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TAG531756283X11430859JM Kneeman, J MisdrajiTherapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology

Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology Review

Secondary causes of nonalcoholic fatty Ther Adv Gastroenterol

(2012) 5(3) 199­–207

liver disease DOI: 10.1177/


© The Author(s), 2011.

Reprints and permissions:
Jacob M. Kneeman, Joseph Misdraji and Kathleen E. Corey

Abstract:  Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is becoming the most common cause of
chronic liver disease in the developing world, found in 17-30% of the population in Western
countries and 2-4% worldwide. Defined as the accumulation of fatty acid content greater
than 5% of liver weight, NAFLD is a spectrum of disease ranging from simple steatosis to
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The pathophysiology of NAFLD involves increased de novo
synthesis of fatty acids in hepatocytes, the retention of lipids due to impaired hepatocyte
apolipoprotein secretion or beta-oxidation. The well-known primary causes of NAFLD are
obesity, type II diabetes, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. However, other less common
conditions can cause a similar clinical and histologic picture, and should be considered in
patients who present with NAFLD but do not have traditional risk factors. In this review, we
discuss uncommon but important causes of NAFLD, including inborn errors of metabolism,
iatrogenic causes, viral hepatitis, and nutritional disorders to provide practicing clinicians with
an understanding of the less well recognized causes of NAFLD.

Keywords:  fatty liver, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, secondary

Introduction day for men and 20 g/day for women [Sanyal et al. Correspondence to:
Kathleen E. Corey,
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is most 2011]. MD, MPH
commonly the result of the impact of the meta- Massachusetts General
Hospital, 55 Fruit
bolic syndrome on hepatic metabolism. However, Street, BLK 4, Boston,
in an important minority of cases NAFLD results Incidence MA 02114-2696, USA
from specific secondary causes. The goal of this NAFLD is gradually becoming one of the most Jacob M. Kneeman, BA
review is to highlight these rare etiologies of prevalent liver diseases today, identified on imag- Gastrointestinal Unit,
Massachusetts General
NAFLD and provide the clinician with a frame- ing in 20–33% of adults. NASH is diagnosed in Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
work for evaluating these disease etiologies. 3–16% of potential liver donors in Europe and Joseph Misdraji, MD
the United States. It is also a frequent cause of Department of Pathology,
Massachusetts General
cirrhosis and is projected to be the leading indica- Hospital and Harvard
Definition tion for liver transplantation in the US by 2020 Medical School, Boston,
NAFLD is the accumulation of triglycerides [Ratziu et al. 2010; Sanyal et al. 2011].
within hepatocytes that exceeds 5% of liver
weight. NAFLD includes a spectrum of disease
from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepa- Demographics
titis (NASH), which can progress to cirrhosis and NAFLD is diagnosed predominantly in the fourth
hepatocellular carcinoma. Histologically, NASH through sixth decades of life, although the child-
is defined by the presence of macrovesicular stea- hood obesity epidemic has caused an increase in
tosis, lobular inflammation, and hepatocellular the rate of pediatric NAFLD. The prevalence of
ballooning. The pathology is often indistinguish- NAFLD varies by ethnicity, affecting ~45% of
able from alcoholic fatty liver disease; therefore, Hispanics, 33% of Whites, and 24% of Blacks.
the diagnosis can only be made in the absence of Among Whites, NAFLD is more common in men
significant alcohol use, defined as less than 30 g/ than in women, but is equally distributed between 199
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (3)

Table 1.  Uncommon causes of NAFLD.

