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1. wiil / would, shall / should (Future Time)

 John will play football tomorrow

 Next year, I shall buy a new car

2. will (menawarkan)

 Will you cooperate with me?

3. Must / Had to (harus,mesti)

 We must win the competition, You must not smoke in the class
 I had to pay all of these bills.

4. May / Might (mungkin, minta izin)

 She may have caught a fever in the night (mungkin)

 May I come into the classroom? (minta izin)
 Either situation might be the case (mugkin)
 Might I know your phone number? (minta izin)

5. Should /Ought To (seharusnya)

 You should attend the class more regularly

 We ought to love our younger

Ought To (Saran)

 You ought to clean up your room

6. Can (dapat)

 She can read spanish language

Can (memberi izin)

 You can use my motorcycle

Can (kemungkinan)

 You can stand in there if you want

Dialog – dialog
Tony : Hey, Bob! Let’s go to the library!
Bobby : Okay.
Tony : Have you practiced today? I heard next week is your
singing competition.
Bobby : Yes, the competition is close. I must practice diligently.
Tony : You’re right. Oh, look! There’s an ice cream seller. Let’s
buy an ice cream!
Bobby : You want to eat there first?
Tony : No, we can eat it at the library.
Bobby : But the visitors mustn’t bring food and drink to the
Tony : Oh, I forgot it. Okay, I can buy it later.

Fabio : Hi dude, what happened to you?
Shoji : It's fine, I just lost my phone.
Fabio : What ??? are you sure you lost it there ?
Shoji : Yeah, positive. What should I do?
Fabio : Well, you should report to the school.
Shoji : I did.
Fabio : Oh, OK, then you should contact Apple Store to block your number and
track it down.
Shoji : Okay, but is it really possible for it now?
Fabio : Yes, oh another one, you shouldn't be doing nothing now. Do it now then,
hopefully they can get your phone back.
Shoji: Thanks man
Dialogue 1
Andi : Look! There’s a piano in this room.
Arga : That’s right. Can you play a piano?
Andi : Yes, I can. My dad taught me when I was
in elementary school.

Dialogue 2
Ijah : mom, could you help me do the homework
Mom : of course i could tutor you, dear son
Ijah : thank you mom
Mom : you're welcome, you should ask mom or
your teacher when you still confuse
Ijah : sure, mom

Ana : “When will you go to New York?”
Buna : “I will go in August.”
Ana : “How long will you be there?”
Buna : “Just for 2 weeks.”
Ana : “What will you do there?”
Buna : “I will learn about political communication.”
Ana : “Is that exchange program?”
Buna : “Yes, it’s kind of short course. I got the scholarship last
year, and will leave to New York by this year.”
Ana : “That’s great. I hope you will have a great time there.
Buna : “Sure do! Thank you.”

Dialogue 1
Sandy : Mom, i have to go to school early tomorrow
Mom : Why?
Sandy : Because tomorrow is my picket schedule
Mom : Okay

Dialogue 2
Tia : Where is Dina?
Siti : She has to go home first
Tia: why?
Siti: she said her mother was sick

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