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Power – is an actor’s ability to achieve their preferred outcomes.

Power distribution – refers to the power relationship in an international system and considers
the relative power between states.

Distribution of powers

 Describes how a government is Organized

It shows whether authority or power in a country is

 Concentrated at one national level

 Decentralized at the regional level
 Shared between national and regional levels


National Government

 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional governent
 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional government


 A system of government in which authority

 Authority is concentrated at the national level. All the power comes from one
government, the national government.
 National Government

 A group of loosely allied states or nations that come together for a common cause.
 A confederation is the opposite of a unitary system. In a confederation all the authority is
held at the regional level.
 The separate region or states havel all the power.
 Regional government
 Regional govern ment
 Regional government
 Regional government
 Regional government


 A form of government in wy several states or regions defer some powers to a central

government ,while retaining a limited measure of self government.
 A federal system has a combination of unitary and confederation features. Regional
governments keep some power but there is also a strong central government.
 National Government
o Regional government
o Regional government
o Regional government
o Regional government
o Regional government


 Unilateralism is one sided action. It is a process in which a nation can take unilateral
actions without a look at the opinions of other nations. A nation can make its own
decisions, have alliances but doesn’t rely on opinions of others.
 An example of a unilateral action is the American President Donald Trump’s decision to
withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord is in 2017. The Paris Climate Accord was
negotiated and approved by nearly 200 nations around the world and involved climate
change—an issue that is impossible to combat significantly if countries are not united in
fighting it.
Pros of Unilateralism

 Increases sovereignty:
 Faster action
 Results in the achievement of policy goals
 Protection of national interest
 Reduce competition.


 No strong relationship:
 Results in isolation
 No support from the international community
 Results to bigger problems
 Lack of diversity


 Cooperation among 3 or more countries it’s basically the countries gathering together and
try to find a cooperative solution to common problems.
 When was multilateralism created?
o In 1990, Robert Keohane defined multilateralism as “the practice of coordinating
national policies in groups of three or more states.

Pros of Multilateralism

1. Treats all member nations equally

2. Makes international trading easier
3. Helps emerging markets
4. Multiple nations are covered by one treaty


1. Negotiations can be lengthy, risk breaking down

2. Easily misunderstood by the public
1. 3.Removing trade borders affects businesses
2. 4.Benefits large corporations, but not small businesses


Isolationism is a position taken in which a group, often a country, decides to remain apart from
interactions with other entities. When nations or states declare themselves to be isolationist, it
generally refers to its government’s wish not to trade or interact with other nations. In this case,
they will not join alliances or agreements with other governments around the world.
The Pros of Isolationism

1. Increased focus on domestic policy.

2. Decreased need for spending on military budgets.

The Cons of Isolationism

1. Economy may suffer.

2. May become vulnerable to attack.

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