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Name : Indah Nur Jayannti

Class :A

NIM : 21070121120009

My Hometown, Banjarnegara

I was born and live in Banjarnegara. Banjarnegara Regency is one of many

districs in Central Jawa. Banjarnegara is composed of two words, namely banjar and negara.

In its history, banjar means wide lined rice fields and negara means goverment. Banjarnegara

has a motto that is “Gilar-gilar”. Gilar-gilar is a motto that represents nine aspect of residents

in it and reflects the goal of Banjarnegara Regency. These nine aspects are clean, orderly,

organized, beautiful, safe, comfortable, peaceful, polite, and healthy. Banjarnegara is located

in the west of Wonosobo Regency, east of Purbalingga Regency, north of Kebumen Regency

and south of Pekalongan Regency.

Banjarnegara has many iconic things in many aspects such as tourism, culinary

and culture. Banjarnegara has a tourist spot that is quite famous on national or international

scene namely Dieng Plateau. It is located near the Batur District. Dieng Plateau is natural as

well as cultural tourism. Besides the beautiful scenery, there are several museums about

culture in Dieng as well. And many cultural events are held in Dieng Plateau itself, such as

the Dieng Culture Festival. Then the famous culinary in Banjarnegara is Dawet Ayu

Banjarnegara. Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara is drink that made by coconut milk and palm sugar,

there’s also cendol in it.

That is all abot my hometown, Banjarnegara.

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