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Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

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Neuropsychology of executive functions in patients with focal lesion in the

prefrontal cortex: A systematic review
Ruiz-Gutiérrez José a, Arias-Sánchez Samuel a, Martín-Monzón Isabel b, *
Department of Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Campus Santiago Ramón y Cajal, University of Seville, Spain
Laboratory of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, Campus Santiago Ramón y Cajal, University of Seville, Spain


Keywords: Executive functions are conceptualized as a set of cognitive processes that coordinate more basic processes for
Prefrontal cortex the resolution of complex behaviors. This neuronal substrate is believed to reside in the most anterior part of the
Executive function brain. A systematic review of the high-impact literature was carried out to investigate what were the main
deficits in executive functions after brain injury. It was found that the literature is fundamentally oriented to­
Working memory
wards the investigation of the ventromedial cortex and its deficits in decision-making and moral reasoning.
Moral reasoning Research on the dorsolateral cortex and more cognitive functions such as working memory is relegated to a
second choice. This review proposes that a correct functioning of the ventromedial cortex is necessary in order to
integrate emotional, cognitive and sensory information for an adequate choice in decision making and moral
reasoning. It has also been found that the main deficits of working memory in the dorsolateral cortex are more
associated with complex and visuospatial tasks. However, an increase in research synthesizing this type of study
is necessary to reach more definitive conclusions.

1. Introduction the most enigmatic areas of the brain (Kovach et al., 2012). For decades,
it has been considered that this area was a mere silent sector of the brain,
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a central role in the more complex since the observation of patients with damage in this structure did not
and more evolved behavior of the human species. It is responsible for initially present deficits in motor behavior, intelligence or language.
both setting objectives and goals as well as devising plans to achieve However, it is indisputable that this region of the cerebral cortex is the
them. It is also the leading brain region to carry out these plans, ar­ anatomical substrate of the most complex mental processes of the
ranging more basic skills and applying them in the correct order. human being, playing a capital part in our potential to adapt to dynamic
Furthermore, it is responsible for assessing the consequences of these and changing environments, thanks to its role in the identification of the
actions in relation to our intentions, sometimes even before they have objective (the what), the planning (the how) and the subsequent initi­
been performed (Goldberg, 2002). ation of the action (the when) (García-Molina & Enseñat, 2015).
The PFC is located in the most anterior area of the brain and con­ Currently, the PFC has been associated with numerous complex
stitutes about 29% of the human cerebral cortex (Fuster, 1995). It can be cognitive functions, such as attention (Nakai, Kato, & Matsuo, 2005),
delimited by different subregions according to the cytoarchitectural map memory (Okuda et al., 2007; Ranganath, Johnson & D’Esposito, 2003),
of Brodmann, whereby zones 8–13 and 44–47 would correspond (Fuster, language (Whitney et al., 2010) and EF, which will be the main focus in
1997). Furthermore, it could be demarcated through the analysis of the this review. This area has also a great importance in the proper func­
subcortical projections from the nucleus of the dorsomedial thalamus tioning of more basic psychological processes due to its extensive
(Estévez-Gonzales, García-Sánchez, & Barraquer-Bordas, 2000), reciprocal connections with almost all cortical and subcortical structures
considered as the point of convergence within the thalamic nuclei. (Szczepanski & Knight, 2014). This great versatility shows how the
Nonetheless, it has already been demonstrated that these projections prefrontal lobe seems to be designed to have an essential importance in
also target cortical areas outside the PFC (Preuss, 1995). the integration and control of information from different functional
The functions of the PFC remain a mystery today, making it one of domains (Burgess & Stuss, 2017).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.-M. Isabel).
Received 17 July 2020; Received in revised form 2 October 2020; Accepted 19 October 2020
Available online 19 November 2020
0278-2626/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