Disorders of lipid metabolism Medications

 Abetalipoproteinemia  amiodarone
 Hypobetalipoproteinemia  tamoxifen
  Familial combined hyperlipidemia  methotrexate
  Glycogen storage disease  corticosteroids
  Weber–Christian syndrome  HAART
 Lipodystrophy Starvation
Total parenteral nutrition Wilsons disease
Hepatitis C infection Environmental toxicity
Severe surgical weight loss Celiac disease
HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

men and women among African Americans and Disorders of lipid metabolism
Hispanic adults [Angulo, 2007]. A number of rare disorders of lipid metabolism
have been associated with the development of
NAFLD (Table 2).
Clinical features
NAFLD is largely asymptomatic although fatigue
and right upper quadrant abdominal pain are Abetalipoproteinemia (Bassen–Kornzweig
reported by a proportion of patients [Day, 2011]. syndrome)
NAFLD is suspected by identifying commonly Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) is an autosomal
associated risk factors, finding steatosis on imag- recessive disorder caused by a mutation in the
ing, and excluding other causes of liver disease. gene encoding the microsomal triglyceride trans-
Currently, definitive diagnosis can only be made fer (MTTP) protein. MTTP is an endoplasmic
with liver biopsy. Patients can present with either reticulum protein that transfers triglycerides to
hepatocellular orcholestatic injury. An increasing apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB100) in the hepato-
number of studies have found NAFLD in patients cyte and apolipoprotein B-48 (apoB48) in the
with normal LFTs [Angulo, 2007]. Other labora- enterocyte. The mutation in MTTP prevents
tory findings may include low titer concentrations apoB100 and apoB48 from combining with tri-
of anti-nuclear antibodies, anti-smooth muscle glycerides to form very-low-density lipopro-
antibodies, and increased ferritin [Neuschwander- teins (VLDL) and chylomicrons, respectively
Tetri, 2005]. [Zeissig et al. 2010]. The absence of functioning
chylomicrons inhibits effective lipid absorption in
the intestines leading to hypolipidemia, fat malab-
Causes of NAFLD sorption, and neurologic disorders. The absence
The primary risk factors of NAFLD are obesity, of VLDL results in the accumulation of triglycer-
type II diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome ides within hepatocytes and results in significant
including dyslipidemia and hypertension [Angulo, steatosis. Symptoms are improved with low-fat
2007]. However, diseases other than the meta- diet, fat-soluble vitamin supplementation, and, if
bolic syndrome can be associated with hepatic fat, needed, total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
and these might enter into the differential diagno-
sis of fatty liver disease of usual type. Some of
these have specific clinical and pathologic features Hypobetalipoproteinemia
that make their distinction from NAFLD straight- Familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL) is an
forward, but others are infrequent and easily over- autosomal recessive disorder of lipid metabolism
looked. The emphasis of this review will be on that results in lowered levels of low-density lipo-
these less common causes of hepatic steatosis and protein (LDL) and apolipoprotein B. A missense
steatohepatitis in order to provide practicing mutation in the apoB100 gene results in an inabil-
clinicians with a resource for the full evaluation ity of the liver to synthesize VLDL [Harada et al.
of patients with presumed NAFLD without the 2009]. The impaired synthesis and exportation of
common risk factors (Table 1). VLDL causes triglycerides to accumulate in the

JM Kneeman, J Misdraji et al.

