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2 Use Case Diagram

Based on Figure 4.2, it can be seen that the use case diagram of the web-based pencak silat member
management system consists of members and admins. starting with members doing include data
validation in the registration process so as to produce output or extend in the form of a registration
verification process. Members can register or login if already registered. the login process for members
begins with the member including the email and password obtained from the previous registration
process at login. the login process will produce output or extend by displaying web content. when the
web content is displayed, there is an extend in the form of a member data display that can be seen by
registered pencak silat members.

admins can login first to view the contents of the archipelago's pencak silat web. admin includes email
and password in the login process. when the login is complete, the web display will display the contents
of the web. The web display will later produce output or extend in the form of the process of managing
registration or members of the archipelago martial arts. members and admins can log out if they are not
using the website. the logout process will produce output or extend in the form of history data.

4.4 Activity Diagram

The activity diagram in the information system for managing members of the archipelago martial arts is
divided into two activity diagrams, which are presented in Figure 4.4.1, namely the admin activity
diagram with the system and Figure 4.4.2, the member activity diagram with the admin.

Based on Figure 4.4.1 it can be seen that the activity diagram consists of the admin and the system
starting with the initial node symbol. In the initial admin stage, an open member data panel will be
carried out which will continue to the system with the system displaying a login form then the admin will
input the email and password from the login. admin will proceed to the system to carry out the
validation process. if the admin data validation is wrong, the display will return to the login page and the
admin will re-enter the correct and appropriate email and password. if the data validation is correct, it
will proceed to the next process, namely the web will display a dashboard page so that the admin page
can manage the information system that exists on the Indonesian pencak silat member management
web. At the end, the final node activity symbol will be added to indicate other activities in the diagram.

Based on Figure 4.4.2 it can be seen that the activity diagram consists of members and admins starting
with the initial node symbol on the member. the initial stage of member registration is member
registration data will be verified whether the data is valid or not. If the member registration data is
incorrect then the member is asked to re-register. if the member registration data is correct then the
process will proceed to the login stage. when logging in, members and admins can login using their
email and password. at the next login stage, the admin will manage registration data from members and
members can also see the results of data for Indonesian pencak silat members. lastly meber and admin
can log out and end with the final node activity symbol.

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