According to Lezak (1983), the PFC is functionally divided into large neuropsychology; however, its utility is far from obsolete and continues
subdivisions: the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DL), the ventromedial to provide us with new understandings of brain-behavior relationships
prefrontal cortex (VM) and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the su­ (Irish & van Kesteren, 2018). In a recent review about lesion studies
perior medial frontal cortex, each contributing to different cognitive (Vaidya, Pujara, Petrides, Murray, & Fellows, 2019), it was highlighted
processes (Fig. 1). All these subregions have different connections with that this type of approach provides unique and vital insights into brain
the thalamic nuclei, as well as different interconnections with other function that cannot be achieved via temporary inactivation methods or
cortical and subcortical structures. The DL constitutes a vast expansion correlational studies of brain activity. Lesions studies give us insight into
of the PFC occupying the Brodmann areas (BA) 8, 9, 46 and 10. The most the necessary functions of brain structures, whereas functional magnetic
important functions of this subdivision is the working memory, problem resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis reflects mere correlations with psy­
solving, and the integration of cognitive skills. The VM and OFC lie in chological process (Adolphs, 2016). Lesion observations have bestowed
the lower half of the medial PFC and the medial sector of the orbital us with numerous important theoretical contributions to our under­
surface, including BA 11, 12, 25, the subgenual portion of area 32 standing of PFC function (Szczepanski & Knight, 2014).
(sgACC) and the medial portion of areas 9 and 10. This region is asso­ A patient with PFC damage will retain the ability to perform basic
ciated with several aspects such as emotion, decision-making, social cognitive skills, recognize objects and memorize information among
behavior and inhibition. It is not surprising that patients who have le­ others. However, when a task requires the coordination of these cogni­
sions in these areas suffer from important behavioral and personality tive skills in order to reach a goal, its performance will be severely
changes (Lezak, 1983). The terms VM and OFC are often used inter­ affected. From a holistic point of view, PFC lesions are related to a va­
changeably in the literature, even though these do not refer to identical riety of cognitive, emotional and behavioral alterations, being called in
regions, the OFC (BA 11,13,12/47) is the cortex occupying the ventral the literature as executive functions (EF). Although this concept has
surface of the frontal lobe and the VM corresponds to medial portions of been quite elusive, there is a relative agreement in terms of its
the OFC along with ventral portions of the medial PFC (Dunn, Dalgleish, complexity, functioning, and importance within adaptive behavior
& Lawrence, 2006; Zald & Rauch, 2010). Finally, the superior medial (Jurado & Rosselli, 2007). In the literature, it has been mainly defined as
frontal cortex is a region formed by the medial walls of the hemispheres a set of cognitive processes that coordinate more basic processes for the
above the ventromedial sector, including the anterior cingulate cortex resolution of complex behaviors, associated with more abstract and
(ACC, BA 24 and 32) (Petrides & Pandya, 1994, 1999, 2002). The latter more phylogenetically evolved functions (Tirapu-Ustárroz, Muñoz-
area would have a role in error monitoring and conflict resolution Céspedes, & Pelegrín-Valero, 2002).
(Boschin, Brkic, Simons, & Buckley, 2017). It should be noted that this The first author to indicate the existence of these functions was the
division does not refer to discrete brain regions with clearly uniform and neuropsychologist Alexander R. Luria who, without conceptualizing the
defined anatomical boundaries, besides, there is also a clear lack of term as such, proposed that the functions of programming, control and
specificity with the terms VM and OFC (Dunn et al., 2006). verification of activity were mainly controlled by the PFC. Luria’s con­
The human lesion approach has been a cornerstone for clusions were due to the fact that patients with damage in this area had

Fig. 1. Cytoarchitectonic map and functional divisions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Citoarquitectonic areas (Brodmann areas) of the PFC are labeled based on the
parcelation of Petrides and Pandya (1994, 1999, 2002).

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

problems of initiative, motivation, formulation of goals and plans and guidelines (Liberati et al., 2009; Moher et al., 2009) using the Pubmed
self-control (Luria, 1980). database for articles that contained neuropsychological tests for EF in
The term of EF is attributed to the neuropsychologist Muriel D. PFC patients. A review protocol was submitted on the International
Lezak, who, in her book “Neuropsychological Assessment”, differenti­ Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO ID receipt:
ated executive functioning from other cognitive processes as those 152590) on the 10th of October 2019.
functions that explain the “how” of human behaviors (Lezak, 1983).
Lezak defined this construct as the skills that allow a person to suc­ 2.1. Search strategy
cessfully produce effective, prospective, independent and socially
accepted behaviors (Lezak, 1982). This definition has been broadened As can be seen in Table 1, the concepts used in the systematic search
and modified as new models emerged (Anderson, Hendy, & Wrenal, were divided into MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) terms, to locate those
2001; Banich, 2004; Damasio, 1996; Delis & Kramer, 2001; Fuster, articles that are indexed according to our object of study and in text
1985; Goldman-Rakic, 1992; Norman & Shallice, 1986; Piguet et al., words, which were used to locate those articles that were not indexed as
2002; Stuss & Besson, 1986; Miyake et al., 2000). such but equally important for this review. The SPIDER statement was
Alterations in EF have fundamentally been considered prototypical used to facilitate the search using the acronyms for Sample, Phenome­
of PFC damage, even so the equivalence between this area and executive non of Interest, Design, Evaluation and Research type (Cooke, Smith, &
functioning cannot be assumed, especially in view of the occurrence of Booth, 2012). It was chosen over the PICOS statement since it was better
the dysexecutive syndrome in patients with damage to other brain re­ suited for the objectives of this review.
gions (Robbins, 1996). These findings contribute to a growing literature The search was performed with these terms the September 1st, 2019
suggesting that EF are a heterogeneous and complex construct that re­ and it was found 520 items. In order to address the topic’s importance in
quires on-line integration and manipulation of multiple cognitive pro­ the scientific literature we focused on obtaining articles from the highest
cesses from several input modalities besides PFC (Bettcher et al., 2016). impact journals. Therefore, a filter was added to the search so that only
Psychometric tests for EF also show sensitivity, but not specificity for articles belonging to journals in Quartile 1 and Quartile 2 of the impact
frontal lobe damage, stating that both frontal and non-frontal brain re­ factor of the “Neuroscience” category in the 2018 Journal Citation Re­
gions are necessary for the normal functioning of this construct. ports were presented. With this measure 370 articles were eliminated,
The concept of EF corresponds to a polysemic and ambiguous phe­ obtaining 150 for further evaluation.
nomenon; which, as most psychological constructs, has not escaped
conceptual controversies. Much has been written about these problems,
including their poor construct validity, their limited reliability and the 2.2. Study selection
heterogeneity of the tasks used for their study (Alvarez & Emory, 2006).
Thus, in addition to its generic definition, most experimental tests that Those 150 studies were screened by title and abstract with certain
measure this function do not have ecological validity, due to their score general criteria; (i) the articles had to be empirical studies, thus
not being representative of real-world settings (Eslinger & Damasio, excluding reviews and case studies, (ii) participants had to have focal
1985). As Mesulam (1986) pointed out, damage to the PFC results in damage documented by traditional neuroimaging methods in a region of
deficits that are excessively complex, variable, and difficult to define in the PFC (as described previously in this article), excluding dementias
technical terms, which makes identification, quantification and oper­ and mental disorders, (iii) the articles had to use tests to measure some
ationalization even more difficult. subtype of EF and (iv) the participants to be evaluated had to be adults
The aim of this paper is to perform a systematic review of the high (>18 years). After this first screening, 90 articles were eliminated and 60
impact literature about patients with a focal lesion in a specific area of were obtained that did meet the criteria described.
the PFC, which examine their performance on tasks designed to measure The second phase consisted on an exhaustive reading of the articles
EF, as a way to highlight the main relations between this construct and and the extraction of the most essential variables which were: the
the PFC areas. Additionally, we aim to identify the main constructs used number of subjects per injured area, the construct studied, the
to delimit the concept of EF in order to bring some light to the definition measuring instrument used, sex, age, etiology and time since the injury
and operationalization of this term, as well as identifying the predomi­ of the study group, as well as the number and type of control used for
nant PFC areas studied in the high impact literature. comparison. 40 studies that met some exclusion criteria were found,
obtaining a final sample of 20 articles for the systematic review. Fig. 2
2. Methods shows the complete process of study selection.
In this review, the quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) as proposed
A systematic review was conducted in accordance with Preferred by the PRISMA model was not possible due to three main reasons. First,
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and as detailed in the results section, excessive heterogeneity has been
observed in how the concept of executive function (EF) has been