liver, resulting in macrovesicular steatosis. The and Mallory–Denk bodies [Kennedy and Murphy,
clinical features of FHBL are similar to those of 1949; Wasserman et al. 2001]. The etiology of the
ABL, with patients presenting with failure to thrive, disease remains unknown and immunosuppres-
steatorrhea, and neurologic impairments such as sive regimens have achieved limited success.
spinocerebellar degenerative ataxia. The standard
treatment involves fat-restricted diets and fat-soluble
vitamin supplementation [Linton et al. 1993]. Lipodystrophy
Lipodystrophy is characterized by the abnor-
mal redistribution of adipose tissue in the body,
Familial combined hyperlipidemia or even its complete loss (i.e. lipoatrophy).
Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is an Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is an auto-
autosomal dominant lipid disorder caused by the somal recessive disorder with a frequency of 1 in
overproduction of apoB-100. This overproduc- 10 million. Severe fat loss, voracious appetite,
tion leads to increased VLDL production in the accelerated linear growth, and advanced bone age
liver and increased hepatic and peripheral lipid are clinical features of infants with this syndrome.
levels. NAFLD is seen in approximately 75% of Acquired lipodystrophy starts early in childhood
FCHL patients [de Bruin et al. 2004]. Lifestyle or later in adolescence in previously healthy indi-
changes including low-fat diets, increased exer- viduals. Another cause of acquired lipodystrophy
cise, weight loss, and smoking cessation in con- is the chronic use of nucleoside analogs or highly
junction with HMG CoA reductase inhibitors active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) to treat
reduce the characteristic hyperlipidemia [Rubenfire patients with HIV. Complications of acquired
et al. 2010]. lipodystrophy are similar to those of congenital
lipodystrophy (e.g. insulin resistance diabetes
mellitus, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia,
Glycogen storage disease and low high-density lipoprotein [HDL] levels).
Glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) are disorders Hepatic involvement is typically more severe in
of glycogen metabolism that result in abnormal the congenital cases than in the acquired cases,
storage of glycogen. While 12 forms of GSD have with progression to cirrhosis in 20% of patients in
been described, types 0, I, III IV, VI and phos- the former. Hypoglycemic medications, insulin,
phorylase b kinase deficiency are most commonly or metformin may be useful agents to treat lipod-
associated with liver disease [Burwinkel et al. ystrophy and lower the risk of other metabolic
2003; Kishnani et al. 2010]. Glycogen is stored in aberrations if diet restriction fails to control serum
the liver and released during fasting to tissues lipid levels [Herranz et al. 2008].
unable to synthesize glucose. Both hepatomegaly
and hypoglycemia result from altered liver glyco-
gen metabolism. Patients frequently present early Nutritional causes
in life with growth retardation, lactic acidosis, and
development delay. Adults with GSD are at risk of Total parenteral nutrition
progression of their liver disease to cirrhosis and TPN refers to the intravenous administration of
of the development of hepatic adenoma [Reddy calories and/or glucose. Long-term TPN leads to
et al. 2007]. Treatment involves avoidance of fast- the depletion of carnitine, a compound necessary
ing, ingestion of corn starch (a slowly absorbed for the transfer of free fatty acids from the hepatic
form of glucose) and in some cases, liver trans- cytoplasm into the mitochondria for beta-oxida-
plantation [Muraca et al. 2002]. tion. The cytosolic concentration of choline, a
critical nutrient for lipoprotein secretion, also
decreases, promoting lipid storage in hepatocytes
Weber–Christian disease [Allard, 2002]. The duration of TPN administra-
Weber–Christian disease is a nodular, nonsuppu- tion correlates with the severity of liver injury and
rative form of panniculitis associated with abnor- in rare cases can result in end-stage liver disease
mal metabolism of fat [Allard, 2002]. Patients [Cai et al. 2006]. The predominant histologic
typically present with fever, arthralgias, myalgias, findings are steatosis, intrahepatic cholestasis,
skin lesions, and painful subcutaneous nodules on and ductular reduplication (Figure 1). Disconti­
the extremities. Fatty infiltration of the liver is fre- nuation of TPN should be considered in patients
quently identified with macrovesicular steatosis who develop abnormal LFTs. 201
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (3)

