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Table RuleS Advice

Respect other players.  Bring your character to life. 


Respect GM decisions.  Do stuff. Be proactive.  


Don’t interrupt.  Scheme often. Dice may fail,  

   but good plans don’t roll. 

Focus on the game.  Ask questions. Take notes. 


Voice concerns & desires.  Embrace failure. Roll with it.


No sex, no torture, no ______.  Fight dirty. Retreat. Survive.

If you say something, it  The answer is not  
 happens. Speak carefully.   on your character sheet. 
By David
​David Schirduan​
Schirduan​. Contributions from​ Type1Ninja​
​Type1Ninja​ ​and​ Grant
​Grant Howitt​
Howitt​. Icons from​
​​. Feel free to​ copy
​copy the Original Document​
Document​ and edit as you like. 

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