Table 1
Main concepts used to perform the systematic search.



MeSH (“Prefrontal Cortex” [Mesh] (“Craniocerebral Trauma” (“Executive Function” (“Neuropsychological Tests” [Mesh] (“dementia”
Terms OR [Mesh] [Mesh] OR “Thinking” OR [ MeSH ]
OR [Mesh] OR OR
Text Prefrontal OR Dorsolateral OR “Damage” OR “Injury” OR “Executive” OR “Inhibition” OR “Iowa Gambling Task” OR “Wisconsin “
Words Ventromedial OR Orbitofrontal OR “lesions” OR “injury”) “Working memory” OR “set-shifting” Card Sorting Test” OR “Stroop”) Stimulation”
Dorsomedial) OR “decision-making”) OR

AND “ humans ” [Mesh].

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the study selection.

Table 2
Descriptive characteristics of the studies included in the review.
N Study Construct Measure Journal JCR

1 Kumaran et al. (2015) Decision-Making (VC & SCxt) Probabilistic task Cerebral Cortex Q1
Deterministic task
2 Cristofori et al. (2015) Moral Reasoning Political belief task Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Q2
3 Koscik and Tranel (2013) Decision-making (VC & SCxt) Investment Decision-making Task Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Q2
4 Kovach et al. (2012) Decision-making (VC) Four-armed bandit task The Journal of Neuroscience Q1
5 Waters-Wood et al. (2012) Decision-making (VC) IGT Journal of the International Neuropsychological Q2
6 Camille et al. (2011) Decision-making (VC) Value-driven learning task The Journal of Neuroscience Q1
7 Szatkowska et al. (2011) Working memory N-back task Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Q2
8 Sellitto et al. (2010) Decision-making (VC) Temporal Discounting Task The Journal of Neuroscience Q1
9 Thomas et al. (2011) Moral Reasoning Moral Dilemmas Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Q2
10 Barbey et al. (2011) Working memory WMS, WAIS & n-back task Cerebral Cortex Q1
11 Moretto et al. (2010) Moral reasoning Moral Dilemmas & SCR Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Q2
12 Krajbich et al. (2009) Decision-making (SCxt & ED) UGT, Dictator Game & Trust Games The Journal of Neuroscience Q1
13 Moretti et al. (2009) Decision-making (VC, SCxt UGT & SCR Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Q2
14 Clark et al. (2008) Decision-making (ED) Cambridge Gamble Task Brain Q1
15 Wheeler and Fellows (2008) Decision-making (VC) Probabilistic reinforcement learning Brain Q1
16 Koenigs and Tranel (2007) Decision-making (ED) UGT The Journal of Neuroscience Q1
17 du Boisgueheneuc et al. Working memory N-back Task Brain Q1
18 Tranel et al. (2002) Decision-making (SCxt & ED) IGT, SCR, MMPI & BDI Cortex Q1
19 Bechara et al. (2000) Decision-making (VC) IGT & SCR Brain Q1
20 Ferreira et al. (1998) Working memory Spatial & Temporal Recall Tasks Cortex Q1

Note: JCR = Journal Citation Report.VC = Value coding, SCxt = Social context, ED = Emotional dysregulation BDI = Beck depression inventory. IGT = Iowa gambling
task. MMPI = Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory. SCR = Respuesta electrodermal. UGT = Ultimatum game trust. WAIS = Wechsler adult intelligence scale.
WCST = Wisconsin card sorting test. WMS = Wechsler memory scale.

