this statement is FALSE?
a. Religion in advance societies tends to the collective or group experience.
b. Participation in organized religious activity is higher among women, especially
c. Come religions are attractive to the deprived because they promise rewards in
the other world.
d. Religion has served as a functional alternative to political extremism.

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13. PNP members shall conduct themselves properly at all times in keeping with the rules and
regulations of the organization. This commitment to police professional conduct is simply known
as _________:
a. discipline c. devotion to duty
b. delicadeza d. dedication to work
14. A manifestation of love of country with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend
the Constitution.
a. nationalism c. heroism
b. patriotism d. valor
15. It is the ability to last.
a. endurance b. patience
c. perseverance d. fortitude
16. Insp. Garcia’s word is his bond, he stand by it and commit to uphold it. Inspector Garcia
therefore has:
a. delicadeza c. word of honor
b. camaraderie d. honor code
17. The concept that the manner in which the police were viewed was likely to influence the degree
of cooperation they were to receive was espoused by:
a) Sir Robert Peel
b) Friedrich Taylor
c) Max Weber
d) Edwin Sutherland
18. It means courage to endure without yielding.
a. prudence b. fortitude
c. temperance d. justice
19. A moral courage to sacrifice self interest.
a. Esprit de corps c. valor
b. Camaraderie d. delicadeza
20. It means “love for the country”
a. patriotism b. nationalism c. valor d. bravery
21. What Executive Order provides for the institutionalization of the Doctrine of Command
Responsibility in all law enforcement agencies particularly in the PNP?
a. E.O. 266 b. E.O. 226 c. E.O. 227 d. E.O. 236
22. The ability to go on despite obstacles or oppositions.
a. patience b. perseverance
c. endurance d. prudence
23. The “Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”.
a. R.A. 7080 b. R.A. 3019 c. R.A. 7438 d. R.A. 8294
24. The police officers use of offensive and obscene languages is known as police _______.
a. brutality b. profanity c. perjury d. gratuity
25. It is the ability to be calm in enduring situations.
a. patience b. perseverance
c. endurance d. prudence
26. Otherwise known as the “Anti-Plunder Act”.
a. R.A. 3019 b. R.A. 6713 c. R.A. 7080 d. R.A. 3719
27. It the ability to moderate or to avoid something.
a. prudence b. fortitude
c. temperance d. justice
28. Excessive use of force or police brutality is a violation of the ethical standards. PNP members
shall exercise proper and ______ use of authority in the performance of duty.
a. effective c. proportionate
b. legitimate d. responsible
29. Imports the act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, domination or excessive use of
a. dishonesty b. disloyalty c. incompetency d. oppression
30. Otherwise known as the “Code of Ethics of Public Officials or Employees”.
a. R.A. 3019 b. R.A. 7080 c. R.A. 6713 d. R.A. 7438
31. In cases of eviction or demolition of squatter’s dwellings, which of the following should the
police do?
a. exercise maximum tolerance while giving security assistance
b. exercise limited force
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c. participate in actual demolition
d. exercise maximum force in dealing with squatter
32. Under this ethical standard, the PNP member shall take legitimate means to achieve goals
despite of internal of external and internal difficulties.
a. integrity c. orderliness
b. humidity d. perseverance
33. All PNP members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the
time-honored principle of ____.
a. Delicadeza c. Amor propio
b. Pride d. Pakikisama
34. What is the complete title of the PNP Code of Conduct?
a. PNP Code of Ethical Standards and Professional Conduct
b. PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards
c. PNP Code of Conduct and Standards
d. PNP Ethical Standards
35. A police community relations program must provide opportunities for the police and the citizens
to _______.
a. talk with each other
b. talk for each other
c. talk through each other
d. talk to each other
36. PO1 Juan Alba governs and disciplines himself by means of reason and sound judgment.
What virtue does he practice?
a. endurance c. prudence
b. courtesy d. patriotism
37. It is an omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty which is the
police officer’s legal obligation to perform.
a. nonfeasance b. misfeasance
c. malfeasance d. corruption
38. No PNP member shall engage in any activity which shall be in conflict with their duties as
public servant.
a. malingering b. moonlighting
c. loyalty to the service d. delicadeza
39. What is the primary purpose of a public relation program?
a. to develop mutual understanding between the police and public;
b. To plan for a community relation program;
c. To recruit new members for community relations;
d. To train police officers in community relations.
