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Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1985,32(3-4),73-75


Regional College of Education
Almer 305004 .

The library contributes to the achievement b) Users have ways of doing things and these
of the institution's goals and objectives in should be accommodated in the design of
teaching, research and services. The interest services; and
groups within the system play an important c) Users have ways of doing things that
role in the library's efforts to carry out its should be changed.
User occu pies a key place in the library WHY USER STUDIES
and informaton system. The objectives of this
review of the state-of-the-art of user studies The students and faculty are users of the aca-
are demic library, towards whom all services are
directed. Their attitudes reflect the extent to
(i) to find out information-seeking attitude
which the efforts of the librarians are success-
of users
ful in developing the resources & services of the
(ii) to indicate gaps in our knowledge of users library to meet their needs.
(iii) to suggest areas of user attitudes for The reasons for conducting various user
research and studies are:
(iv) to outline techniques which might be (1) Identifying the actual strengths and weak-
useful for undertaking further research. ness of library resources and services;

ATTITUDE OF USERS (2) Identifying the levels and kinds of user

For finding out information seeking attitudes (3) Identifying faculty and student priorities
of users the following questions may be asked: for library resources and services;

a) What do users require from the library. (4 ) Identifying the limitations or problems
tn terms of type, quality and range of which seem to discourage the use of the
services to satisfy their needs? library;

b) What does user do about his/her needs? (5) Identifying the level of involvement or
participation of faculty and students in
c) How does the user select available re- the library programme; and
(6) Improving the organization and planning
d) how does the user carry out a search for for library services at both the local and
information? national levels.

Need to Study 'User'

There is a need to study user because:
Many studies were conducted in USA and UK.
a) User attitudes are essential considerations The findings of major studies are given in the
in the design of the library services; following lines:

Vol 32 Nos 3-4 Scp tcrubcr Dt'ccmlwr 19R5


Line [1] conducted a survey of student effectiveness of library service.' The findings
attitudes to the university library at Southamp- of the study suggested that the attitudes of
ton which revealed several problems and defi- secondary school administrators towards school
ciencies and a number of changes in library librarians and towards school library service
policy and practice were instituted. The survey are highly positive.
also revealed that women were more likely to
use catalogues than man. Kennedy [7] in her study tried to explore
A follow-up study by Line & Tidmarsh[2] the attitudes of academic librarians towards
revealed some changes in student attitudes, older adult users of the library. It was found
some of which can fairly be attributed to the that age is not necessarily a debilitative factor
new policies. The two surveys are an excellent with regard to learning and motivation to learn
illustration of the concept of survey, policy in older adults.
evaluation, policy implementation and re- Churchlands & Nedlands[8] carried out
survey - a sequence which is rare in this field.
surveys of student attitudes to their respective
Urquhart & Schofield[3] conducted two
college libraries in Western Australia. Informa-
major surveys to measure readers' failure at the
tion was sought on student attitudes to the
shelves in three university libraries. The results
college library and attitude scores were re-
of a failure survey will enable the librarian to corded by relating students' actual feelings
establish priorities. The difference in rates about the college library, to their concepts of
of failure for different subject areas of the lib- the "ideal" library. Detailed analysis of the
rary may call for a reassessment of book pur- data has yet to be undertaken for each library.
chasing policies. The third use of the survey is
to have better understanding of reader prob- Minner-Van-Neygen[9] conducted his
lerns and behavior. study of students' attitudes towards the be-
Burns & Hasty [4 ] conducted a survey of havioural approach to library and information
user attitudes towards selected services offered sciences: an experiment involving the group as
by the Colorado State University libraries, and an agent of change, and revealed that there is a
concluded that "most user studies have em- significant correlation between sex, level of
phasized the descriptive rather than the ana- exposure to the behavioural sciences.
lytical in their reporting and were conducted Olanlokurn [10] reported a study con-
by practising librarians or information scientists ducted to determine the attitudes of the major
with little or no attention to the adoption of interest groups in Nigerian universities on lib-
rigorous methodology". rary policy, use and service specifically, the
Lord [5] conducted a survey on research attitudes of the faculty, students and librarians
in user behaviour in university libraries with on adequacy of resources, quality of library
three objectives viz. to study user behaviour collections and library services. The findings
with the explanation of observed phenomena, strongly suggested more interaction with the
the prediction of behaviour, and the control patrons. Users needs should also be given greater
of behaviour by manipulation of conditions. attention.
The most important finding of this study on
user behaviour is that it has yet to be demon- Dhyani[ 11] conducted a study with a
strated that the use of libraries has any definite sample of 100 readers at Rajasthan University
influence on anything else. Library. The study emphasized that there should
Canarie [6] conducted a study on "atti- be well-trained librarian offering reference
tudes of secondary school administrators to- service to the readers. The need for library
wards school librarians and school library instruction to readers in Rajasthan University
service" to assess the attitudes of secondary Library is also stressed. Preparation of a manual
school administrators towards librarians' per- like known your library is suggested for the
sonal attributes the capability or aptitude of readers. The dissemination of latest information
the librarian for fulfilling the role, and the to the faculty is also suggested.

71 Ann Lib Sci Doc


SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 4. Bums, R Wand Hasty, R W: A Survey of user atti-
tudes towards selected services offered by the
While a large number of studies of information Colorado State University Libraries. Fort Collins
(Co.), Colorado State University Libraries, 1973.
needs have been carried out, results are difficult
5. Ford, G: Research in user behaviour in university
to compare directly owing to the lack of stand-
libraries. Journal of Documentation 1973, 29(1),
ardisation in methods. 85-106.
We need to know more about the context
6. Canarie, A M: Attitudes of secondary school ad-
in which information needs arise: this may ministrators towards school librarians and school
involve studies of attitudes and environment library service. phD. Thesis, University of Wiscon-
surrounding members of the target group so sin - Madison, 1980.
that information seeking attitude may be 7. Kennedy, M A: Service to older adult users of
better understood. academic libraries : a study of librarian attitudes.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1980. .
8. Churchlands and Nedlands: Survey of student atti-
tudes of college libraries : Research in progress in
western Australia. Crus News 1981, 10, 18.
REFERENCES 9. Minner-Van-Neygen, Veerle: Students' attitudes
towards the behavioural approach to library and
1. Line•.M B: Student attitudes to the university lib- information science : an experiment involving the
rary : a survey at Southampton University. Journal group as an agent of change. ph.D. Thesis, Univer-
of Documentation 1963, 19(3), 100-117. sity of Pittsburgh, 1982.
2. Line, M B and Tidmarsh, M: Student attitudes to 10. Olanlokun, Simeon Olajire. A survey of the atti-
the University library : a second survey at South- tudes of Nigerian University faculty, students and
ampton University. Journal of Documentation librarians towards library policy, use and service.
1966,22(2),123-135. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1982.
3. Urquhart, J A and Schofield.} L: Measuringreaders' 11. Dhyani, P: Need for library instruction to readers
failure ·at the Shelf in three university libraries. in Rajasthan University : a survey. Unesco Bulletin
Journal of Documentation 1972,28(3),233-241. for Libraries 1974, 28(3),156-59.

Vol 32 Nos 3-4 ScptclIlbcrrk("('lll[wr 19R5 75

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