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

operationalized. Although the different articles studied investigate EF, variables coming from the patients’ characteristics, as presented in
the way in which their authors understand this concept and, especially, Table 3, would cause these groups to differ too much from each other.
the way they collect information and the indicators they use are very For these reasons, we have considered that it was more convenient to
diverse, preventing a reasonable comparison. We consider that accord­ focus in this case on qualitative analysis that would evaluate the results
ing to the criteria of Field and Gillett (2010), we consider that doing a in a global way, hoping that it would be useful for future similar in­
quantitative analysis including articles which had defined the concept vestigations; especially with the objective of combining criteria, pro­
studied in such different ways could weaken the validity of this study. cedures and analyzes that facilitate the comparability of this type of
Second, and in a similar way, we observed that a wide variety of research.
decision-making, moral reasoning, or working memory tasks have been
used in the selected articles, whose data would not make sense to 3. Results
compare directly in the same statistical analysis. In fact, as shown in
Table 2, very few tasks are repeated from one study to another. Each of First, the way in which the EF has been considered and measured
these instruments has different psychometric properties, and not in all depending on the journal has been analyzed. In Table 2, authors, con­
cases were enough information in order to normalize the data to make structs and measures of these 20 articles are presented. We have
them equivalent. Again, this posed a risk to the methodological quality observed a certain degree of heterogeneity in the definition of EF,
of our research that we preferred not to assume. There was a third reason including constructs such as: (i) decision-making (65%), (ii) moral
that led us to decide to avoid doing an analysis of quantitative infor­ reasoning (15%) and (iii) working memory (20%). There is a consider­
mation. If we had chosen to perform differentiated statistical analyzes able variability of tests used, being the most common the Iowa Gambling
for each of the three main functions analyzed (decision-making, moral Task for decision-making, Moral Dilemmas for moral reasoning and N-
reasoning, and working memory), the sample sizes of each of these back Task for working memory. Most items found in this review are from
groups of articles would have been too small. In addition, other strange Quartile 1 journals (70%) of the “Neuroscience” category.

Table 3
Main methodological data of the studies reviewed.
N Lesion groups (n) Male: Age X Chronicity X (SD) Etiology (as reported) Control BDC
Laterality [AB] Female (SD) in years (BDC)

1 - VM (11) 5:6 64.09 13.7 (9.5) 5 TR, 3 SAH (ACoA), 2 CVA (ACoA), 11 (11) Non-VM
(7.99) >3 months 1AVM
2 - VM (14) 5L/5B/4R 14:0 63.38 40–45 pTBI 31 (14) Parietal cortex
- DL (8) 2L/3B/3R 8:0 (3.09)
3 - VM (17) 1L/15B/1R 7:10 60.3 12.1 (9) 9 TR, 4 ICVA, 2 ACoA A, 2 Resection 45 (30) Non-VM
(14.9) > 3 month
4 - FPC (8) B7/1R 6:2 52 (15) > 6 months 4 TR, 2 A, 1 AVM, 1 Abscess 14 (8) Non-FPC
5 - VM (10) 5:5 53.5 > 3 months 5 ACoA A, 4 TR, 1 Cyst 30 ————————————
6 - OFC (5) 5:0 58.2 (16) > 6 months ICVA, TR or A R 17 ————————————
- dACC (4) 0:4 64 (13.7)
7 pmOFC (12) 6:0 45.6 3.9 ACoA A R 10 (7) Non-gyrus rectus resection
- Left (6) 6:0 42.3 3.2
- Right (6)
8 - mOFC (7) 6:1 57.7 >1 5 ACoA A R, 2 TBI 20 (9) Non-PFC
9 - VM (9) 4:5 60.2 (8) 11.6 (9.75) 6 TR, 3 SAH 11 (9) Non-VM-Insula-Amygdala
> 3 months
10 OFC (18) 6:0 56.83 > 30 pTBI 54 (40) Non-OFC
- Medial (6) 12:0 (1.47)
- Lateral (12) 59.25
11 - VM (8) 7:1 53.1 (11) 5.1(3.2) ACoA A R 18 (7) Non-FC
12 - VM (6) 4:2 57 (4) 11(4) ————— 16 (20) Non-VM
13 - VM (7) 6:1 53.7 (8) 4.8 (3.2) ACoA R 14 (6) Non-FC-Insula-Amygdala
14 - VM (20) 11:9 54.2 9.9 (9.3) HCVA (ACoA A) or TR 41 (12) DL and/or VL
L4/B10/R6 (14.3) > 12 months
15 - VM (6) 1:5 53.1 > 6 months ACoA R, ICVA, HCVA or TR 22 (6) D/LF
16 - VM (7) 3:4 58.9 > 3 months 4 SAH (ACoA), 3 TR 14 (14) Non-VM-Insula-Amygdala
17 SFG 3:5 42.5 > 6 months TR 11 PFC non-SFG, right Parietal
- Left (8) (9.4) (5) (4) Cortex
18 VM 52.25 12.42 (7) 3 SAH (ACoA), 1 SAH (PCoA), 1 TR, 1 —— ————————————
- Right (4) 3:1 (20) > 3 months CVA, 1 Hematoma subdural
- Left (3) 3:0 46.33
19 - VM (10) 5:5 44.1 > 3 months TR or CVA 20 ————————————
20 - DL (8) 6L/2R 5:3 54.8 > 3 months 5 ICVA, 3 Frontal Excision 18 (10) Temporal lobotomy

