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Lecture 4:

Selection Statements

November 3, 2021 Prof. Abdelaziz Khamis 1

Lecture 4 Topics
 Control Structures
 Relational Operators
 Comparing string Types
 Logical (Boolean) Operators
 Precedence of Operators
 Logical (Boolean) Expressions
 One-Way (if) Selection
 Two-Way (if…else) Selection
 Compound (Block of) Statement
 Multiple Selections: Nested if
 Conditional Operator (?:)
 switch Structures
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Control Structures
 A computer can proceed in: sequence, selection (making a
choice), or repetition (looping)

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Control Structures (Continued)
 In selection and repetition structures, some statements
are executed only if certain conditions are met.
 A condition is represented by a logical expression that
can be true or false.
 A condition is met if it evaluates to true.
 true and false are logical (Boolean) values.
 Any nonzero value is treated as true.

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Relational Operators
 C++ includes six relational operators that allow you to
state conditions and make comparisons.

 Each of the relational operators is a binary operator; that

is, it requires two operands.
 The result of a comparison is true or false.

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Relational Operators (Continued)
 Relational Operators and Simple Data Types:
 You can use the relational operators with all the simple data
types: integers, real numbers, and characters.
 Comparing integers and real numbers:

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Relational Operators (Continued)
 Relational Operators and Simple Data Types:

 Comparing characters:

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Relational Operators (Continued)
 Relational Operators and the string Type:
 Relational operators can be applied to strings.
 Strings are compared character by character, starting with
the first character.
 Comparison continues until either a mismatch is found or all
characters are found equal.
 If two strings of different lengths are compared and the
comparison is equal to the last character of the shorter
string, the shorter string is less than the larger string.

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Relational Operators (Continued)
 Relational Operators and the string Type:
 An example: suppose we have the following declarations:
string str1 = "Hello";
string str2 = "Hi";
string str3 = "Air";
string str4 = "Bill";

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Logical (Boolean) Operators
 Logical (Boolean) operators enable you to combine
logical expressions.
 C++ has three logical (Boolean) operators:
 ! – not
 && – and
 || – or
 ! is unary; && and || are binary operators
 Putting ! in front of a logical expression reverses its value
 Exp1 || Exp2 is true if and only if at least one of the
operands, Exp1 or Exp2, is true
 Exp1 && Exp2 is true if and only if both the operands,
Exp1 and Exp2, are true
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Precedence of Operators
 Relational and logical operators are evaluated from left to
right. Parentheses can override precedence

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Logical (Boolean) Expressions
 Recent versions of C++ contain a built-in data type, bool,
that has the logical (Boolean) values true and false.
 bool, true, and false are reserved words
 The identifier true has the value 1
 The identifier false has the value 0
 An example:
Consider the declaration:
bool legalAge;
int age;
The statement:
legalAge = (age >= 21);
assigns the value true to legalAge if the value of age is
greater than or equal to 21. Otherwise, assigns the value
false to legalAge.
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Logical (Boolean) Expressions (Continued)
 The following expression:
0 <= num <= 10
always evaluates true because 0 <= num evaluates to either
0 or 1, and 0 <= 10 is true and 1 <= 10 is true
 The correct way to write this expression is:
0 <= num && num <= 10

 Short-circuit evaluation: evaluation of a logical expression

stops as soon as the value of the expression is known.
 An Example:
(age >= 21) || ( x == 5)
(grade == ‘A’) && (x >= 7)
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One-Way (if) Selection
 The syntax of one-way selection is:
if (expression)

 if is a reserved word
 expression is usually a logical expression
 statement is any C++ statement
 statement is executed if the value of expression is true
 statement is bypassed if the value of expression is false;
program goes to the next statement

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One-Way (if) Selection (Continued)
 Example
int main()
int score;
string grade = "Fail";
cin >> score;
if (score >= 60)
grade = "Pass";
cout << grade;
return 0;

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Two-Way (if…else) Selection
 The syntax of two-way selection is:
if (expression)
 else is a reserved word
 statement1 and statement2 are any C++ statements.
 If expression is true, statement1 is executed; otherwise
statement2 is executed.

