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Antonette M.

Gacutan                                                           May 30, 2021

BSC 1-1                                                                            Rhythmic Activities


Say something about the following dances: 

1. Waltz 
The Waltz is done in an elegant motion by a couple thus it is viewed as
the most popular and romantic dance among others. It is a ballroom dance
generally performed by a pair, a man and a woman, in a closed stance. Its
rhythmic movement is at a triple time, which characterizes by a primary division
of 3 beats to the bar, usually indicated by 3 (simple) or 9 (compound) in the
upper figure of the time signature. As numerous of our favorite dances today
consolidate common moves from the waltz, some folks regarded waltz as the
backbone of ballroom dances. It was said that waltz derived from the word
‘walzen’ which means ‘to turn’ in German. Hence, when you’re doing the waltz,
expect that there will be turning from time to time.

2. Cha-cha 

Known for its vigorous energy, Chacha is played whimsically and

provocatively. Cha-cha has remained one of the most popular dances in both
competitions and dance halls. Even in schools, during high school, in particular,
teachers in Physical Education present Cha-cha as their students’ performance
task. The Cha-cha’s lively nature and upbeat music make it a favorite choice for
dancers across the globe. Today, the Cha Cha is often danced to pop music
including country, funk, hip-hop, and top 40. The Cha-Cha is danced in 4/4 time
to songs with a tempo of 110 to 120 beats per minute

3. Swing 

Swing can be danced not solely to jazz music but in all kinds of music
styles, including orchestral music. In dancing a swing, one must feel the
tendency to move in an invigorating spirit and try to listen to what the music is
conveying as well as respond to each other with daring and joy. It is the ability to
‘feel’ the music and dance along with its beat together with your partner.  The
swing rhythm was derived from the style of jazz music in the late 20s, where they
took what was called a triplet - a triplet is where you take three beats and put it
where two beats would normally be.

4. Jive

Typically danced to upbeat swing or contemporary music, the Jive is

energetic and fast-paced or agile dance. It is still often used as a generic term to
describe the various styles of swing dancing. The Jive has been evolving to
adapt to moves and influences from different forms of dances such as Lindy Hop,
swing, boogie-woogie, and many more. Its music is also constantly changing
thus the emergence of a variety of forms under a variety of names. However,
while some dances embrace the evolving styles of the jive, others proceed to
carry on to the traditional styling of the dance.

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