Note: dACC = dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. DL = Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. FPC = Frontopolar cortex. OFC = Orbitofrontal cortex. SFG = Superior frontal
gyrus. VM = Ventromedial prefrontal cortex. BA = Brodmann area. p = posterior. m = medial. B = bilateral. L = left, R = right. ACoA A R = Anterior communicating
artery Aneurysm Rupture. AVM = Arteriovenous malformation. HCVA = Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident. ICVA = Ischemic cerebrovascular accident. PCoA =
Posterior communicating artery. pTBI = penetrating Traumatic brain injury. SAH = Subarachnoid hemorrhage. TR = Tumor resection. BDC = Brain-damaged

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

After the descriptive analysis of the articles, an analysis of the Table 4

methodological aspects was conducted. As shown in Table 3, most Results of the studies reviewed.
frequent lesions were in the VM (65%), OFC (25%) and DL (15%). There N Main findings
is only a study with patients with a lesion in FPC (5%) and ACC (5%).
1 VM patients: learning deficits from observed rewards. Experiential learning
Considering all the articles, a sample of 210 patients (141 men and 69 relatively intact (significantly influenced by past rewards).
women) with an average age of 57.66 years was obtained. The most 2 VM patients tend to judge radical behaviors and/or thoughts as more moderate
common etiology was aneurysm damage in the anterior communicating or acceptable than DL. However, they were able to differentiate between
artery, resection of tumors and penetrating traumatic brain injuries. The conservative or liberal statements.
3 VM patients made more rational economic decisions by not being affected by
minimum chronicity is three months in all cases. All except one study correspondence bias.
used control groups with healthy participants. In addition, most studies 4 FPC patients: deficits in the search for alternatives by extrapolating the recent
used a second control group consisting on brain damaged patients. history of rewards.
Based on the results obtained, we can observe three different types of 5 VM patients: do not show recovery of decision-making skills and persistence in
choosing disadvantageous decisions over 6 years.
research lines. The first line is based on studying how prefrontal lesions
6 OFC patients: deficits in making decisions based on the value of the stimuli, but
affect certain components of decision-making. Some authors focus on not between actions.
how this type of patient codifies the value of the different options and dACC patients: deficits in making decisions based on the value of the actions,
how it can influence their subsequent choice, other group of authors but not between stimuli.
prefer to study how decision-making is influenced by social situations 7 pmOFC patients: they did not differentiate motivational salience in working
memory tasks. Unilateral differences: left were insensitive to reinforcement and
and the last group prefer to investigate how emotional deregulation in punishment, but right only insensitive to punishment.
VM patients affects their decision-making. The second line of research is 8 mOFC patients: preference for small and immediate rewards over bigger but
based on how prefrontal patients show their deficits in adequate moral delayed.
reasoning and the last one on working memory deficits. Table 4 presents 9 VM patients chose more utilitarian actions regardless of the kind of dilemma
(direct vs indirect, Self vs Other).
the most important results of each article.
10 mOFC patients: no deficits in basic processes of working memory, but when the
Value Coding is defined as the ability to assign a value to a given task required the integration and coordination of 2 or more of these processes.
stimulus, in order to be able to compare it with other options. If the lOFC patients: no significant deficits were found in working memory measures.
individual is able to integrate the different values of the stimuli in a 11 VM patients made more utilitarian choices in response to high personal moral
common framework, he will be able to choose the option with more conflicts, took less time to approve personal moral violations and did not
generate anticipatory SCRs.
advantages and benefits. This review has identified a total of nine
Responses and speed to low moral conflicts of VM = control.
studies that deal with how patients with prefrontal injuries assign values 12 VM patients showed less guilt but normal envy.
to stimuli for decision-making. Sellitto, Ciaramelli, and di Pellegrino 13 VM patients reduced their acceptance ratio to unfair offers, only when financial
(2010) studied seven patients with a lesion in the mOFC (a region gains were presented as delayed and abstract but not when they were visible
and immediate.
considered part of VM (Zald & Rauch, 2010) and described significant
14 VM patients increased bets regardless of the odds of winning.
deficits in coding intertemporal values, meaning that these patients 15 VM patients: deficits in the avoidance of a new stimulus through learning
show a significant preference for present and immediate stimuli over through punishments, but they could learn the same way through positive
those that are abstract and delayed. Bechara, Tranel, and Damasio reinforcements.
(2000) and Moretti, Dragone, and Di Pellegrino (2009) also found that, 16 VM patients: hyper irrationality, deficits to modulate their emotions by
rejecting unfair offers, although making some profit.
if these patients were presented unfair offers, its acceptance rate were
17 LSFG patients: deficits in 2 aspects of working memory; complexity-oriented
higher when the gains were visible and immediate. Wheeler and Fellows (more deficits when higher) and specific area-oriented (especially in space
(2008) found that the VM is responsible for coding these values learning tasks).
via negative rewards. These patients seem to be unable to learn a 18 Right VM patients: deficits in interpersonal behavior, decision-making and
anticipatory SCR. Showing symptoms of sociopathy acquired. Left VM patients
behavior through positive punishment, despite being able to learn
without these deficits.
through positive reinforcement. In addition, the study of Camille, Tsu­ 19 VM patients: preference of high immediate rewards over small and
chida, and Fellows (2011) concludes that the OFC plays a role critical in advantageous in the long term. They also prefer low and immediate
making decisions based on the value of the stimuli. punishments to those higher but more advantageous in the long term. Their
Kovach et al. (2012) found that decisions of patients with damage in SCRs were normal after receiving reward or punishment. These patients did not
improve throughout the study.
the frontopolar cortex (FPC, BA 10), considered part of the VM, were not
20 DL patients: deficits in the recovery of visuospatial parameters from a
influenced by recent reward history. Furthermore, Koscik and Tranel memorized sequence to use it as a response, limited to the memory of spatial
(2013) described how VM patients tended to show less correspondence and spatio-temporal information.
bias, since they invest proportionately more money when dispositional
Note: dACC = dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. DL = Dorsolateral prefrontal
information rather than situational information was presented. Finally, cortex. FPC = Frontopolar cortex. OFC = Orbitofrontal cortex. SFG = Supeior
the longitudinal study of Waters-Wood, Xiao, Denburg, Hernandez, and frontal gyrus. VM = Ventromedial prefrontal cortex. BA = Brodmann area. p =
Bechara (2012) evaluated VM patients using the Iowa Gambling Task posterior. m = medial. L = lateral. B = bilateral. L = left. R = right. SCR = Skin
and found that these patients made the same mistakes without no visible conductance response.
improvement in their decision-making over 6 years. Also, Bechara et al.
(2000) found that their VM patients did not recover in decision-making observer to overestimate personal factors of the actor and underestimate
tasks. situational factors when explaining a specific behavior (Ross, 1977)
Making decisions in social contexts is based on the ability of the making more rational decisions. Also, Kumaran, Warren, and Tranel
individual to assign values on others and be able to properly behave with (2015) studied VM patients in which they described difficulties in the
respect to others. This paradigm has also been found in five articles process of learning the value of different stimuli in social situations.
addressing this phenomenon. Krajbich et al. (2009) observed that VM Finally, the study by Tranel, Bechara, and Denburg (2002) found that
patients have deficits in social emotions such as guilt but not envy, fa­ patients with a lesion in the right, but not left VM, had frequent and
voring the hypothesis that damage in this area deteriorates a set of profound alterations in social behavior. These patients also had prob­
emotions necessary for social interaction. According to Moretti et al. lems in their personal functioning and social status and none of them
(2009), these patients could have deteriorated their social assessment were able to keep a job after their brain injury.
processes and other mechanisms designed to mediate social interactions Emotional regulation is the third most important component of the
with others. Koscik and Tranel (2013) found that damage in VM areas is decision-making process, and it has been considered in five of the
associated with correspondence bias, understood as the tendency by the

