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The Sisters , Darcy and Lizz

Darcy and Lizz were sisters, they lived together, although they were far from their

family, because one day they decided to go live in the forest, to live the experience

and become a little more independent, but although they were far from home they

used to visit their parents every weekend and important dates such as birthdays or


Before they went to live in the forest, their father gave them a horse, so that they

could enjoy nature even more, a horse that together they decided to name Diamond,

because for them it was a very valuable gift, since they know and are aware of the

effort and sacrifice that the father made to be able to give them away.

One day Lizz went out for a ride with the horse and they took the opportunity to look

for some apples, as they are Darcy's favorites, but what was her surprise when they

reached the apple trees, they were all bitten, but they were very tiny bites, They

were very surprised because there had never been anything like this, so Lizz decided

to inspect the place, although it was a little scary, because she did not know what the

animal was or if it was dangerous or not, when moving a few branches of a tree A

cute rabbit fell to the floor, realizing quickly he ran to see if he was okay, but

unfortunately he had broken his leg, without thinking he immediately got on the horse
along with the rabbit to take him home and help him, Darcy realizing what happened

He helped his sister to heal the cute rabbit, who later they decided to keep him and

named him Bingo, Bingo really liked to take the sunset with Diamante, it was very nice

to see them together, but well that's how Liz was arrived home without apples, but

with a new friend.

But the stories of these sisters do not end there, there is still more...

Once Darcy's friends invited them to a small holiday at Rodrigo's mansion, so they gave

them a map to get to the place, for them it was a bit difficult because they were

very used to using the cell phone as a GPS, but they did manage arrive, a little late

but they arrived, so they practically sat down and their friends served them dinner, it

was a nice moment to be with their friends after a long time, they sang and danced

all night, but yes, the laughter never they were missing.

There are still more stories to tell, but it will be another time.

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