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Once upon a time there was a forest with many animals in a town called
Arkadia, all very happy to live in that wonderful town except a panda that was
very ugly. They criticized him for being the ugliest in the forest, that he was
always sad because of all the teasing they said to him, they never let him play
with others or hang out with them since he was little, he was abandoned by his
parents for this very reason and never He met them, he had to learn to live on
his own, it was so bad that he lived on the outskirts of town. Although he
didn't care what was said since he had gotten used to it since he was very
young, he always wanted to be treated better even though he knew that this
was not possible. What mattered and feared him the most was that deep in
the forest lived a great dark dragon that was capable of eating any animal that
got in its way and slept near its territory, although it always had somewhere to
walk to avoid problems. She didn't want to run into him.

Unfortunately one day the panda got distracted and walked near where the
dragon lived as he was looking for food to make a fruit soup his favorite food
while making it he ran into the dragon and was too scared not to understand
how come He ran into it and he was already too nervous to be eaten, the
dragon was too big and roared with all his might which scared panda even
more after he realized that the dragon didn't want to do anything to him so he
asked him if he wanted to eat it so the dragon replied ''I don't eat meat'' upon
hearing this the panda was quite surprised, he supposed that people should
not always be judged by their appearance, the more relaxed panda asked him
about a rumor they said about the dragon' 'Is it true that you can fulfill
wishes?'' The dragon said yes since it was magical and had great power but his
wishes only lasted one day to which he told him what his wish was, the panda
asked him to do it the animal m The most handsome of the entire forest, the
dragon did not want to fulfill this wish since he knew what it meant to be
judged by your appearance, but to teach the panda a lesson, he decided to do
it with one condition: becoming friends, the panda of course accepted, so the
dragon pronounced a spell and instantly the panda became very beautiful he
looked at himself in the water and appreciated his beauty and ran quickly to
the town where all the animals failed to recognize him and they quickly invited
him in everyone adored them gave him gifts and gave him a big house In the
town, the biggest one that was there, the panda, blinded by its beauty,
accepted everything without problem. still 12 hours for finish the wish end but
panda no longer remembered that condition because he was enjoying the
privileges of being beautiful and he had everyone in town talking to him in his
big house everyone liked panda and they considered him a great friend in At
that moment, a squirrel from the town spoke to him about that panda that
lived outside. He called it the ugliest in the world. Some could not even see it
according to the panda, knowing that they were talking about him, he
preferred to ignore them and enjoy what he was living, wishing that

it will last forever everyone left since it was late and panda went to sleep when
he woke up and saw himself in the mirror he remembered that the spell was
gone and he was the same as always he didn't know what to do he was afraid
of being accused of being a hasty liar He tried to leave the town without
anyone seeing him, although this did not work out since his colors were easy to
see, the whole town approached him and asked why he was there if he knew
he could not enter, they all yelled that they wanted him out. the beautiful
panda was not at home and they accused the panda of having done something
to him, to which he told them everything that happened with the dragon and
who he really was

All the people were sorry since the night before they had fallen, they also
apologized to panda for having judged him and they accepted him in the town
even with his appearance since they realized that this did not matter, so the
dragon also became friends with everyone and everyone was happy in a great
festival of the town.

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