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

articles reviewed. This is defined as the ability of an individual to performance of patients with a resection in the left pmOFC compared to
regulate their emotions and to be able to choose options that, although the condition without incentive.
highly unfair, are actually beneficial to the individual. For instance, Barbey, Koenigs, and Grafman (2011) studying patients injured in
Koenigs and Tranel (2007) presented VM patients a situation with an the medial and lateral part of OFC found that they did not show deficits
unfair treatment for them, favoring other participants but also the pa­ in basic processes of working memory, such as maintenance, manipu­
tient in a less quantity. These patients were unable to modulate their lation or information monitoring. However, only patients injured in the
emotions showing a pattern of hyper irrational behavior by denying the medial part showed lower performance when the task required the
offer. integration and coordination of two or more of these processes. No other
Clark et al. (2008) described a relationship between VM patients and deficits in spatial or verbal reasoning tasks were found. Fig. 3 represents
an increase in gambling behaviors, regardless of the chances of winning. the relationship between the executive functions studied in the reviewed
On the other hand, Krajbich et al. (2009) found that VM patients also articles and the different brain areas with which they have been
showed little sensitivity to blame. They tended to ask for much more associated.
than what they offered to others. However, they showed the same level
of envy às the control group. Tranel et al. (2002) hypothesized that 4. Discussion
patients with right VM lesions have deficits in decision-making, in
addition to impaired anticipatory SCRs compared to an injured group in The present manuscript aimed to perform a systematic review of the
their left counterpart. However, the SCR after punishment and rein­ high impact literature about the importance of the PFC in the correct
forcement were normal in both groups. performance of EF tasks. It was found 20 articles which met the criteria:
As we have stated previously, in addition to the decision-making 13 articles studied its role in decision-making, 3 in moral reasoning and
processes, other articles also study how prefrontal lesions affect moral 4 in working memory. Mainly, the patients had lesions in the VM and
reasoning and working memory. Specifically, we found three articles OFC, although it was also found studies with lesions in the DL and dACC.
that studied the functioning of moral reasoning in PFC patients. Moretto, The vast majority reported a significant relationship between PFC le­
Làdavas, Mattioli, and Di Pellegrino (2010) and Thomas, Croft, and sions and the performance on the EF task, which will now be explained
Tranel (2011) evaluated 7 and 8 VM patients respectively in moral de­ in depth.
cisions. Both found that VM patients chose more utilitarian moral de­
cisions, whether the dilemma had an intense moral conflict or not. In
4.1. Decision-making
addition, Moretto et al. (2010) found that these patients took less time to
approve those personal moral violations and did not generate antici­
Among the different theories that aim to explain deficits in decision-
patory SCRs when reasoning it. However, VM participants’ responses
making, one of the most accepted is the somatic marker hypothesis,
and their speed were the same as the control group when moral conflicts
formulated by Antonio Damasio in the 90s (Damasio, 1996). According
had a low intensity. Cristofori et al. (2015) evaluated 14 VM patients and
to this hypothesis, decisions are made depending on the emotional value
8 DL about their political beliefs and found that VM patients tended to
produced by the different options. Through this emotional mechanism,
judge radical thoughts as more acceptable compared with DL patients
the individual is guided by generating emotional states that inform him
and control group. However, all groups were able to distinguish between
in advance of the possible consequences of an action with uncertain
conservative and liberal political statement.
results. Specifically, the somatic marker refers to these anticipatory
Finally, we found four articles analyzing how prefrontal lesions
emotions being manifested in the form of certain bodily physiological
affect working memory. Both Ferreira et al. (1998) and du Boisguehe­
changes (Contreras, Catena, Cándido, Perales, & Maldonado, 2008;
neuc et al. (2006) found that DL patients had deficits in the recovery of
Tirapu-Ustárroz et al., 2012).
visuospatial parameters of a previously memorized sequence. Szat­
The VM is responsible for decision-making and the capacity to plan
kowska, Szymańska, Marchewka, Soluch, and Rymarczyk (2011)
by integrating emotional, cognitive and sensory information from
described how neither reinforcements nor punishments influenced the
extensive reciprocal connections that provide information from both the