40. What program is concerned with creating a favorable public image of the police?
a. police relations c. Press relations
b. Community relations d. Public relations
41. What changes must occur given an effective police community relations program?
A. Attitudinal and behavioral changes in policemen;
B. Political and social changes in policemen.
C. Attitudinal and mental changes in policemen.
D. Social and economic Changes in policemen
42. The key to professionalism is the implementation of a _____ program which includes the
equitable distribution of recruitment, fair promotion, and rationalized approach in assignment, skills
development, grant of awards and reward and decent living upon retirement.
a. Human resource dev’t c. System and Procedure
b. Organizational dev’t d. compensation
43. The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization.
a. loyalty c. patriotism
b. camaraderie d. valor
44. The authority to make decisions without reference to the specific rules or facts, using instead
one’s own judgment.
a. Discretion c. Negotiation
b. prudence d. conviction
45. What is the most important supervisory principle in order to improve the morale of staff?
a. Be fair and just c. Be strict on attendance
b. Be kind and respectful d. Be forgiving
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46. It refers to the planned use of mass communication for public purpose:
a. Press release c. advertisement
b. Publication d. Propaganda
47. The best measure for the competence of police officer is ______.
a. High morale of his men
b. Ability of his men to prepare reports.
c. Good command of words
d. High level of education among his men
48. This particular program makes the policemen a friend and partner of the people as well as their
defender. In short, this program makes the police a part of, and not apart from society.
a. Civic Action Program
b. Public information Program
c. Public relation Program
d. Mass Communication Program
49. It is the sum total of all the dealings of the police with the people it serves and whose goodwill
and cooperation the police needs for the greatest possible efficiency in public service.
a. Police Community Relations
b. Human relations
c. Police Public relation
d. Public relations
50. A police-community relations programs must have the following objectives, EXCEPT:
a. to enforce the law and arrest violators
b. to obtain public cooperation and assistance
c. to create broader understanding and sympathy with the problems and needs of the
d. to maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of the community .
51. The best relation a law enforcement organization can give to the community is:
a. good and credible performance
b. frequent media coverage of police work
c. good public press relations
d. community visitations
52. In launching a police community program, to attain a sound degree of success, link or
“ugnayan” should be made first with:
a. Community Civic organization
b. Local prominent residents
c. local ladies club
d. Barangay officials
53. To develop public good will, a policeman on duty must do the following, EXCEPT:
a. be selective of people to serve
b. be courteous and fair
c. be quick to assist individuals in their problem
d. perform job with dedication and efficiency
54. It refers to the conceptual policy laid down for the observance of all law enforcement personnel
to exercise utmost restraint and self-control in the performance of their official functions.
a. command responsibility c. reasonable force
b. rules of engagement d. maximum tolerance
55. The primary purpose of police is to enlighten the members of the police service of _________.
a. what is right and what is wrong c. the right attitude
b. what behavior is really acceptable d. the right thing to do
56. It is a habit which inclines a man to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature.
a. ethics c. virtue
b. right d. conscience
57. An authority a person lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of his rank and assignment
or position.
a. command c. orders
b. responsibility d. memorandum
58. Police officers should have a feeling of devotion, duty or attachment to the PNP organization.
Such attitude is an example of _____________.
a. integrity c. honesty
b. loyalty to the service d. obedience to superior

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59. The police officer’s relations with the officers and men of his own department, his supervisor,
the station commander, as well as the city or municipal mayor where he is assigned is an example
a. intra-departmental relations c. professional relation
b. good relation d. inter-departmental relation
60. Each police officer is allowed a great deal of deciding what to do while on beat especially when
encountering citizens in conflict with the law.
a. maximum tolerance c. responsibility
b. discretion d. power
61. PNP members must promote a living that is acceptable and respectable in the eyes of the
public. They must promote simple yet credible lives.
a. police lifestyle b. delicadeza c. human rights d. image
62. A part of the PNP’s ceremony where the flag is raised in the middle of the pole in difference to
deceased member of the command or unit.
a. flag raising b. half-mast c. flag retreat d. funeral service
63. PNP members shall provide service to everyone without discrimination regardless of party
affiliation in accordance with existing rules and regulations.
a. political patronage c. non-partisanship
b. commitment to democracy d. social awareness
64. Each police officer is allowed a great deal of _______ in deciding what to do while on beat
especially when encountering citizen in conflict with laws.
a. discretion c. responsibility
b. power d. authority
65. PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest practices.
a. integrity b. honesty c. clean living d. corrupt
66. It is the ability to be calm in enduring situations.
a. patience b. perseverance c. endurance d. prudence
67. The misuse of police authority which involves violations of the rules and regulations of the
police organization.
a. police profanity c. police corruption
b. police misconduct d, police deviance
68. These are material favor or gifts in return for service.
a. bribe b. kickback c. gratuity d. extortion
69. All PNP officers shall follow logical procedures in accomplishing task assigned to them to
minimize waste in the use of time, money and efforts. This refers to ________.
