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Bernales, Jan Lianne E.

PHI 104 Logic and Critical Thinking

BSN III-B Activity 2 in Finals

I specifically chose this social issue because it’s relevant in our society today, before the
pandemic, teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage and is often
associated with a social stigma. Adolescent pregnancies are a global problem but occur most often in
poorer and marginalized communities. Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to
make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being. Many girls face considerable
pressure to marry early and become mothers while they are still a child. This type of problem is one of
the leading causes of over population, which leads to a lot of homeless, jobless and people who just are
not stable yet has their own family to feed. As a teenager myself, a person who’s in the medical field a
girl who’s been raised in a broken family setting, my eyes were opened on how a difficult a parent can
be. The struggles of staying up at night still working on proposals to have a promotion and to provide
everything that their children would need. The tears of the loving parents who is seeking for help in
paying medical bills, loved ones who does not eat nor rest working with every ounce of energy they
have in their body. I may not be a parent but I know how much parents would sacrifice everything just
to give their children all the best things in life.

How can a child be a parent to a newborn baby if one needs parenting herself? Along with the
articles that will appear if one search for the topic of teenage pregnancy, there are a lot of factors why it
keeps on increasing especially this year where people are forced into lockdown that leads into an
increase in risk of sexual violence and exploitation. Which made daughters unsafe even in their own
homes, because of inappropriate sexual behavior displayed by their own relatives. although almost all
single mothers face major challenges in raising their children alone, teen mothers are especially
disadvantaged. They are more likely to have dropped out of school and are less likely to be able to
support themselves. Only one out of every five teen mothers receive any support from their child’s
father, and about 80 percent end up on welfare. Once on welfare, they are likely to remain there for a
long time. In fact, half of all current welfare recipients had their first child as a teenager. One of the
major factors is Lack of Education, in the aspect of general and for more specifically about sexual and
reproductive health. The lack of information is what brings all of these young beautiful girls to harm and
danger. As Filipinos we are taught to always obey and respect our elder despite of the fact that they are
harassing and degrading us in so many levels. It is not the fault of their parents alone but it is also
because of our failed system that we tend to overlook the possible causes of why so many teenagers are
normalizing pregnancy like it’s the most easy and simple thing to do. Some relies on their child with the
hopes of bringing them a solution to their problems.

In conclusion, we possess the solution to this problem and the whole world knows how much big
of a problem this is. It adds up to the pollution, it destroys nature that we have to keep on building
houses, and structural buildings to cope with so many people being jobless and homeless. And it keeps
on growing until we are fully consumed by our own problems because we choose to neglect them.
Pregnant girls often drop out of school, limiting opportunities for future employment and perpetuating
the cycle of poverty. In many cases, girls perceive pregnancy to be a better option than continuing their
education. May the governments to strengthen national health systems, implement comprehensive
education on sexuality and relationships in and out of schools, and provide affordable, safe
contraception to tackle the root causes of adolescent pregnancy. I wish that the governments do more to
support pregnant girls and young mothers to continue and complete their education.

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