Fig. 3. Relationships between the executive functions and the different brain areas with which they have been associated in the articles studied.

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

internal and external world, allowing an individual to orchestrate a wide maintains that the right VM would be more involved in emotional
range of functions (Stuss & Knight, 2002) and generate the so-called processing and therefore in better decision-making (Tirapu-Ustárroz,
somatic markers (Dunn et al., 2006). Even so, decision-making is not Ríos Lago, & Maestú Unturbe, 2008).
mediated only by this structure, but arises from large-scale systems that The last point concerning decision-making is that two articles with
include both cortical and subcortical structures, such as the amygdala, VM patients showed that they did not improve in these tasks over time.
the insular and somatosensory cortex or the peripheral nervous system According to the literature, these patients persist in making long-term
(Poppa & Bechara, 2018). The OFC would be more involved in the disadvantageous decisions. It also confirms the clinical observations
reinforcement and reward system, as well as in the inhibitory control, that patients with VM damage and deficits in decision-making do not
based on the emotional meaning of the stimuli when choosing an option recover over time, although the recovery of functions is frequently
(Tirapu-Ustárroz et al., 2012). observed in other domains (Xiao et al., 2013). More research is neces­
An important component in decision-making is coding the values of sary in order to provide new strategies of rehabilitation that improve
the options from which an individual can choose. Neuroimaging studies cognitive deficits in these patients.
have proposed the existence of neural networks in the PFC, especially in
the VM, which are responsible for coding the subjective values of 4.2. Moral reasoning
different types of options in decision-making (Levy & Glimcher, 2012).
This is what is called “The Common Currency Model” in which the VM According to Moll (Moll, De Oliveira-Souza, & Eslinger, 2003), moral
calculates the subjective value of each option in an abstract space of judgments or reasoning are a type of evaluation based on the adequacy
values, allowing its comparison with other options and then informs the of one’s own behavior and social ideas of what is right and what is
motor system of the winning option. According to this model, the sen­ wrong. There are two different types of moral judgments: utilitarian
sory signals are contextualized by motivational and cognitive signals by moral judgments, based on the reasoning of the consequences of a fact,
a variety of brain regions, to then be passed onto the VM, where these which consists in carrying out a very emotionally aversive action in
different attributes are transformed into an “abstract common currency favor of the common good; and non-utilitarian moral judgments, which
value” (Dixon, Thiruchselvam, Todd, & Christoff, 2017). The studies by are based on emotional experience (Tirapu-Ustárroz et al., 2012). Ac­
Bechara et al. (2000), Moretti et al. (2009) and Sellitto et al. (2010) cording to the literature, utilitarian judgments would arise from cogni­
defend the hypothesis that this area is crucial to form vivid represen­ tive mechanisms based on the DL, while non-utilitarian judgments come
tations of future rewards (and goals), capable of competing with im­ from more emotional mechanisms that depend on the VM. Therefore, in
mediate rewards through top-down signals, promoting resistance to order to perform a moral judgment, there is a competition between
immediate gratification and favoring long-term advantageous re­ cognitive and emotional mechanisms, in what is called the double pro­
sponses. The VM is also responsible for coding these values through cess hypothesis (Greene, Nystrom, Engell, Darley, & Cohen, 2004).
learning by punishment, since these patients can only learn through The tendency of VM patients to make utilitarian moral judgments is
positive reinforcements. The FPC would be responsible for coding the explained in the literature. When this area is injured, the responsibility
value of the reward history trends that are relevant for future decision- for reasoning is transferred to the cognitive and rational mechanisms of
making. It is also highlighted that the OFC is essential to make decisions DL, favoring more pragmatic responses. So, in situations that require a
based on the value of the stimulus and not based on the value of the high degree of emotional involvement, these types of patients tend to
action. detach themselves from the situation to favor more utilitarian choices.
Concerning decision-making and emotional regulation, it can be These results support the hypothesis that the VM is a necessary region
observed general deficits in the production of somatic markers that for the normal generation of emotions and moral judgments. Never­
represent a body change in emotional state, regardless if it has positive theless, no article was found that met the criteria and studied DL patients
or negative valence. Therefore, the deep deficits in decision-making of in these moral judgments, so this review cannot support the double
these patients can result from problems with regulating their emotions dissociation of functions in the double process hypothesis.
and can explain their inability to integrate the information received by According to Moll’s moral sensitivity hypothesis (Moll, De Oliveira-
somatic markers in the VM, preventing the anticipation of future Souza, Bramati, & Grafman, 2013), decisions in moral and social di­
negative consequences. Koenigs and Tranel (2007) propose that the VM lemmas arise from the proper functioning of neuronal circuits respon­
is a necessary area for the normal regulation of emotions, since its sible for cognitive and emotional processes. VM damage would produce
damage can produce a pattern of hyper irrationality where an individual deficits in the integration of moral knowledge with emotions, which
is unable to control emotional impulses, rejecting unfair offers but ad­ determines the reinforcing value of specific behavioral actions, favoring
vantageous for the individual. Nevertheless, according to Moretti et al. utilitarian responses as observed in this review. This fact may explain
(2009), this can be avoided by presenting the benefits in the immediate why in the article by Cristofori et al. (2015) these patients tend to show
context (rather than delayed benefits or gratification). Krajbich et al. little or no inhibition, nor respect for social norms, since they perceive
(2009) also proposes that the VM would be responsible for regulating this type of extreme behavior as normal (Fumagalli & Priori, 2012).
particular emotions, since these patients are able to show social emo­ According to the literature, the reason for these disruptive behaviors is
tions such as envy. due to failure to anticipate the emotional or moral implications of their
It is necessary to highlight the study of Tranel et al. (2002), which acts and/or beliefs (Tirapu-Ustárroz et al., 2012), a function that resides
lateralization of emotional behavior, decision-making and personality in the VM.
changes after unilateral lesions in the VM are studied. Although PFC
functions are not as clearly lateralized as motor, somatosensory or lan­ 4.3. Working memory
guage functions, there is preliminary evidence which suggests that
unilateral VM lesions may have different effects depending on the Working memory is considered a brain system where information is
hemisphere involved (Schneider & Koenigs, 2017). In the article temporarily stored to perform complex cognitive functions through
reviewed, even with a very small sample (3 Left/ 4 Right) it can be seen manipulation and subsequent recovery (Funahashi, 2017). The defini­
that patients with right VM injuries had problems when maintaining a tion evolves from the concept of short-term memory of Atkinson and
job, poor performance in the decision-making test and deficits in the Schiffrin, which is distinguished from the working memory in its ability
anticipatory responses of SCR (according to the somatic marker hy­ to manipulate stored information. This type of system can be subdivided
pothesis, just the opposite of patients with lesions in left VM). Although into four subcomponents: the central executive system (CES) that su­
it is not intended to devalue the contribution that the left VM makes to pervises and coordinates subordinate subsystems such as: the visuo­
these functions, this information is consistent with the literature, which spatial agenda, which allows visual images to be manipulated