Figure 2.  Liver biopsy in a patient on nucleoside

analogs. (A) The low-power view shows moderate
Figure 1.  Total parenteral nutrition induced liver steatosis in a nonzonal pattern, hepatocyte pallor,
injury. The liver shows marked steatosis, cholestasis, and mild hepatic plate thickening suggestive of
and duct proliferation with inspissated bile (arrow). reactive changes. (B) The high-power view shows
the hepatocytes containing numerous swollen
‘megamitochondria’ (arrowheads), a feature of
mitochondrial injury.
Severe surgical weight loss
The now abandoned jejunoileal (JI) bypass proce-
dure carried a 40% risk of developing abnormal higher levels of beta-oxidation. This paradox
LFTs and 6% incidence of steatohepatitis. JI indicates that reduced VLDL transport plays a
bypass leads to the destruction of adipocytes and more significant role in lipid accumulation dur-
a tremendous increase in the levels of free fatty ing starvation than oxidative stress [Gan and
acids, which are taken up by the liver [Allard, Watts, 2008]. TPN is generally required to
2002]. Rarely, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery ensure sufficient caloric and nutrient intake.
also results in worsening of steatosis, steatohepa-
titis, or even cirrhosis [Pillai and Rinella, 2009].
NASH has also developed after biliopancreatic Medications
diversion, extensive small bowel resection, and
gastroplasty for morbidly obese patients [Allard, HAART
2002]. These complications run counter to the After the development of antiretroviral therapies
intuitive assumption that rapid weight loss should to treat HIV disease, the mortality rate due to
normalize metabolic parameters and LFTs. AIDS decreased while the rate due to liver disease
Fortunately, the majority of patients who undergo increased. Ultrasonographic evidence of steatosis
bariatric surgical procedures show improvement is found in 31% of patients with HIV infection.
in their steatosis and markers of liver fibrosis. Treatment of patients with HIV using nucleoside
Behavioral modifications such as diet and exercise reverse transcriptase inhibitors such as didano-
are appropriate and effective ways to prevent the sine, fialuridine, and zidovudine may induce
onset of steatosis after operation. microvesicular steatosis. Nucleoside analogs lead
to hepatotoxicity and steatosis by inhibiting the
mitochondrial polymerase-gamma gene and pre-
Starvation venting mitochondrial replication, decreasing the
Severe starvation may lead to steatosis through net rate of beta-oxidation of fatty acids and facili-
various mechanisms. Protein deficiency can result tating the accumulation of fat [Allard, 2002;
in decreased apolipoprotein synthesis, leading to CrumCianflone et al. 2009; Price and Thio, 2010].
decreased VLDL synthesis and inhibited VLDL Protease inhibitors contribute to the development
transport. VLDL-apolipoprotein B-100 synthesis of steatosis by promoting the expression of sterol
in protein-energy malnourished children strongly regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP1),
correlates with hepatic fat content [Badaloo upregulating sterol biosynthesis. Liver histology
et al. 2005]. Although oxidative stress can lead to shows variable steatosis, patchy or extensive
diminished beta-oxidation of fatty acids, pro- microvesicular steatosis, ballooned or clarified
longed fasting has actually been associated with hepatocytes, Mallory’s hyaline, and occasionally

JM Kneeman, J Misdraji et al.

Figure 4.  Liver biopsy in the setting of methotrexate.

Figure 3.  Amiodarone toxicity. (A) Medium-power (A) The hepatocytes show macrovesicular steatosis,
view shows diffuse ballooning degeneration of nuclear hyperchromasia, and anisonucleosis. (B)
hepatocytes and sinusoidal fibrosis. (B) High- A trichrome stain shows bridging fibrosis and
power view shows features reminiscent of alcoholic sinusoidal fibrosis extending from portal tracts.
steatohepatitis, with marked ballooning degeneration
of hepatocytes, Mallory–Denk bodies (arrows), and
lobular neutrophil infiltrates (arrowheads). prevalence in patients taking TMX is highest in
those with traditional risk factors for NASH
including the metabolic syndrome and obesity.
megamitochondria (Figure 2). Management of Patients who develop steatosis and abnormal
this condition requires consideration of the need LFTs while on TMX should be assessed for their
for the antiretroviral therapy, the severity of liver risk of having NASH (i.e. concurrent metabolic
disease, and available alternative therapies that syndrome) and those at high risk for having fibro-
reduce the risk of progressive liver damage while sis should be referred for liver biopsy, although
maintaining viral suppression. progression to cirrhosis is rare [Bruno et al. 2005].
In patients found to have advanced fibrosis, the
risk of continued TMX use has to be weighed
Amiodarone against its benefits.
Nearly a quarter of patients on long-term ami-
odarone develop mild LFT abnormalities but
only 1–3% have significant inflammation on Methotrexate
liver biopsy [Lewis and Zimmerman, 1989]. The literature contains many reports of psoriatic
Amiodarone is associated with a pattern of NASH patients treated with methotrexate (MTX) who
morphologically similar to alcohol hepatitis. Liver developed cirrhosis. The histologic pattern is that of
biopsies are characterized by macrovesicular and steatohepatitis, and in this regard, it is interesting
microvesicular steatosis, ballooning degeneration, that obesity, diabetes, and alcoholism are particular
neutrophilic infiltration, Mallory–Denk bodies, risk factors for methotrexate toxicity. In fact, sig-
and sinusoidal fibrosis (Figure 3). A characteristic nificant liver injury is uncommon in patients who
ultrastructural lesion of amiodarone use is phos- lack other risk factors of steatohepatitis. Histologic
pholipidosis, in which lysosomes are densely changes include steatosis, ballooning degeneration
packed with concentric membranous arrays with and necrosis of hepatocytes, nuclear hyperchroma-
a fingerprint pattern [Guigui et al. 1988]. sia and pleomorphism, fibrosis with septae extend-
Alternative medications should be considered to ing out from portal tracts, and eventually cirrhosis
treat cardiac arrhythmias in patients who suffer (Figure 4). Even in patients without evidence of
from amiodarone-related liver injury. pre-existing NASH, the administration of MTX
results in the development of steatosis, inflamma-
tion, hepatocyte ballooning degeneration, and
Tamoxifen fibrosis in a proportion of patients [Langman et al.
Tamoxifen (TMX) is associated with the devel- 2001]. The benefit of MTX treatment should be
opment of steatosis and lobular inflammation weighed against the potential for worsening liver
and TMX cessation is generally associated with disease in patients who develop elevated transami-
NASH regression [Saphner et al. 2009]. NASH nases while on treatment. 203
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 5 (3)