a. perseverance c. humility
b. orderliness d. integrity
70. PO1 Habagat frequently assumes that he is the master of the people, perform his duties with
arrogance and feel that he is invincible and not an ordinary mortal. PO1 Habagat violated the
ethical act of:
a. perseverance c. humility
b. integrity d. morality
71. PO3 Perez refrains himself from patronizing houses of ill-refute and always faithful to his
lawfully wedded wife. PO3 Perez practices the ethical act of:
a. integrity c. loyalty
b. morality d. temperance
72. The act of extending hospitality to visiting personnel who pays respect to the command or unit.
a. courtesy c. exit call
b. courtesy of the post d. turn over ceremony
73. To develop good will, a policeman on duty should do the following, EXCEPT:
a. annoy or inconvenience any law abiding citizen
b. perform his job with dedication
c. project an honest image
d. be courteous
74. Considered as the highest form of love in the PNP hierarchy of police values.
a. love of women c. love of God
c. selfless love of people d. love of power
75. Your subordinate told you that when you were absent, your supervisor issued orders not in
agreement with standing orders you have issued to your men in your section. What shall you do?
a. discuss the new order with your staff
b. tell your staff to promulgate their own rules
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c. discuss the matter with your supervisor
d. instruct your staff to follow your orders
76. Police Community relation is:
a. The honest effort of both the police and the public to understand one another.
b. A pet project of the DILG
c. Building confidence
d. On its way out
77. The sum total of the dealings between the police and the people it serves, and whose goodwill
and cooperation it craves, for the greatest possible efficiency in the service.
a. police community relations c. police public relations
b. human relation d. community relation
78. An established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that has obtained the force of
the law.
a. customs c. traditions
b. mores d. values
79. It is the doing either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer had no
legal right to do.
a. nonfeasance b. misfeasance c. malfeasance d. oppression
80. When police officers are taught how to deal with people in a warm and friendly manner, they
are trained in _________.
a. Public information c. international relations
b. Media relations d. human relations
81. Under this ethical standard, all PNP members shall follow logical procedures in accomplishing
their duties to minimize waste of time, money and efforts.
a. Perseverance c. Humility
b. Justice d. Orderliness
82. Which of the following nearly expresses the meaning of ridicule?
a. Anger c. Resentment
b. to make fun d. disgust
83. All the mem ers of the PNP shall guard the confidentiality of classified informations against
____ disclosure including aspects of official bussiness, special order, communications and other
a. Authorized c. unauthorized
b. Approved d. discriminately
84. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Non-partitianship c. Humility
b. Morality d. Perseverance
85. Which of the following nearly expresses the meaning of animosity?
a. Resentment b. Anger c. Disgust d. Bribe
86. PNP members should always bare in mind that they are public servants and not masters of
the people; they must perform their duties without arrogance.
a. Orerliness c. Integrity
b. Humility d. Perseverance
87. Under this police professional conduct, PNP members including their families must encourage
to be actively involved in religious, social and civic activities to enhance the image of the
organization without affecting their official duties.
a. Happy Hours c. Police Lifestyle
b. Social Gatherings d. None of these
88. In consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP, all members must have
the moral courage to sacrifice self interest in keeping the time honored principle of delicadeza.
This statement is:
a. Definitely false c. sometimes
b. Definitely true d. maybe
89. The code of professional coduct and ethical standards for public employee is known as :
a. RA 6713 b. RA 6448 c. RA 6975 d. RA 8551
90. The police do NOT operate in a vacume. This means :
a. Should try to treat all people with respect
b. Something have to treat people harshly
c. Should be more allert for problems in the slum area
d. They must rely upon community for support
91. “Judicious use of Authority” means:
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a. Respect for Human Rights c. Legitimate use authority
b. Practical use of government resources d. Logical procedures
92. Under this professional conduct, PNP personal shall perform their duties with dedication,
thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm and manifest concern for public welfare.
a. Respect for human rights c. Orderliness
b. Police lifestyle d. None of these
93. Public confidence in a police organization is directly related to the image that citizen
symphatized with policeman. This statement is:
a. Maybe true c. definitely true
b. Sometimes false d. definitely false
94. PNP members shall provide service and assistance to everyone without discrimination
regardless of party affiliation.
a. Morality c. social-awareness
b. Political patronage d. non-partisanship
95. What will be result of inequality of police service?
a. Boost the morale of personnel c. All of these
b. Harmonious relationship among members d. Inefficiency and lack of team work
96. What is known as the capacity to use wise judgement or decide on a given situation?
a. Canons c. Discretion
b. Creed d. Ethics
97. Refers to the conceptual policy laid down for observance of law enforcement personnel to
excersice utmost restraint and self control in the performance of their official functions.
a. Maximum tolerance c. police discretion
b. Command responsibility d. police ethics
98. With regard to the police service, any gift or item of value exchanged for a service rendered is
known as:
a. Bribe b. Love offering c. donation d. gratuity
99. A practical science that treats the principle of human morality and duty as applied to law
a. Ethics c. command responsibility
b. Police service d. police ethics
100. The police officer performed an act under the law but committed a mistake in the execution of
such act:
a. nonfeasance c. malfeasance
b. misfeasance d. none of these

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