R.-G. José et al. Brain and Cognition 146 (2020) 105633

(visuospatial information); the phonological or articulatory loop, which relationship with PFC lesions. Research of PFC patients focuses on le­
stores and reviews the information based on language (phonological- sions in the VM and its consequent deficits in decision-making. The most
verbal information) (Junqué & Barroso, 2007) and the episodic buffer affected cognitive aspects within this area are value codification of the
(Baddeley, 2000), which temporarily manages the information of the stimuli, decision-making in social contexts and their subsequent
different systems so that it can be integrated into long-term memory, emotional regulation. The somatic marker hypothesis proposes a theo­
although some authors point out that it is not located in a specific area of retical basis by which patients are unable to integrate these markers into
the brain (Tirapu-Ustárroz & Muñoz-Céspedes, 2005). The literature the VM. The importance of this area for the correct moral reasoning has
postulates that the participation of the PFC is greater when the infor­ also been stressed since these patients tend to transgress social norms
mation required exceeds the capacity of working memory and when it is due to their inability to anticipate negative future consequences through
necessary to control distractions that may interfere with the relevant the early reproduction of said somatic markers which provide them with
information in which they are working (Arnedo, Bembibre, & Triviño, such information. Lastly, this systematic review has provided an over­
2017) view of the current knowledge on the working memory cognitive pro­
In the n-back task, which mainly measures the maintenance and cess, offering an integrative view about the neural structures involved in
updating of information, dependent on the CES (Tirapu-Ustárroz & it (for instance, the DL has a strong influence on complex and visuo­
Muñoz-Céspedes, 2005), it can be observed that mOFC is responsible for spatial tasks, while the left VM would be more involved in the integra­
the integration and coordination of 2 or more processes and neither this tion of motivational salience for the correct performance of the task).
area nor the lOFC are responsible for basic working memory processes This review could bring light to some discrepancies about the termi­
such as maintenance, manipulation or monitoring of information inde­ nology and definitions employed historically about working memory
pendently. The left part of SFG is also required for these complex tasks, and EF and could help achieve a consensus in the field.
especially in tasks associated with the visuospatial agenda, above the
manipulation of information about faces or letters. The SFG is part of DL, Declaration of Competing Interest
which also highlights its role in the visuospatial agenda, by participating
in the maintenance and manipulation of that information for later use. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
These results support the role of the visuospatial agenda as a component interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
of working memory and its dysfunction due to DL lesions. the work reported in this paper.
Finally, it is highlighted the influence of pmOFC on the motivational
salience that modulates the performance of working memory. Patients Acknowledgment
injured in the left part of this area were unable to differentiate between
reinforcement, punishment or non-incentive conditions, but paradoxi­ This work has not been funded, neither the authors have any conflict
cally, the performance of the right part was increased in the condition of of interest to disclosure.
punishment, with respect to the condition without incentive. Hence, this
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