Table 2.  Genetic causes of NAFLD

Disease Genetic Age of Other clinical symptoms Management

mutation presentation
Abetalipoproteinemia Microsomal Infancy Growth problems, mental Low-fat diet; fat soluble vitamin
triglyceride retardation supplementation
transfer protein
Familial apoB100 Infancy Failure to thrive steatorrhea, Low-fat diet; fat soluble vitamin
hypobetalipoproteinemia spinocerebellar degenerative supplementation
Familial combined USF1 Infancy Hypertriglyceridemia, Low-fat diets, exercise,
hyperlipidemia hypercholesterolemia, smoking cessation, weight loss
Glycogen storage PHKA2, PHKB Infancy Growth retardation, lactic Avoidance of fasting,
disease acidosis, and development ingestion of corn starch, liver
delay transplantation
Weber–Christian disease unknown Childhood Fever, arthralgias, myalgias, Immunosuppressive reagents,
skin lesions, and painful NSAIDs, glucocorticoids
subcutaneous nodules
Lipodystrophy AGPAT2, BSCL2 Infancy Severe fat loss, voracious Low-fat diet
(congenital) appetite, accelerated linear
growth, and advanced bone age
NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Corticosteroids therapy for celiac disease, although its impact on

Corticosteroids are steroid hormones that are NAFLD has not been well studied.
produced by the adrenal cortex and affect cellular
change by binding to glucocorticoid receptors
within cells. Corticosteroids cause steatosis by Wilson disease
inhibiting mitochondrial beta-oxidation and lipid Wilson disease is an autosomal dominant disorder
beta-peroxidation enzymes, leading to the characterized by excess copper deposition in tis-
accumulation of lipids within hepatocytes. sues. Wilson disease usually presents in the teen-
Corticosteroids also induce de novo fatty acid syn- age years or young adulthood with symptoms
thesis by activating lipogenic enzymes such as ranging from neurological dysfunction, chronic
fatty acid synthase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and liver disease, fulminant hepatic failure, isolated
11 beta-HSD1 in the liver [Jia et al. 2009]. acute hemolysis, to psychiatric illness [McCullough
Corticosteroids also contribute to the develop- et al. 1983; Steindl et al. 1997]. Wilson disease is
ment of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia caused by mutations in the gene that encodes the
leading to lipogenesis in the liver. Corticosteroid copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B [Burkhead
use in patients with risk factors for NAFLD et al. 2010]. This mutation prevents copper trans-
should be used with caution. port into the Golgi complex and binding of copper
to apoceruloplasmin. Copper cannot be excreted
in the bile and accumulates in a variety of tissues
Other causes including hepatocytes. In the liver, the excess cop-
per impairs mitochondrial function and fatty acid
Celiac Disease beta-oxidation, leading to steatosis. Liver histol-
Celiac disease is a systemic immune-related disor- ogy is variable and ranges from histologic features
der related to gluten sensitivity and accompanied indistinguishable from NASH due to metabolic
by anti-tissue transglutaminase and anti-endomy- syndrome (Figure 5) to chronic hepatitis due to
sial antibodies. Patients with celiac disease often submassive or massive hepatic necrosis. A copper
have elevated transaminase levels, and they carry stain may be helpful, although a negative stain does
an increased risk of developing fatty liver, hepatitis, not exclude the disease and copper quantification
fibrosis, and cirrhosis [Ludvigsson et al. 2007]. may be required for diagnosis. Chelating regimens
However, the pathogenesis of fatty liver in celiac such as penicillamine, trientine, and zinc are the
disease is not well understood [Abdo et al. 2004]. standard therapy [Farinati et al. 2003]. Liver trans-
Adherence to a gluten-free diet is the standard plantation may be necessary for a subset of patients.