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Two-Way (if…else) Selection (Continued)
 Example
int main()
int score;
string grade;
cin >> score;
if (score >= 60)
grade = "Pass";
grade = "Fail";
cout << grade;
return 0;
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Compound (Block of) Statement
 A compound statement takes the following form:
 A compound statement is a single statement.
 Compound statements are used to execute more than
one statement if the expression in an if or if. . .else
statement evaluates to true.
 Compound statements are used to execute more than
one statement if the expression in an if. . .else statement
evaluates to false.
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Compound (Block of) Statement
 Example
int main()
int score;
string grade;
cin >> score;
if (score >= 60)
{grade = "Pass"; cout << grade;}
{ grade = "Fail"; cout << grade;}
return 0;

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Multiple Selections: Nested if
 Nesting: one control statement in another.
 An else is associated with the most recent if that has not
been paired with an else.
 For example:
if (score >= 90)
cout << "The grade is A“ << endl;
else if (score >= 80)
cout << "The grade is B“ << endl;
else if (score >= 70)
cout << "The grade is C“ << endl;
cout << "The grade is F“ << endl;

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Conditional Operator (?:)
 Conditional operator (?:) takes three arguments (ternary)
 Syntax for using the conditional operator:
expression1 ? expression2 : expression3

If expression1 is true, the result of the conditional expression

is expression2. Otherwise, the result is expression3
 Consider the following statement:
if (a >= b)
max = a;
max = b;
You can use the conditional operator to simplify this statement
as follows:
max = (a >= b) ? a : b;

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Programming Example
 A program that calculates a customer’s bill for a local
cable company. There are two types of customers:
residential and business. There are two rates for
calculating a cable bill: one for residential customers and
one for business customers.
 For residential customers, the following rates apply:
 Bill processing fee: $4.50
 Basic service fee: $20.50
 Premium channels: $7.50 per channel
 For business customers, the following rates apply:
 Bill processing fee: $15.00
 Basic service fee: $75.00 for first 10 connections, $5.00 for
each additional connection
 Premium channels: $50.00 per channel

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Programming Example (Continued)
 The program should ask the user for an account number
(an integer) and a customer code. Assume that R or r
stands for a residential customer, and B or b stands for a
business customer.
 Problem Analysis:
 Input: int accountNumber;
char customerType;
int numOfPremChannels;
int numOfBasicServConn;
 Output: double amountDue;
 Named Constants:
const double RES_BILL_PROC_FEES = 4.50;
const double RES_BASIC_SERV_COST = 20.50;
const double RES_COST_PREM_CHANNEL = 7.50;

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Programming Example (Continued)
 Named Constants: (continued)
const double BUS_BILL_PROC_FEES = 15.00;
const double BUS_BASIC_SERV_COST = 75.00;
const double BUS_BASIC_CONN_COST = 5.00;
const double BUS_COST_PREM_CHANNEL = 50.00;
 Formulas:
For a residential customer:
+ numOfPremChannels * RES_COST_PREM_CHANNEL;
For a business customer:
if (numOfBasicServConn <= 10)
+ numOfPremChannels * BUS_COST_PREM_CHANNEL;
+ (numOfBasicServConn – 10) * BUS_BASIC_CONN_COST
+ numOfPremChannels * BUS_COST_PREM_CHANNEL;

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Programming Example (Continued)
 Algorithm Design:
1. Prompt the user for the account number and customer type.
2. If the customer type is R or r,
i. Prompt the user for the number of premium channels.
ii. Compute the bill.
iii. Print the bill.
3. If the customer type is B or b,
i. Prompt the user for the number of basic service connections
and number of premium channels.
ii. Compute the bill.
iii. Print the bill.

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