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First reading: Isaiah 45:1,4-6

Secong reading: 1 Thes 1:1-5

Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21

What word or passage in the reading strikes you the most?

1. The word that passage in the reading and strike me the
most in Isaiah 45:1,4-6 and Matthew 22:15-21 is God promises
comes true. One of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible
is when the Lord revealed to the prophet Isaiah that a “King
Cyrus” was chosen by God to free the Jews from exile.

How this word or passage is related to your life?

2. The word or passage is related in my life is we need to
believe in God and in his promises. Because God’s promises
never failed.

What is your realization?

3. I realize that God promises comes true. And what shall we
ask in God if we believe, God will do his promises that he will
give what every need, we ask or pray.

What will you do to materialize your realization?

4. I will tell other people that they need to believe in God’s

Second reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5

What word or passage in the reading strikes you the most?

1. The word or passage in the reading that strikes me the
most in 1 Thessalonians 1:1-599888889+ is God through his
gospel came in us not only his word but also in power, and in
the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance.

How this word or passage is related to your life?

2. The word or passage that I can relate in my life that we
need to believe in God, and his Word, in his Power because
they have assurance in God.

What is your realization?

3. I realize that God’s word is powerful and God gives us
assurance and that is a Eternal Life.

What will you do to materialize your realization?

4. I will tell other people that only God’s Word can give them
an assurance. And by his word that powerful gives them a
salvation and eternal life.

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