JM Kneeman, J Misdraji et al.

Clinicians are increasingly called upon to diag-
nose and manage NAFLD. While much of
NAFLD can be explained by traditional risk
factors of metabolic disease, an important subset
are unexplained by these factors and require the
clinician to comprehensively evaluate the patient
for secondary causes of NAFLD. Identification
of these causes is vital for the management of
liver disease in these patients and to prevent the
accompanying nonhepatic, potentially life-threat-
ening complications of these syndromes. Recent
epidemiological studies have found that choles-
terol ester storage disease, which is defined by the
deficiency in the lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) pro-
tein, and Wolman’s disease, characterized by the
absence of the LAL gene, have lead to steatosis,
hepatomegaly, and hypertriglyceridemia and are
more common than previously thought [Assman
and Seedorf, 2001; Muntoni et al. 2007]. Also
less well studied are the neutral lipid storage dis-
Figure 5.  Liver biopsy in a young boy diagnosed eases, defined by the finding of excess triglyceride
with Wilson disease. The biopsy shows features almost all organs [Igal and Coleman, 1998]. More
indistinguishable from fatty liver secondary to research is needed to comprehensively identify
metabolic syndrome with marked steatosis, irregular these causes in order to further strengthen clini-
portal expansion, and mild portal mononuclear cians’ toolkit for the diagnosis of NAFLD.
infiltrate. Glycogenated nuclei were also present.

Hepatitis C virus This research received no specific grant from any
Studies have linked hepatitis C and steatosis, and funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-
concurrent hepatitis C infection and steatosis has for-profit sectors.
been associated with increased risk of disease pro-
gression. Genotype 3 is strongly associated with Conflict of interest statement
the presence of hepatic steatosis independent of The authors declare no conflicts of interest in
sex, body mass index, and alcohol consumption. preparing this article.
Current research suggests that one possible mech-
anism for hepatic steatosis in HCV is binding
of the viral X gene product to LXR-alpha and
upregulation of the transcription factor SREBP1c
(sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c) Abdo, A., Meddings, J. and Swain, M. (2004) Liver
[Brown, 2008]. Histologically, the steatosis is mild abnormalities in celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol
and nonzonal in its distribution unlike the zone 3 Hepatol 2: 107–112.
accentuation in usual fatty liver disease; however,
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the biopsy can have a mixed picture with features non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Best Pract
Res Clin Gastroenterol 16: 783–795.
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Angulo, P. (2007) GI epidemiology: nonalcoholixc
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Assmann, G., Seedorf, U., Milunsky, A., and
exposed to Amanita phalloides mushrooms, phos- Milunsky, K. (2001) Acid lipase deficiency: Wolman
phorous poisoning, petrochemicals, and Bacillus disease and cholesterol ester storage disease. In:
cereus toxin [Angulo, 2007]. Thus, environmen- Sciver, Beuadet, Sly and Valle, The Metabolic and
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